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Was Saban bashing Tide fans AGAIN?


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I had ESPN on TV when I fell asleep last night.  I semi-woke up a little later, and College Football Final was on.  Was I dreaming, or did Nick Saban say something on tape that sounded as though he was again bashing Alabama fans? 

I think it was something like the fans had expectations that were too high, and the players believed it.  Somehow, it sounded like their losses were somehow the fans fault.....like after their losss to Utah in the Sugar Bowl a couple of seasons ago.  I haven't been able to find anything about it online.  Did anyone see that?  If so, can you fill me in on what he was talking about?

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I had ESPN on TV when I fell asleep last night.  I semi-woke up a little later, and College Football Final was on.  Was I dreaming, or did Nick Saban say something on tape that sounded as though he was again bashing Alabama fans? 

I think it was something like the fans had expectations that were too high, and the players believed it.  Somehow, it sounded like their losses were somehow the fans fault.....like after their losss to Utah in the Sugar Bowl a couple of seasons ago.  I haven't been able to find anything about it online.  Did anyone see that?  If so, can you fill me in on what he was talking about?

I think he did say something to that effect.  I looked for a link to his press conference but couldn't find it. 

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didnt hear it i was focused on the uga game already

his words were (paraphrased):  everyone has been comparing this team to 2009 and the team bought into it and you can see the result.  my goal is to see that this team plays to a high standard and to its potential and they are not.

The tone was" See..I told you so"  The look on his face:  priceless!


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He did say that he thought the fans expectations had the team hyped up on themselves to the point that all they had to do was show up and they'd win. That no one could beat the reigning national champs.(paraphrasing)

Stupid mullets, you caused my team to lose. :beatmullet: :beatmullet: :beatmullet:

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tigresspen, i took it that he was bashing the fans again and maybe the media as well. he said "the people around this program are too interested in the results and not  the process". that is not an excact quote but close. that dumbas was hired for results tidenecks dont care for the process.

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Please pardon me for putting filth on AE but if you want to hear what weeman said here it is.  It takes a little while to load. 


I have new found respect for him...................................... He doesn't like bammers either. :laugh:

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Shouldn't this be in the "general" board as it has NOTHING to do with AU.

My bad.  I usually check those things first.  It is in College Football now.  Thanks for the heads up. 

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tigresspen, i took it that he was bashing the fans again and maybe the media as well. he said "the people around this program are too interested in the results and not  the process". that is not an excact quote but close. that dumbas was hired for results tidenecks dont care for the process.

He did/will continue to, blame everyone but himself.  No way that loss was due to the players not being coached properly, or the coaches not having the team in the right mindset.

   The way I see it, it is part of his job to make sure "everybody else" doesn't have them thinking they are better than they are.  As much as he will try to deflect responsibility for their losses, it is ultimately his responsibility (though he will never take it.)

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At one point, he actually said the coaches should have been in a different formation in anticipation of the fake, but he just had to add that if the players had done what they were supposed to do it wouldn't be an issue.

He spent 10 minutes throwing his players under the bus.   Except for the parts that he took jabs at the fanbase.

I love that the video plays slow, almost frame by frame, it made for some great facial expressions    :yay:

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I have never heard him blame himself.  "It all starts at the top."  You hear that all the time from honest coaches.  But not Lil' Nicky  :devil:.  He truly is a ego-maniac, who views himself as a God.

He got out coached by the Mad Hatter, and it was obvious that he was embarrassed to admit it.

I watched the post game interview like 3 times, it was beautiful.  I love me some Bammer meltdown!



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I still remember the first time saw him on tv. It was his post game show at lsu. They lost to Auburn, 2000 or 2002  :dunno:  Anyway, he got all the corndogs POed at Auburn for beating them so bad. Not that they/he lost but at Auburn, talk about your spin doctor. He should be in politics.

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