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you know it's a good day.....

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2 annoying huge Bama fans who I go to Church with was at Church today. I didnt say anything to either one of them because I wanted to show class. One when he seen me said well we still have 13 and the other said well we are still goin to beat Auburn.I just laughed and went on. Man its driving them crazy

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Yep, I love leaving the house and seeing more Auburn flags on cars than I do Bammer flags.

However, I was told today that the only person that we have that would start on Bama is Cam. Everyone else we have is 2nd or 3rd string material. :laugh:

They're still holding strong to that one-man show idea. LOL

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Yep, I love leaving the house and seeing more Auburn flags on cars than I do Bammer flags.

However, I was told today that the only person that we have that would start on Bama is Cam. Everyone else we have is 2nd or 3rd string material. :laugh:

They're still holding strong to that one-man show idea. LOL

Well, that says even more now doesn't it? Auburn was able to beat LSWho with just one man. Bammer couldn't beat them with an entire team of amazing athletes.  ;)

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Yep, I love leaving the house and seeing more Auburn flags on cars than I do Bammer flags.

However, I was told today that the only person that we have that would start on Bama is Cam. Everyone else we have is 2nd or 3rd string material. :laugh:

They're still holding strong to that one-man show idea. LOL

They're there, just look lower. They are all at half mast.

So, if they lose to Auburn what does that say for their coach?

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When bama fans are all counting previous national championships and talking about "the bahr." I didn't think this day would come so soon. WDE!

Where is this happening?  I want to enjoy it too......

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Pulled this off a turd site.  I guess their crimson glasses got smashed off Sat night.

As for Auburn, most Alabama fans don’t want to think about that one right now. It’s not just the specter of Cam Newton, assuming something else doesn’t come out regarding his eligibility between now and Nov. 26. It’s also the thought of having to face DT Nick Fairley with an offensive line that suddenly can’t block. Point blank, if Newton is still with the team and Alabama doesn't improve significantly between now and then, Alabama will lose to Auburn by 20 points.

Nick Fairly scares me as much as Cam Newton right now.

But you said yourself that our youth shows up more on the road, and I think you're right. I'm trying not let the loss affect me too much, but a 20 point loss to API could lead to some therapy sessions. Thankfully, we get them at home. Even during the depths of Wingnuts' finger waving, they never beat us like that...

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The downside to Bama losing to LSU, and it gets worse if they drop the game against MSU (which I believe is quite possible), beating AU and potentially keeping us out of the BCS NC game becomes their whole season.  Despite their two losses, they are still a very good and dangerous football team.

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