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It's too high.....

Tiger Oak

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All the formation talk is beginning to sound like the scene in Major League when a home run is hit and two fans argue because one said it was too high to make it out and the other is arguing with him. A third guy finally steps in and says "it was a home run, forget about it." Well, Clemson hit a home run. They were better prepared and better motivated for this game. Auburn had more ifs and buts in this game then I have seen since Tubby's first season. So here are my ifs. If Auburn had been fundamentally sound in their tackling we would not be having the third down discussions. If Auburn had stayed with the run in the second half we would have limited Clemson's TOP and our D would not have been worn out. If we don't have the pick deep in the red zone we would have cut the lead to 7 and been in position to win the game. By the way, why was Dyer not running that ball into the end zone? Bottom line is we can analyze this thing to death. If Auburn would simply play defense, run the freakin' ball and knock the hell out of the other guy we would be 3-0 right now. Seems like I've heard this before  ;) War Eagle!!

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The loss was going to come eventually, at least it was to Clemson and not Utah State.  I wish we could have held out to play SCAR at 4-0, but to be honest, this should humble us, and we have the FAU game to regroup and regain confidence, so hopefully by SCAR we will be back to <100th in overall defense.

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2-1 is not too terrible for what we lost. we are a frog hair from 0-3 and if things dont improve on d its gonna get very ugly. 4-8 ugly. i am optimistic that we can improve gradually adn get to a bowl. not unhappy with 2-1 but concerned with 117th defense in the nation.

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Eventhough I hated to see it, the loss might not be alltogether a bad thing.  Problems are hopefully coming to the forefront (as if they weren't completely obvious in the first place), but hopefully are being dealt with as Chizik has  stated.  Here's one suggestion that I learned as a kid, get in position, break down, aim for their waist, wrap up, and take them down.

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