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If we go 13-0 with an SEC championship then its very likely we play for the Title game. I think we clearly play a tougher schedule now then we did back in 2004 and a 13-0 record should jump us over TCU and Boise State.

If you disagree then remember that even as Boise keeps winning they have been losing first place votes in the coaches poll. Add to that the fact that the computers rankings of the BCS formula would punish them for their lack of SoS. Unless every other BCS team in the nation has 1-2 losses then I don't see either Boise or TCU playing for the title game.

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Guys I have doubts about the pathetic biased pollsters just like everyone else. However if an SEC team runs the table there is noway they are left out of the BCS MNC game again. Not even the yankee media denies the SEC's greatness these days.

I believe this too, but there may be some fatigue from the voters to vote another SEC team in.

I feel like that too. If you read on other sites such as bleacher report you'll find out most other fans hate the SEC. I feel we could BSU and TCU but I don't think if a combo of OSU, Oregon, and/or Big 12 winner are undefeated that we get in...

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I know it won't happen but if we did run the table, and win the SECCG and got left out again of the title game, I say refuse to play the bowl game and protest it.

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Guys I have doubts about the pathetic biased pollsters just like everyone else. However if an SEC team runs the table there is noway they are left out of the BCS MNC game again. Not even the yankee media denies the SEC's greatness these days.

I believe this too, but there may be some fatigue from the voters to vote another SEC team in.

I feel like that too. If you read on other sites such as bleacher report you'll find out most other fans hate the SEC. I feel we could BSU and TCU but I don't think if a combo of OSU, Oregon, and/or Big 12 winner are undefeated that we get in...

Guys I totally agree that the rest of the country might be tired of the SEC's dominance. However, I just don't see any excuse they could make to keep an undefeated SEC team out of it this time. None of those lame excuses they used on us in '04 apply today and the SEC just has a lot more street cred now than it did in '04.
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Come on guys...don't be ridiculous...i know auburn fans have the "sky is falling mentality", but if we win out, the rankings will take care of itself.  We'd jump everyone if we go 12-0.

Where were you in '04.  Saying that the rankings will take care of themselves is an oxymoron.  One would think that a 12-0 SEC teams would get in, but the reality of it is most people outside of the SEC are tired of seeing the SEC team win it.  So if they ever get a chance to leave us out they will.  I just hope that Auburn is not the one.

That will NEVER happen to Auburn again! (one game at a time though)

SEE    2004    and    1993    and    1983

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Mark May ranked Auburn #5 on college football final. I wouldn't even have auburn ranked that high. Your thoughts??

My thoughts are that we are not playing top 5 or even top 10 defense or special teams right now. Nothing near championship caliber. But.... doesn't mean we can't win every game we play.

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Come on guys...don't be ridiculous...i know auburn fans have the "sky is falling mentality", but if we win out, the rankings will take care of itself.  We'd jump everyone if we go 12-0.

Where were you in '04.  Saying that the rankings will take care of themselves is an oxymoron.  One would think that a 12-0 SEC teams would get in, but the reality of it is most people outside of the SEC are tired of seeing the SEC team win it.  So if they ever get a chance to leave us out they will.  I just hope that Auburn is not the one.

You've just hinted at why an undefeated SEC will NOT get let out.  That reason is that the SEC has won 4 National Championships in a row.  That kind of dominance by one conference is unprecedented, and the respect it brings is a very important factor.  If the SEC had won 4 straight championships leading up to 2004, we would not have been left out of the championship game that year. 

I know that people are still snake-bitten from 2004, but you have to consider things logically, rather than allowing yourself to lapse into theories about "people conspiring against us."  There are still 6 SEC teams ranked in the top 25, which shows that the conference is still getting respect.  Out of the top ranked teams in the SEC, we've already beaten USCe, and we will play Arky, LSU, and UAT before the end of the year. 

This means that IF we were to win out, we'll have beaten ALL of those teams, all of which will be ranked top 10-15 when we play them.  We'll also have beaten either USCe or Florida (probably USCe for the second time) in the SEC Championship game.  That's one heck of a resume.  Those types of wins will put us on an entirely different level in terms of national exposure, media attention, and strength-of-schedule (which counts for a great deal in the computer rankings). 

I'm not saying all of this will happen in terms of us winning out.  Heck, I just laid out how difficult it will really be.  On the other hand, if it DOES happen, we'll get in.  :wareagle:

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Come on guys...don't be ridiculous...i know auburn fans have the "sky is falling mentality", but if we win out, the rankings will take care of itself.  We'd jump everyone if we go 12-0.

Where were you in '04.  Saying that the rankings will take care of themselves is an oxymoron.  One would think that a 12-0 SEC teams would get in, but the reality of it is most people outside of the SEC are tired of seeing the SEC team win it.  So if they ever get a chance to leave us out they will.  I just hope that Auburn is not the one.

You've just hinted at why an undefeated SEC will NOT get let out.  That reason is that the SEC has won 4 National Championships in a row.  That kind of dominance by one conference is unprecedented, and the respect it brings is a very important factor.  If the SEC had won 4 straight championships leading up to 2004, we would not have been left out of the championship game that year. 

I know that people are still snake-bitten from 2004, but you have to consider things logically, rather than allowing yourself to lapse into theories about "people conspiring against us."  There are still 6 SEC teams ranked in the top 25, which shows that the conference is still getting respect.  Out of the top ranked teams in the SEC, we've already beaten USCe, and we will play Arky, LSU, and UAT before the end of the year. 

This means that IF we were to win out, we'll have beaten ALL of those teams, all of which will be ranked top 10-15 when we play them.  We'll also have beaten either USCe or Florida (probably USCe for the second time) in the SEC Championship game.  That's one heck of a resume.  Those types of wins will put us on an entirely different level in terms of national exposure, media attention, and strength-of-schedule (which counts for a great deal in the computer rankings). 

I'm not saying all of this will happen in terms of us winning out.  Heck, I just laid out how difficult it will really be.  On the other hand, if it DOES happen, we'll get in.   :wareagle:

Not to mention, most of the nation believes the SEC is down this year. I think that will work against us if we win out and we need to jump someone in the polls.  I live in Indiana, and thats all I hear is how the SEC is down.

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Mark May ranked Auburn #5 on college football final. I wouldn't even have auburn ranked that high. Your thoughts??

We are better than OH ST, Boise, TCU, and OK IMO. Only Oregon and Nebraska look unbeatable at this point. I would rank us #1 until we lose.  :)

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I am not going to waste too much emotional energy on this topic for at least another two weeks.  If AU wins the next two weeks, it becomes an interesting subject IMO. 

^^^ THIS^^^
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