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Arizona St. Article on Westerman


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This is free content from ASU's Scout site. Note, I'm not posting this so people will argue about why Westerman left. I am posting it because a few things said concern me about the program. Maybe it's just sour grapes? At any rate, Westerman's dad accused AU of being thugs with no discipline (we all knew Chiz let things slide). But he also said AU has a finesse offense while ASU is more physical.

A few quotes from Westerman's father:

“The team obviously struggled a lot being 3-9 and 0-8 in the SEC,” Westerman described. “They fired the coaching staff, they may have NCAA sanctions coming, and had a lot of turmoil in the program with kids getting into trouble. Christian told me that he just didn’t like the vibe and almost lost his passion to play football. He just had enough. I asked him what would get his passion back and he said that he just needed to get out of here. He said he missed his hometown and the people he knows. After the coaching staff was fired that really solidified his decision to leave.

“And what we saw on the other side at ASU was Todd Graham coming in and really taking the program back, breed in some discipline. My son talked to former Hamilton players like Jaxon Hood and Anthony Jones, he’s good friends with Mo Latu…so he knows what was going on here with Graham. We just saw a complete turnaround and respect what Todd has going there. I like everything that he’s about which is hard work and accountability, stuff that Christian is used to. Graham isn’t allowing the players to act like thugs and just demanding a lot more respect, wanting the kids to be leaders on and off the field. That was a big draw and really a no brainer for us.”

Link: http://arizonastate..../2/1250874.html

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Sounds like Sour Grapes that he didn't get to start last year. I don't know what it say's if a bunch of thugs with no dicipline beat you out. Maybe you thought because you where a 5 * that you were entitled to start. I wish he hadn't left but it makes me mad when home sick kids leave and then dog the University after they leave. Sounds like the Dad needs to get a grip.

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Literally everything he said could be 100% true but it won't change the fact that Christian is a whiny punk for talking trash about Auburn after he couldn't even stay healthy enough to actually contribute. I hope Todd Graham does the same at ASU that he has done everywhere he has gone, bolt for the next available job.

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he could have taken the high road, he might even be exagerating. i will never understand how a coach with the personal qualities of cgc allows the type of thugery we see/hear.

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Well 3-9 is definitely the first half of that "when the going gets tough" saying.

It would be interesting to know Mr. Westerman's reliable source re. sanctions since step one (letter of inquiry) hasn't even occured. It must be a slam dunk source for that to be a stated reason for a transfer.

I feel sorry for these apparently good kids that have dads like Cam's, Westerman's, Charlie Dare (remember him?), Wes Neighbors, etc.

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Water under the bridge. Time to move on. Hopefully, Gus can rectify the problems that Westerman cited, if they exist.

Exactly. And the quotes were from his father, for what it's worth.

Jesus. If the almighty Kodi Burns had made these comments we'd all be praising him for his leadership skills.

Get a grip people. The kid didn't enjoy his time at AU. He didn't like the lack of discipline (well documented). He wanted to be home and heard there was a good thing going at ASU.

Get over yourselves. My feelings were hurt a lot more after losing to bammer than when I hear that CW wasn't thrilled during his time here.

CGM will get us back on the right track so that we don't see these types of stories in the future.

Good luck to CW and WDE!

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As I said in that other thread, Westy was one of my two favorite players. If you are going to leave, then leave and that will be the end of it from my standpoint. But, dont talk down a program you just left. Even if some of what you say is true, dont start taking pot shots at Auburn afterwards to make yourself look good or for whatever reason. Anybody that does that, including player or parent, I have a problem with. They need to just stfu and move on unless they want people to push back.

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Low class pot shot, IMO. He could have said "AU just ended up not being the right fit" and been done with it. But he just had to take a left down Tacky Road.

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he could have taken the high road, he might even be exagerating. i will never understand how a coach with the personal qualities of cgc allows the type of thugery we see/hear.

Just my opinion.....I have never met Coach Chiz. From what he portrays himself to be, I think he just lost his bearings. I think he made a mistake, with a player or three, and tried to make up for it in the way he disciplned other players. I also think he made some decisions, team wise as a group, that he would probably like to take back. I hope he learned from his bad decisions, so that he can do a better job if he ever gets another HC opportunity. I feel no ill will towards him. He didn't run us in the ground on purpose. He did his best.

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It gets worse before it gets better. I think his evaluation of the program is probably accurate. Finesse mean getting pushed around. CGM has his work cut out for him. I don't think we are that far away from turning it around though.

Westerman may be better suited in a power run game anyway. We got Diamond and Young that can move that will fit perfectly into our power spread.

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Well 3-9 is definitely the first half of that "when the going gets tough" saying.

It would be interesting to know Mr. Westerman's reliable source re. sanctions since step one (letter of inquiry) hasn't even occured. It must be a slam dunk source for that to be a stated reason for a transfer.

I feel sorry for these apparently good kids that have dads like Cam's, Westerman's, Charlie Dare (remember him?), Wes Neighbors, etc.

Wes Neighbors?
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Only thing that worries me is the claim that we may be facing NCAA sanctions! I thought this was made up.

Other than that, we all know that some of the reasons given for Christian leaving sound familiar. The only other thing that doesn't make sense is why firing Chizik would cement his decision to leave. You'd think bringing in a new coach to fix those things would make him reconsider wanting to leave.

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the people bashing CW and his father are pathetic, petty and childish. You obviously can't handle the truth ($1 to Col. Jessep). I don't see anything in the article that wasn't true, or been heavily speculated on this very board as being true. They were throwing a bone to the new fans too. Big deal! I hope he does well and I will follow his career from here on out.

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Only thing that worries me is the claim that we may be facing NCAA sanctions! I thought this was made up.

Other than that, we all know that some of the reasons given for Christian leaving sound familiar. The only other thing that doesn't make sense is why firing Chizik would cement his decision to leave. You'd think bringing in a new coach to fix those things would make him reconsider wanting to leave.

mmm hmmm
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Human nature...

1. Loves to rationalize its own decisions...

2. Find it easier to critique than to solve...

3. Prefers to bail rather than stay when times get tough.

4. Says way much more than is usually needed...

Best of success to any who move on, but my focus is on those who embrace the new day that's dawning on Auburn with deaf ears to any two-cents on it from other "fanbases."

Remember this, for the doomsday crowd: Gus is ONE YEAR GONE from a program he knows better than any of us. If he believes in its future, so do I. I TRULY expected him to turn down Auburn, based upon some loose mouths toward the end of his earlier time. It is HUGE that he is back, knowing the inside of things. That, to me, sounds anything but doomsday...once again, based upon "human nature."

War Eagle!

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Only thing that worries me is the claim that we may be facing NCAA sanctions! I thought this was made up.

Other than that, we all know that some of the reasons given for Christian leaving sound familiar. The only other thing that doesn't make sense is why firing Chizik would cement his decision to leave. You'd think bringing in a new coach to fix those things would make him reconsider wanting to leave.

Guess you haven't been keeping up. We don't even have a Letter of Inquiry much less facing sanctions. You have to have that and a formal investigation before you start finding out what your sanctions are. We should all be well versed in this since the Cam debacle.

Sounds like his father has just been reading Thamel et al. or listening to the sports network or maybe he listens to that afternoon show.

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Only thing that worries me is the claim that we may be facing NCAA sanctions! I thought this was made up.

Other than that, we all know that some of the reasons given for Christian leaving sound familiar. The only other thing that doesn't make sense is why firing Chizik would cement his decision to leave. You'd think bringing in a new coach to fix those things would make him reconsider wanting to leave.

Guess you haven't been keeping up. We don't even have a Letter of Inquiry much less facing sanctions. You have to have that and a formal investigation before you start finding out what your sanctions are. We should all be well versed in this since the Cam debacle.

Sounds like his father has just been reading Thamel et al. or listening to the sports network or maybe he listens to that afternoon show.

Actually, this is what I thought the latest was, until I saw what his father said.

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I was excited about the kid and hope the best for him. He may turn out to be a huge star but as far as auburn goes he's Another one of those message board legends. I'm not aware of any playing time for him much less meaningful playing time. Hate that he's gone but I loose respect for a family that trashes a university after they leave. I have a ton of things (uneducated guessses) I could say right now about why some of the blue chips couldn't even make the field but I'm just gonna button it up and do what they should have done. (Game day face on) It's unfortunate that it didn't work out but we are excited about our future as a program and Christians future at ASU.

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I was excited about the kid and hope the best for him. He may turn out to be a huge star but as far as auburn goes he's Another one of those message board legends. I'm not aware of any playing time for him much less meaningful playing time. Hate that he's gone but I loose respect for a family that trashes a university after they leave. I have a ton of things (uneducated guessses) I could say right now about why some of the blue chips couldn't even make the field but I'm just gonna button it up and do what they should have done. (Game day face on) It's unfortunate that it didn't work out but we are excited about our future as a program and Christians future at ASU.

Your name hurts my brain. Do the numbers have any significance?

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Only thing that worries me is the claim that we may be facing NCAA sanctions! I thought this was made up.

Other than that, we all know that some of the reasons given for Christian leaving sound familiar. The only other thing that doesn't make sense is why firing Chizik would cement his decision to leave. You'd think bringing in a new coach to fix those things would make him reconsider wanting to leave.

Guess you haven't been keeping up. We don't even have a Letter of Inquiry much less facing sanctions. You have to have that and a formal investigation before you start finding out what your sanctions are. We should all be well versed in this since the Cam debacle.

Sounds like his father has just been reading Thamel et al. or listening to the sports network or maybe he listens to that afternoon show.

Actually, this is what I thought the latest was, until I saw what his father said.

I could be wrong but I don't think that portion of the article came from his father. The way I read it was that the ASU writer added that part.

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That is dissappointing. If you want to leave, then leave, but don't go talking crap once you leave. Just makes you look bad. Should be ashamed of himself for saying anything. He was not forced to talk about his experience. All he had to say was I don't want to be at AU anymore.

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