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I hope and pray Nick Marshall or Jeremy Johnson...


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No need to hope, NM WILL START AT QB!! But be careful about bringing up the obvious play of current qb that played in the spring........

+1 Very careful. TigerWar must be very liked b/c some others would've been blasted by that post! :)

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I will say this. The staff has high expectations for Marshall but thye staff is going into it with an open mind. If someone beats Nick, even for the short term while he gets adjusted, that someone will start even if it's just for a short time.

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I am not going to play favorites. I hope they all improve greatly but I hope any of the 4, preferablyNM, KF, or JW creates seperation at QB.

I respect your effort to be noble but IMO its not about playing favorites. I've seen what we've got back there and remain highly unimpressed. Some folks are quick to react to my point of view and label it heresy. I just want to see more confidence, more consistent throws on the screens and swing passes, in other words, Im ready to see someone who can at least do the easy stuff well on a routine basis. We dont have that in the 2 aforementioned players.

I was only speaking for myself on not playing favorites, not anyone else. This thread is going to turn into yet another of the 20+ piss contest threads on who should be QB. I figure someone should play ref with as heated as the debate will get yet again.

+1 63 days and counting. Plus it's just too freakin HOT my sweat starting sweating! Geesh. :jossun:

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I too just finished re-watching the A-day game on CSS. My impressions are unchanged from back in April; right now JW is a little ahead of KF. But, I have three very strong opinions about who will eventually be the starter:

1. Both JW and KF will be better QB’s by the time Fall practice starts. College football is a year round business and both are quality young men who will spend the time becoming more comfortable with the playbook, which will lead to better decisions and hence better play.

2. With two QB’s having starting experience coming back plus a big time recruit in JJ, the Coaching staff would not have burned a scholly on NM unless they though he could significant improve the team.

3. What we love about college football is that it is a hard hitting war to see who the better man is. This fall JW, KF, NM, and JJ will give us exactly that. The playing field will not be level (it never is it is sloped for drainage) but they will all compete equally on the same field. In the end there will be only one individual winner, but there will be a winning team, AUBURN.

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I'm all for good discussion (and it's slow right now) but these 'rehashing the QB' threads are getting ridiculous.

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I'm all for good discussion (and it's slow right now) but these 'rehashing the QB' threads are getting ridiculous.

Nah. I need two more NM threads, being our next QB, to win my bet. Easiest money I will ever make. I get a kick how easy people forget the last "can't miss/going to be All-American" who never came close to making a mark for us. I am pulling for NM, like I pull for every Auburn Tiger in every walk of life, but the hype does become amusing at times.

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I'm all for good discussion (and it's slow right now) but these 'rehashing the QB' threads are getting ridiculous.

Nah. I need two more NM threads, being our next QB, to win my bet. Easiest money I will ever make. I get a kick how easy people forget the last "can't miss/going to be All-American" who never came close to making a mark for us. I am pulling for NM, like I pull for every Auburn Tiger in every walk of life, but the hype does become amusing at times.

so how much we talking here....for me to start two or three more threads....hmmmmmmmmmmmm? :beer2:
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Strange that the passer rating was so close from 2011 and 2012, but the w/l was so different. Both had many close games. I guess sometimes the ball just falls in the right direction.

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I just get a feeling that all three (KF, JW, and NM; I expect JJ to redshirt) will all see playing time in the first 2 or 3 games before there is a final starter who takes the first and most snaps of the remaining games. And don't forget, that regardless of who starts, we are just one play away from the "starter" being out due to injury and the second/third string QB in the rest of the game. So I hope all of them are ready and capable.

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I just get a feeling that all three (KF, JW, and NM; I expect JJ to redshirt) will all see playing time in the first 2 or 3 games before there is a final starter who takes the first and most snaps of the remaining games. And don't forget, that regardless of who starts, we are just one play away from the "starter" being out due to injury and the second/third string QB in the rest of the game. So I hope all of them are ready and capable.

Thats a good possibility insofar as seeing all of them early. That would be an interesting departure from what Gus has done in the past. Typically, he names the guy and doesn't do much substituting unless it becomes necessary.

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Strange that the passer rating was so close from 2011 and 2012, but the w/l was so different. Both had many close games. I guess sometimes the ball just falls in the right direction.

The reality is we were bad both years but still had the confidence from 2010. We had 0 confidence after the loss to Miss St, clawed back a little against LSU and lost it for the remainder of the year against Arkansas. Regardless of the starter, if we can win the first 3 games and at least play LSU competitively, I think we can build back that confidence that we can play anyone without looking foolish which will help recruiting.

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All 4 have issue's they will have to overcome. Marshall needs to adjust to a higher level of competition and take better care of the ball. Wallace needs to be more accurate with his down field throws. Kiehl needs to make quicker decisions and take better care of the ball. Johnson needs to adjust to the college game. Whichever does the best job correcting their issue's will be named the starter. It is my opinion that Keihl will come out of fall practice as the starter but I will have no problem rooting for whichever QB the coaches believe give us the best chance to win. They are all Auburn Tigers and I wish them all the best.

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I just get a feeling that all three (KF, JW, and NM; I expect JJ to redshirt) will all see playing time in the first 2 or 3 games before there is a final starter who takes the first and most snaps of the remaining games. And don't forget, that regardless of who starts, we are just one play away from the "starter" being out due to injury and the second/third string QB in the rest of the game. So I hope all of them are ready and capable.

Thats a good possibility insofar as seeing all of them early. That would be an interesting departure from what Gus has done in the past. Typically, he names the guy and doesn't do much substituting unless it becomes necessary.

Depending on whether the games are going our way and considering the unique situation, I wouldn't be at all surprised to see some game time auditioning going on in the first 2 games before we hit the SEC schedule.
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I just get a feeling that all three (KF, JW, and NM; I expect JJ to redshirt) will all see playing time in the first 2 or 3 games before there is a final starter who takes the first and most snaps of the remaining games. And don't forget, that regardless of who starts, we are just one play away from the "starter" being out due to injury and the second/third string QB in the rest of the game. So I hope all of them are ready and capable.

Thats a good possibility insofar as seeing all of them early. That would be an interesting departure from what Gus has done in the past. Typically, he names the guy and doesn't do much substituting unless it becomes necessary.

Depending on whether the games are going our way and considering the unique situation, I wouldn't be at all surprised to see some game time auditioning going on in the first 2 games before we hit the SEC schedule.

yep and like i said that is somewhat of a departure from Gus' coaching style but given the situation i think you're right

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I just get a feeling that all three (KF, JW, and NM; I expect JJ to redshirt) will all see playing time in the first 2 or 3 games before there is a final starter who takes the first and most snaps of the remaining games. And don't forget, that regardless of who starts, we are just one play away from the "starter" being out due to injury and the second/third string QB in the rest of the game. So I hope all of them are ready and capable.

Thats a good possibility insofar as seeing all of them early. That would be an interesting departure from what Gus has done in the past. Typically, he names the guy and doesn't do much substituting unless it becomes necessary.

Depending on whether the games are going our way and considering the unique situation, I wouldn't be at all surprised to see some game time auditioning going on in the first 2 games before we hit the SEC schedule.

yep and like i said that is somewhat of a departure from Gus' coaching style but given the situation i think you're right

The only way I can see 2 qb's playing would be a combo of either Wallace or Frazier with either Marshall or Johnson in a situation where one of the later is clearly the best option but isn't quite ready so they are trying ease them into the position. I just can't see Gus going all Spurrier and playing them all.

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I just get a feeling that all three (KF, JW, and NM; I expect JJ to redshirt) will all see playing time in the first 2 or 3 games before there is a final starter who takes the first and most snaps of the remaining games. And don't forget, that regardless of who starts, we are just one play away from the "starter" being out due to injury and the second/third string QB in the rest of the game. So I hope all of them are ready and capable.

Thats a good possibility insofar as seeing all of them early. That would be an interesting departure from what Gus has done in the past. Typically, he names the guy and doesn't do much substituting unless it becomes necessary.

Depending on whether the games are going our way and considering the unique situation, I wouldn't be at all surprised to see some game time auditioning going on in the first 2 games before we hit the SEC schedule.

yep and like i said that is somewhat of a departure from Gus' coaching style but given the situation i think you're right

Yes it is and its not ideal. But, it's really the only time Gus is going to be able to see them running his offense in a live situation, both in the pocket and in option QB run plays.
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I just get a feeling that all three (KF, JW, and NM; I expect JJ to redshirt) will all see playing time in the first 2 or 3 games before there is a final starter who takes the first and most snaps of the remaining games. And don't forget, that regardless of who starts, we are just one play away from the "starter" being out due to injury and the second/third string QB in the rest of the game. So I hope all of them are ready and capable.

Thats a good possibility insofar as seeing all of them early. That would be an interesting departure from what Gus has done in the past. Typically, he names the guy and doesn't do much substituting unless it becomes necessary.

Depending on whether the games are going our way and considering the unique situation, I wouldn't be at all surprised to see some game time auditioning going on in the first 2 games before we hit the SEC schedule.

yep and like i said that is somewhat of a departure from Gus' coaching style but given the situation i think you're right

The only way I can see 2 qb's playing would be a combo of either Wallace or Frazier with either Marshall or Johnson in a situation where one of the later is clearly the best option but isn't quite ready so they are trying ease them into the position. I just can't see Gus going all Spurrier and playing them all.

I don't think you will see JJ. But those first 2 games will be the only time Gus will get to see how his other 3 QBs operate in a live tackle situation. I think he might want to see that before the SEC games.
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Marshall will be our guy this year. If he stays for the full two years, that will give Johnson two full years to develop and lead us as a sophomore (red shirt first year).

JJ needs that full two years; one as a redshirt and the second as the backup. That way, he will be ready in two years and though second year game experience, be better prepared for the role. None of our QBs in the last few years, have had this time to develop in the system (with the possible exception of Barrett Trotter).

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I'm all for good discussion (and it's slow right now) but these 'rehashing the QB' threads are getting ridiculous.


The really comical thing about this thread is that there are actually people using the A-day game as a measuring stick for a QB's ability. :dunno::banghead: All you have to do is look at 2010 for an example of the ridiculousness of using A-day as a measuring stick.

The other EXTREMELY shortsighted bashing of our returning QB's is baffling as well. In 2011, Frazier was put in the game in very specific circumstances where he rarely threw the ball at all. I believe he had 12 throws the entire season. Then in 2012, we had a COMPLETE team breakdown where the ONLY player that actually did anything well (particularly on offense) was Tre Mason. It just amazes me that people use the 2011 and the 2012 seasons as a measuring stick to vilify our current QB's. They aren't nearly as bad as most here are making them out to be. They are absolutely a victim of circumstance and nothing more.

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I'm all for good discussion (and it's slow right now) but these 'rehashing the QB' threads are getting ridiculous.


The really comical thing about this thread is that there are actually people using the A-day game as a measuring stick for a QB's ability. :dunno::banghead: All you have to do is look at 2010 for an example of the ridiculousness of using A-day as a measuring stick.

The other EXTREMELY shortsighted bashing of our returning QB's is baffling as well. In 2011, Frazier was put in the game in very specific circumstances where he rarely threw the ball at all. I believe he had 12 throws the entire season. Then in 2012, we had a COMPLETE team breakdown where the ONLY player that actually did anything well (particularly on offense) was Tre Mason. It just amazes me that people use the 2011 and the 2012 seasons as a measuring stick to vilify our current QB's. They aren't nearly as bad as most here are making them out to be. They are absolutely a victim of circumstance and nothing more.

Ssshhh! Reality will get you know where with some...figured you would know that by now.

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The best man will win out. Coach Malzahn didn't sign a junior college QB just so he can ride the bench.

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It's so nice to know that there are so many people on this board who are just absolutely certain that they know what Gus and Rhett are thinking...

:-\ :-\ :-\

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The best man will win out. Coach Malzahn didn't sign a junior college QB just so he can ride the bench.

What player has any school ever signed just to ride the bench?

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