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Cassanova Mckinzy post


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found this on another board but thought I would share. I have a feeling this guy is going to be special when his 4 years are up on the plains.


Cassanova Mckinzy

Just wanna say to all the AUBURN recruits and commits that can and will see this. But that I was committed to auburn for two years and still visited other places. An it seemed like everyone wanted to Have or be like the auburn and alabama programs. But I tell yu this my heart never changed cause I know where I was wanted an loved. Through the process DONT I repeat DONT let know one tell uu where they thank yu should go.cause 1 they not gone be there them four years sweating, crying, and getting bruised on dat field. An plus yu gone be gone for 4-5 years an yu gotta be happy with yur decision. An plus we have the most loyal,truthful,humble,downrigh t,appreciative,supportive fans baby. Thats y I came to auburn. I promise yu I got a text from CGM that made my week. Literally something he said that I know for a fact CGC wouldn't hVe said. Man I appreciate all my coaches cause I tell yu this. I haven't been pushed this hard since I came out my moms wound. I write this cause AUBURN FOOTBALL IS ALL I THANK ABOUT.I DONT ONLY PLAY IT. UT BABY I LIVE AND LOVE IT. WEN I SAY I LOVE The FANS AN SUPPORT GOD.DAMMIT I MEAN EVERY INCH OF IT.... MY NEW SLOGAN... NO WHERE TO GO BUT UP BABYY!!!

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He should have put some distance between the GOD and DAMMIT in his last two sentences haha.

Cass is great!

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Haven't been pushed this hard (quote) "since I came out my moms wound"

Now that is coaches pushing and developing players!

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great post, but man, I wouldn't have gotten into ANY school if my spelling was like that

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It's just twitter speak, not horrible grammar. No one uses whole words on the internet anymore. Kids these days....

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Love his passion and loyalty but not too crazy about "no where to go but up baby" as his/our slogan.

May not like it but after last season it's the truth.

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It's just twitter speak, not horrible grammar. No one uses whole words on the internet anymore. Kids these days....

Dadblame whipper snappers
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As much as I appreciate him...the grammar....


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I have a feeling his target audience will be able to understand the post just fine. While we may not enjoy his grammar, we have to realize that we weren't the target audience of the message.

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It's just twitter speak, not horrible grammar. No one uses whole words on the internet anymore. Kids these days....

It's actually fairly legible for Twitter.
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It's just twitter speak, not horrible grammar. No one uses whole words on the internet anymore. Kids these days....

It's not twitter speak. It's unintelligible gibberish. I get the twitter short hand and all because of the limited characters, but that's a frickin' full paragraph. The dude is in college (getting a free ride too). It's time to learn how to spell and use proper grammar. No excuses here. It's embarrassing quite frankly.

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^^^I sort of agree with this^^^, hopefully he IS learning something at Auburn. With that being said, I hope he takes his papers to the Writing Center to have them edited before he turns them in!! LOL

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It's just twitter speak, not horrible grammar. No one uses whole words on the internet anymore. Kids these days....

It's not twitter speak. It's unintelligible gibberish. I get the twitter short hand and all because of the limited characters, but that's a frickin' full paragraph. The dude is in college (getting a free ride too). It's time to learn how to spell and use proper grammar. No excuses here. It's embarrassing quite frankly.


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