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Prepare for the possibility that Woodruff is actually the real father of Calloway.

Lord, please don't get that rumor started.

I saw that earlier today but I considered it rumor (false).  But wouldn't that be a curveball?

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Anyone know what Woodruff just posted on Turdsquirts.com??

Ok, guy by the poster name petrochem claiming to be DW said he will make comments today about the situation claiming the truth will be heard.  Also, he said to look in the Bham news for the story, and that will be the last time he will speak on this.  This guy could be a poser though. Also, another poster says BC will be speaking out today.  Guess we will see.

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There's a huge difference. The Touhys did not seek out Michael Oher. Their meeting was almost a divine intervention. What happened in that situation was a family with big hearts helping a traumatized child who was in a desperate situation. They always had his best interests in mind, and by going to Ole Miss he was able to keep his support system which helped him to continue to heal and to succeed. It was the best choice for him. The Touhys had money, so financial gain was not a motivator for them, and they didn't have a pipeline of other kids coming to live with them. They were not using Michael. They loved him.

The bammer pipeline is a much different and slightly sinister, well organized way of exploiting disadvantaged kids and their families.

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Loose lips sink ships, they have way too many people talking. They cannot all keep the same story.....let em all start yapping!!

:zapbama: :zapbama:

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Prepare for the possibility that Woodruff is actually the real father of Calloway.

Lord, please don't get that rumor started.

I saw that earlier today but I considered it rumor (false).  But wouldn't that be a curveball?

Paternity test please. And supervise closely the gathering of the DNA samples. bammers play lose with drug testing, so there is a precedent for concern.

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Loose lips sink ships, they have way too many people talking. They cannot all keep the same story.....let em all start yapping!!

:zapbama: :zapbama:

^^^^ This.  If BC says something today that contradicts what Peaches has already said in any way, the NCAA sirens will soon be going off.  

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Loose lips sink ships, they have way too many people talking. They cannot all keep the same story.....let em all start yapping!!

:zapbama: :zapbama:


There is no way BC needs to get in front of a camera or a reporter! 

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Not that I mind, but if all these people talk, it will be hard to keep all the stories consistent with what they've said already on other occasions. The more comments and the more interviews,  the better it is.

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A little change of course, it was discussed earlier about unofficial visits and tickets. I found this on recruiting101 website.

In order to set up an unofficial visit, it really just depends. For example, a lot of college football coaches will send out a great deal of invites to their games throughout the fall. With so many juniors on their prospective recruiting list, the college is likely sending out invites. If the recruits receive this mail, they will need to call the coach or the school to tell them that they are coming to visit. Because the three people are allowed in on a pass gate, they will not be able to get extra tickets and sell them. The NCAA probably had issues with that in the past and that is why the pass gate is used. When that happens, the recruits have to bring an ID with them so that they can get into the game. There is no limit on the amount of unofficial visits you can do because you are paying for it yourself.

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A little change of course, it was discussed earlier about unofficial visits and tickets. I found this on recruiting101 website.

In order to set up an unofficial visit, it really just depends. For example, a lot of college football coaches will send out a great deal of invites to their games throughout the fall. With so many juniors on their prospective recruiting list, the college is likely sending out invites. If the recruits receive this mail, they will need to call the coach or the school to tell them that they are coming to visit. Because the three people are allowed in on a pass gate, they will not be able to get extra tickets and sell them. The NCAA probably had issues with that in the past and that is why the pass gate is used. When that happens, the recruits have to bring an ID with them so that they can get into the game. There is no limit on the amount of unofficial visits you can do because you are paying for it yourself.

Hmmmmm.... wonder if DW took him on any unofficial visits????  That means BC had to pay for his way........ nahhhh.... that is what DW was for.

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A little change of course, it was discussed earlier about unofficial visits and tickets. I found this on recruiting101 website.

In order to set up an unofficial visit, it really just depends. For example, a lot of college football coaches will send out a great deal of invites to their games throughout the fall. With so many juniors on their prospective recruiting list, the college is likely sending out invites. If the recruits receive this mail, they will need to call the coach or the school to tell them that they are coming to visit. Because the three people are allowed in on a pass gate, they will not be able to get extra tickets and sell them. The NCAA probably had issues with that in the past and that is why the pass gate is used. When that happens, the recruits have to bring an ID with them so that they can get into the game. There is no limit on the amount of unofficial visits you can do because you are paying for it yourself.

Hmmmmm.... wonder if DW took him on any unofficial visits????  That means BC had to pay for his way........ nahhhh.... that is what DW was for.

Peaches came out and said in yesterday's article that BC didn't jave any money, or if he had money Peaches didn't know where it came from. I pointed out earlier that I find it hard to believe that BC had the money to go to Pensacola, pay for half his suite, and eat for two days.


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On the Roundtable, it was just stated that at one time, "Woodruff posed as BC's asst coach so he could accompany him to games" in turdistan.

Uh, say what? Anyone heard that or did I just miss this info?

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I know none of you know me, so take this how you please, but I work in a profession with a lot of prominent Alabama boosters/rec members/fans due to the fact that Alabama has one of two graduate programs in the state for my profession ( I attended the other by the way).   Let me say, after some of my interactions with one in particular (who I have known for a long time and talk a lot of football with), where I asked him (jokingly) how much he and his buddy Peaches paid BC, I am much more inclined to think something may come of this.  Judging by his reaction (neither of us has ever gotten upset/heated over any AU UA gossip), I would say there is real heat to this story somewhere.  

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On the Roundtable, it was just stated that at one time, "Woodruff posed as BC's asst coach so he could accompany him to games" in turdistan.

Uh, say what? Anyone heard that or did I just miss this info?

I think Ryan Brown said he heard that there were rumors of that happening.  Not that it was fact.

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On the Roundtable, it was just stated that at one time, "Woodruff posed as BC's asst coach so he could accompany him to games" in turdistan.

Uh, say what? Anyone heard that or did I just miss this info?

My Oh My....isn't that interesting.  ;)

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I know none of you know me, so take this how you please, but I work in a profession with a lot of prominent Alabama boosters/rec members/fans due to the fact that Alabama has one of two graduate programs in the state for my profession ( I attended the other by the way). Let me say, after some of my interactions with one in particular (who I have known for a long time and talk a lot of football with), where I asked him (jokingly) how much he and his buddy Peaches paid BC, I am much more inclined to think something may come of this. Judging by his reaction (neither of us has ever gotten upset/heated over any AU UA gossip), I would say there is real heat to this story somewhere.

I see said the blind man. I have heard no mention of this from my boss, and he is a huge bama fan. I have not said one thing about it. I do not think I want to go down that road. And we talk football all day, every day.

I know a lot of folks close to the situation and it is blowing up friendships.

Needless to say, I lost no friends over the Cam situation.....I don't know why bammers are so butt hurt over the BC deal that they refuse to talk about it

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On the Roundtable, it was just stated that at one time, "Woodruff posed aBC's asst coach so he could accompany him to games" in kurdistan.

Uh, say what? Anyone heard that or did I just miss this info?

I think Ryan Brown said he heard that there were rumors of that happening.  Not that it was fact.

:bow: I will also say, I'm not terribly bothered by uat suffering from rumors.
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On the Roundtable, it was just stated that at one time, "Woodruff posed aBC's asst coach so he could accompany him to games" in kurdistan.

would it matter? cant anyone accompany recruits to unofficial visits.

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NONE of my Bama friends are saying a peep about this...NOTHING.  Very unusually quiet.  

I think EVERYONE on both sides pretty much thought there was something weird about how the Calloway signing went down.  I just think most bama fans thought nothing would come of it.  But, all my bama friends I know get very nervous anytime any allegations are made...their track record of late is not that good :)

Around the bowl, down the hole, Rawl Tahd Rawl!

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There's a huge difference. The Touhys did not seek out Michael Oher. Their meeting was almost a divine intervention. What happened in that situation was a family with big hearts helping a traumatized child who was in a desperate situation. They always had his best interests in mind, and by going to Ole Miss he was able to keep his support system which helped him to continue to heal and to succeed. It was the best choice for him. The Touhys had money, so financial gain was not a motivator for them, and they didn't have a pipeline of other kids coming to live with them. They were not using Michael. They loved him.

The bammer pipeline is a much different and slightly sinister, well organized way of exploiting disadvantaged kids and their families.

While all that may be true, Woodruff & Peachers are simply going to cite the Oher case and claim the situation was similar and all that they were doing was out of concern for the child. I am not sure how the NCAA could prove otherwise unless some money came into the deal from beyond Woodruff.  If they do that, they can get them I think.

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Jonathan Willis is a 1998 graduate of Russellville High School and a 2002 graduate of the University of Alabama where he received his Bachelor of Arts in Communication and Information Sciences

Per the bio about the journalist who wrote the article.  I am sure he is very objective, though!

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I'm bumping this because it's at the bottom of the thread.  DW sure is calling out Goodwin....  hope he can back it.

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On the Roundtable, it was just stated that at one time, "Woodruff posed aBC's asst coach so he could accompany him to games" in turdistan.

would it matter? cant anyone accompany recruits to unofficial visits.

Maybe they can, but the claim of being an assistant coach is somewhat unusual don't you think?  Even though only a rumor. It is apparently a moot point, but no need to claim anything other than who you are if nothing is wrong with it. :laugh:
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as for using the movie "the blind side" as a basis for anything, i wouldnt. i read the book and there were quite a few differences. the tuohy's have endorsed the book as the true story. the movie has a lot of hollywood in it. i recommend to read it. some very interesting parts that are not in the movie. especially how he got qualified.

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