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Has anyone ever searched the NCAA. org website? The most convoluted load of crap I've ever seen. Forbid that you search for a rule or regulation. I'm not sure they know them.

According to their website, "Boosters are held to the same recruiting practices standards that the member institutions are".

To say that booster declarations are done on a case-by-case basis, is an understatement. Micro-management, gotta love it. :rolleyes:

Yes, I have the rule book, all 400+ pages of it, in a PDF at home. I can't get to it from work right now. However, it is almost impossible NOT to violate a rule, even if you are trying not to.

I know I read something about a “past relationship” exception, just can’t remember if that would allow someone who is a Booster to provide extra benefits.

I think he may be able to make Woodruff a Booster, but I am not sure if his “past relationship” trumps that or not.

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we may be missing the point. you need to look at the companies that he does businsess with and see who might be a booster. his customers and vendors. there is a better chance of this.

I think you make a good point. It seems like Woodruff's "past relationship" would hold him in the same light as a family member.  Therefore, if Woodruff got something of Value from a Booster then they still may have a problem.

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I've always been suspicious of what you call "feeder high school" programs steering kids to a particular school.  But it seems it would be tough to prove in this case since the head coach was an Auburn grad.

If they could show a system that operated outside the head coach, that may be something.  But you typically view the coach as the most influential person in the program.

I agree with you. It is hard to make an argument that an AU grad was running a feeder school for UAT.

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Has anyone ever searched the NCAA. org website? The most convoluted load of crap I've ever seen. Forbid that you search for a rule or regulation. I'm not sure they know them.

According to their website, "Boosters are held to the same recruiting practices standards that the member institutions are".

To say that booster declarations are done on a case-by-case basis, is an understatement. Micro-management, gotta love it. :rolleyes:

Im pretty sure the NCAA rulebook is written in pencil.So they can change it as they go along.

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More and more will more than likely come out over the next few days.  This is fun!  You just have to be patient...

I'm looking for some more news right before the updyke U-day game.

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I've always been suspicious of what you call "feeder high school" programs steering kids to a particular school.  But it seems it would be tough to prove in this case since the head coach was an Auburn grad.

If they could show a system that operated outside the head coach, that may be something.  But you typically view the coach as the most influential person in the program.

I agree with you. It is hard to make an argument that an AU grad was running a feeder school for UAT.

I don't think the Head Coach was involved in any of it except to the point of reaping the benefits of having D1 type players moving into his School District and playing at RHS.

I'm not sure you would consider RHS a feeder school.  There really haven't been that many RHS players to sign with UAT.  IMO, the RHS program is a dirty high school program.  There are more than a normal amount of these "foster" type homes with D1 athletes in them.  Didn't Peaches say he has had about 10-12 in his home?  It just turns out that most of these people are associated in some way with UAT.  

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Has anyone ever searched the NCAA. org website? The most convoluted load of crap I've ever seen. Forbid that you search for a rule or regulation. I'm not sure they know them.

According to their website, "Boosters are held to the same recruiting practices standards that the member institutions are".

To say that booster declarations are done on a case-by-case basis, is an understatement. Micro-management, gotta love it. :rolleyes:

Im pretty sure the NCAA rulebook is written in pencil.So they can change it as they go along.

In some instances, you couldn't help but laugh, it may be of the worst user designs for a web site I've ever seen. I fear that is their plan. No one dare ask a question where there are no answers. Astounding. Our compliance folks have my complete respect.
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More and more will more than likely come out over the next few days.  This is fun!  You just have to be patient...

I'm looking for some more news right before the updyke U-day game.

Huh! Huh!

He said U-day!

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In the NCAA world the loopholes have loopholes.  That is why it is so difficult for them to enforce any of their rules.  My interpretation is that if it is proven that a booster had a relationship with the recruit before that person actually became a recruit for the booster's school that the booster could continue that relationship even to the point of providing financial help if that financial help began before the recruiting process began.  This is total BS.  Either you are a booster or not.

This Russellville High School deal needs to be investigated fully by the NCAA and the AHSAA.  It appears that their are more than a few potential college athletes from other parts of the state and even other states who are presently living with legal guardians in the Russellville School District who are not related in any way.  Some, like Mr. Winston, do not have substantial means of income to support additional people living in their homes.  This thing could get very dirty.

OK, I have to defend the NCAA rule on this one, at least to some degree as I don't know how they could write the rule to get around the Past relationship issue.

For example, I may be considered an AU Booster. Also, I have known one of my friend’s Kids since he was born. He is in HS now, probably not a D1 prospect though.

I have taken him to AU games before and bought him AU gear, taken him on vacation with me, and have paid him more than the value of his labor to do work for me.

If he is good enough, I hope he goes to AU. However, I would also counsel him to go where he wanted and where was best for him. If he asked me for input about where to go, I would give him that and would support him even if he went to UAT or UGA.

However, if he went to AU, it would not be fair to punish me, AU, and the kid, because of my support of AU and my past relationship with him.

I know that leaves the door open for a LOT of mischievous, but I just don’t know how else the NCAA would write the rule. Also, I am not sure at what level of kinship they would draw the line between being a relative and being a booster.

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Prepare for the possibility that Woodruff is actually the real father of Calloway.

Lord, please don't get that rumor started.

I'm sure while sitting around the REC boardroom table, they have considered this story :laugh:
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In the NCAA world the loopholes have loopholes.  That is why it is so difficult for them to enforce any of their rules.  My interpretation is that if it is proven that a booster had a relationship with the recruit before that person actually became a recruit for the booster's school that the booster could continue that relationship even to the point of providing financial help if that financial help began before the recruiting process began.  This is total BS.  Either you are a booster or not.

This Russellville High School deal needs to be investigated fully by the NCAA and the AHSAA.  It appears that their are more than a few potential college athletes from other parts of the state and even other states who are presently living with legal guardians in the Russellville School District who are not related in any way.  Some, like Mr. Winston, do not have substantial means of income to support additional people living in their homes.  This thing could get very dirty.

OK, I have to defend the NCAA rule on this one, at least to some degree as I don't know how they could write the rule to get around the Past relationship issue.

For example, I may be considered an AU Booster. Also, I have known one of my friend’s Kids since he was born. He is in HS now, probably not a D1 prospect though.

I have taken him to AU games before and bought him AU gear, taken him on vacation with me, and have paid him more than the value of his labor to do work for me.

If he is good enough, I hope he goes to AU. However, I would also counsel him to go where he wanted and where was best for him. If he asked me for input about where to go, I would give him that and would support him even if he went to UAT or UGA.

However, if he went to AU, it would not be fair to punish me, AU, and the kid, because of my support of AU and my past relationship with him.

I know that leaves the door open for a LOT of mischievous, but I just don’t know how else the NCAA would write the rule. Also, I am not sure at what level of kinship they would draw the line between being a relative and being a booster.

OK, I have to defend the NCAA rule on this one, at least to some degree as I don't know how they could write the rule to get around the Past relationship issue.

I know that leaves the door open for a LOT of mischievous, but I just don’t know how else the NCAA would write the rule. Also, I am not sure at what level of kinship they would draw the line between being a relative and being a booster.

That is my point.  How do you legislate that circumstance.  The thing that makes the BC circumstance different is that he was suspected to be D1 material in the 9th grade when he moved in with (no relation) Peaches and transferred to RHS.  This is also when Woodruff befriended him through Peaches.  BC was not the first D1 athlete to move in with Peaches.  Woodruff probably establishes this prior relationship with all of the "foster kids" just so he can have unlimited access. 

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That is my point.  How do you legislate that circumstance.  The thing that makes the BC circumstance different is that he was suspected to be D1 material in the 9th grade when he moved in with (no relation) Peaches and transferred to RHS.  This is also when Woodruff befriended him through Peaches.  BC was not the first D1 athlete to move in with Peaches.  Woodruff probably establishes this prior relationship with all of the "foster kids" just so he can have unlimited access. 

Peaches said in the paper today that Woodruff helped with Calloway's recruitment since his freshman year of high school (a year he sat out due to transfer away from living with his family to live with Peaches, solely for the purpose of going to a school where he could be recruited [that is from BC's own mouth, from a newspaper article]).  Woodruff in a separate article says he knew Calloway since his freshman year, before anyone knew he would be a highly recruited athlete.  Therefore, Woodruff's relationship with Calloway was formed based on Calloway being a prospective NCAA athlete, and would NOT be considered a pre-existing relationship.

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OK, I have to defend the NCAA rule on this one, at least to some degree as I don't know how they could write the rule to get around the Past relationship issue.

I know that leaves the door open for a LOT of mischievous, but I just don’t know how else the NCAA would write the rule. Also, I am not sure at what level of kinship they would draw the line between being a relative and being a booster.

That is my point.  How do you legislate that circumstance.  The thing that makes the BC circumstance different is that he was suspected to be D1 material in the 9th grade when he moved in with (no relation) Peaches and transferred to RHS.  This is also when Woodruff befriended him through Peaches.  BC was not the first D1 athlete to move in with Peaches.  Woodruff probably establishes this prior relationship with all of the "foster kids" just so he can have unlimited access. 

Another good analogy would be from the movie “The Blind Side”.  When I first saw that movie, I was SURE they adopted the kid because he was a football prospect and they were Ole Miss Boosters. I thought I saw through that immediately.

However, after researching it, I did find out that the guy was not much of a football player when  they adopted him (though he was big).

My favorite part of t he movie was when the NCAA investigator asked the guy “why” he chose Ole Miss. And he replied “because that is where my family went to school”.  I thought that was the perfect and a brilliant answer.

What could the NCAA say that would not condemn all the other people who went to a certain school because a parent or uncle played there or simply because of family tradition like many Wealthy Ivy League families have.

It does create a HUGE loophole, just not sure how they could close it. If they made a rule that it only applied once people became D1 prospects, then some school would send a letter to every HS player in the state making them prospects.

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Anyone know what Woodruff just posted on Turdsquirts.com??

"Luke.... I am your father"...

and BC said, " NOOOOOOOOOO"....

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Anyone know what Woodruff just posted on Turdsquirts.com??

Hold on.   I can find out. I work with some BOLers.

I normally have access to it here....but I dont at the moment

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