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Calloway update


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You act like an 18 year old kid is helpless and can't make any decision's by themselves. Most 18 year olds i knew that joined the military or joined a college picked it themselves. They even picked their own major. I joined the military out of highschool and it was the best decision i've ever made. Plenty of kids regreat going to college and flunk out or whatever. Kids that can't hack it in the military get out just like kids in college get out. I know plenty of kids that despise their parents for shoving school down their throat. I know plenty of 30 year old people that can't make a good decision.

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I was a high school principal for 10-years...

Based upon that experience...

18-year old kids are not raised today to be able to make good decisions, as a general rule...

However, there are some exceptions

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You act like an 18 year old kid is helpless and can't make any decision's by themselves. Most 18 year olds i knew that joined the military or joined a college picked it themselves. They even picked their own major. I joined the military out of highschool and it was the best decision i've ever made. Plenty of kids regreat going to college and flunk out or whatever. Kids that can't hack it in the military get out just like kids in college get out. I know plenty of kids that despise their parents for shoving school down their throat. I know plenty of 30 year old people that can't make a good decision.

I didn't say an 18 year old can't make ANY decisions at all. And an 17-18 year old who decides to go to school and then flunks out obviously was not MATURE ENOUGH to make the decision to go in the first place, and maybe wasn't ready for college. Some of those kids go back to school and do very well once they are a little older. Kids that join the military and can't hack it obviously made a BAD DECISION to join....otherwise those kids would've seen that military life was not the right place for them.

You sort of made my point for me.

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The entire deal with BC and Cyrus was all about ego and perception and knee high pulled off the dirty deed. Both of these kids wanted to go to Auburn and knee high got "assistance" making sure this did NOT happen to prevent the perception that Auburn was taking over in recruiting and the ego hit nikki would have taken. Saban inherited talent and added top notch classes so he really did not have holes to fill like Chizik. saban specifically targeted LBs (had plenty already) and OLs (had good numbers) in Chizik's first year trying to keep us from shoring up our weakest areas. Burn a scholly to keep AU weak where possible and  process them out if they don’t become a starter. 

War Eagle !


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I still think it should be mandatory on msg boards to publish your age.

As walker said...there are exceptions today.

But the vast majority of 18 yr olds today have ZERO clue what is going on in the world. They are looking for pie in the sky when going to college. Mom and Dad has a friend who makes good money so they are going to major in that field. They just dont have a clue that 50,000 people are currently unemployed in that field. Or they have no clue what they want to do and have burned up 50k of mom and dads saving before they realize they want to major in business mgt. Hello!

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Vast majority of kids don't have mommy and daddy to pay for school.

You are right, my fault

They are either on Pell Grants or Student Loans.....Paying back student loans for 30 years, working in a field that has nothing to do with the reason they went to school.

BC needs all the help he can get, just like 99.5% of kids enrolling in college. The bad thing is that most 18 yr olds think they know everything. Ask those same 18 yr olds 20 years from now, they will tell you the same thing some posters here are saying.

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Lots more make it through than wash out so therefore the majority made the correct decision?

Not washing out doesn't mean they made the correct decision in every single case. It just means they either are actually suited for the military life, and it's good for them, or they can meet the requirements, but won't resign after 4 years because they don't like it. Some get lucky, some are more mature than others, and some just stay because they have nothing else to do.There are a lot of foster kids who age out of the system, and end up in the military because they have no place to go. The military life is certainly honorable, but not everyone who serves is suited to make a career out of it, and they don't realize that at 17 or 18 years old.

All kids are different in their decision making skills.....and male children mature more slowly than female children. That adds another twist to the process of growing up.

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July 7, 2011

Calloway plans to enroll in August

Greg Ostendorf

TideSports.com Recruiting Analyst

Talk about it in Talk of Champions

Brent Calloway has had a tumultuous last six months. Now, it looks like the 2011 signee will have to wait another month before enrolling at the University of Alabama and begin working out with the Crimson Tide.

Calloway was hoping to enroll in UA's Summer II term, but another mix-up with one of his classes has prevented him from doing that, and he will have to wait until August before taking his first class at Alabama.

"Everything collapsed," Calloway said. "There was a bunch of mix-ups at my school. I didn't know which class I was supposed to take, and I didn't take that class. I graduated fine, but I just didn't know I was supposed to take that class. I took the class, but they said I finished it too fast, so I had to take another class. Now I have to take this class for the next four weeks."

The Russellville High School star doesn't know who's responsible for the mistake, but he's frustrated that he can't get down to Tuscaloosa to start working out.

"I don't know who mixed it up," Calloway said. "Somehow, somebody messed up something, and I'm the one who has to pay the consequences for it. "I'm very excited (to get to UA), but every time I get ready to get down there and I think I'm good, something always comes up."

Calloway is confident that once he finishes the class he is scheduled to take this month, there will be no more issues regarding his eligibility.

"After I finish this class, I'm straight," he said. "I asked them today, 'Are you sure this is the last class I have to take? If I finish this class, am I going to get accepted?' They said if I go ahead and do it, I'll be straight."

Reach Greg Ostendorf at greg@tidesports.com.

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Why would he have to take another class because he finished one too fast?

Shhhh....  you weren't supposed to see that.

Quick, somebody update the article!!!!!

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He tweeted this earlier, also:

BrentCalloway I start school in 4 weeks I'm still going to Baka jus goin through some trials with he NCAA trippen ima be okay though is all in Gods hands

about 4 hours ago

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It just does not make any sense

Nope.  Due to the vagueness of the article, it looks like it was just written as a cover up.  Based on the quotes and BC's twitter content...it would almost appear as if the reporter never spoke to BC at all, but just got his permission to write something up using made up quotes.

/tinfoil hat

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Alright guys, here goes...

1. The story is total and complete BS. There is a cover up. How many Bama players currently have this problem or had this problem last year? Answer, none. And do not bring up Alfy Hill from last year (the only player that did not get cleared). Hill was in the NCAA clearinghouse process and was questionable from the beginning. BC had no questions about his qualifying until now. JLee went public with all the questions regarding his recruiting and it has been speculated for MONTHS that due to this, there would be problems with him enrolling at Bama. Lo and behold, there are problems. Not with any other of the 24 signees, but with BC only. Now, is this some crazy coincidence that would randomly have a probability of 4% (1 player out of 24 and it just happens to be BC)? Or is there another reason? I think the answer is obvious.

2. As mentioned, MANY have speculated he never enrolls at bama or never sees the field. I think either or is still very possible. I think Bama KNOWS without any doubt that their "investigation" into his recruiting was window dressing and nothing more and they know they may have to eventually declare him ineligible if he enrolls.

3. Most Bama fans seem to think the coaches will try to put him at safety, a position he has never played and may not have the skill set for at all. This may go down as the most epically dumb decision a recruit has ever made (trusting the turds and signing with them).

4. We have seen what bama does as far as altering transcripts (Jerrel Harris) when they want a player enrolled. So, is it some crazy out of left field mistake even though bama is an expert at knowing exactly how to get a kid into school or does bama not want him enrolled until they decide how deep the rabbit hole is with BC's recruitment and whether the NCAA is looking into it?

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