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Pass-Offense in SEC competition


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How would you rate Auburn's overall pass-offense during the past 6 seasons?

Here is how I broke it down...

The following data is based on pass-efficiency ratings in SEC-conference games only from 2000-2012. I came up with 4 categories and they are as follows:

1) Exceptional: This is a pass-rating of 160 or better, with a combined record of 209-29 (.878) in conference play.

2) Good: This is a pass-rating of 140-159, which compiled a record of 126-50 (.716).

3) Average: This is a pass-rating of 120-139 and a record of 134-115 (.538).

4) Below Average: This is a pass rating of 119 or lower and a record of 177-452 (.281).

* From 2000-2012 there has been 79 occasions an SEC team had a pass-rating of 190 or better during a conference game. The combined record in those 79 games was 78-1. Good to exceptional play at quarterback is an obvious factor in winning the conference.

From 2006-2012, Auburn has played 49 conference games. Based on the above categories, here is how Auburn's pass-offense has ranked.

10 games of exceptional ratings.

4 games of good ratings.

9 games of average ratings.

26 games of below average ratings.

During the past 6 seasons, 71.4% of Auburn's pass-offense in conference play has been average or below average and 53.1% has been below average. This is a primary reason why Auburn has a 23-26 conference record the last 6 seasons.

The average pass-rating in a SEC conference game over the past 6 seasons has been 123.8. Here is Auburn's pass-rating in conference play during the same time period.

2007: 112.0

2008: 99.7

2009: 119.0

2010: 171.5

2011: 108.6

2012: 108.9

During the past 6 seasons, Auburn has compiled a pass-rating of 119.2 in conference play compared to...

Alabama .............. 138.5 (149.7 last 4 years)

LSU ..................... 124.5 (126.9 last 4 years)

Florida ................. 140.7

Georgia ............... 139.9 (144.5 the last 4 years)

South Carolina ..... 126.6 (131.1 the last 4 years)

Arkansas ............. 135.5 (141.1 the last 4 years)

Tennessee ........... 120.4

Add Texas A&M to the battle with a 145.3 rating in 2012 and Auburn has fallen to 9th in the "arms race". Take Cam Newton out of the picture and Auburn's pass-rating is 109.5 in 5 of the last 6 seasons, 2nd worst in the SEC to Vanderbilt's 102.1 rating.

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* From 2000-2012 there has been 79 occasions an SEC team had a pass-rating of 190 or better during a conference game. The combined record in those 79 games was 78-1. Good to exceptional play at quarterback is an obvious factor in winning the conference.

Just out of curiosity, who played and lost that one game with a 190 or better QB rating? And what was the QB rating of the winning team? (I'd guess Georgia in the SEC champ game to Alabama last year, but I'm probably wrong)

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* From 2000-2012 there has been 79 occasions an SEC team had a pass-rating of 190 or better during a conference game. The combined record in those 79 games was 78-1. Good to exceptional play at quarterback is an obvious factor in winning the conference.

Just out of curiosity, who played and lost that one game with a 190 or better QB rating? And what was the QB rating of the winning team? (I'd guess Georgia in the SEC champ game to Alabama last year, but I'm probably wrong)

He threw 1 Pick and only 1 TD, not even close. His rating in that game was 125.9
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Yeah, it was just off the top of my head and I didn't think it would be right. My other guess would be D. Craig vs. Tennessee in SEC champ, but that was before 2000. :dunno:

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Yeah, it was just off the top of my head and I didn't think it would be right. My other guess would be D. Craig vs. Tennessee in SEC champ, but that was before 2000. :dunno:

I have no clue either. My quesses were Tyler Wilson versus us on 2010 but his rating was 182 and Eli Manning in the OT loss versus Arky in 2001. He threw 6 TDs with No picks but his rating was still 173.
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How would you rate Auburn's overall pass-offense during the past 6 seasons?

Here is how I broke it down...

The following data is based on pass-efficiency ratings in SEC-conference games only from 2000-2012. I came up with 4 categories and they are as follows:

1) Exceptional: This is a pass-rating of 160 or better, with a combined record of 209-29 (.878) in conference play.

2) Good: This is a pass-rating of 140-159, which compiled a record of 126-50 (.716).

3) Average: This is a pass-rating of 120-139 and a record of 134-115 (.538).

4) Below Average: This is a pass rating of 119 or lower and a record of 177-452 (.281).

* From 2000-2012 there has been 79 occasions an SEC team had a pass-rating of 190 or better during a conference game. The combined record in those 79 games was 78-1. Good to exceptional play at quarterback is an obvious factor in winning the conference.

From 2006-2012, Auburn has played 49 conference games. Based on the above categories, here is how Auburn's pass-offense has ranked.

10 games of exceptional ratings.

4 games of good ratings.

9 games of average ratings.

26 games of below average ratings.

During the past 6 seasons, 71.4% of Auburn's pass-offense in conference play has been average or below average and 53.1% has been below average. This is a primary reason why Auburn has a 23-26 conference record the last 6 seasons.

The average pass-rating in a SEC conference game over the past 6 seasons has been 123.8. Here is Auburn's pass-rating in conference play during the same time period.

2007: 112.0

2008: 99.7

2009: 119.0

2010: 171.5

2011: 108.6

2012: 108.9

During the past 6 seasons, Auburn has compiled a pass-rating of 119.2 in conference play compared to...

Alabama .............. 138.5 (149.7 last 4 years)

LSU ..................... 124.5 (126.9 last 4 years)

Florida ................. 140.7

Georgia ............... 139.9 (144.5 the last 4 years)

South Carolina ..... 126.6 (131.1 the last 4 years)

Arkansas ............. 135.5 (141.1 the last 4 years)

Tennessee ........... 120.4

Add Texas A&M to the battle with a 145.3 rating in 2012 and Auburn has fallen to 9th in the "arms race". Take Cam Newton out of the picture and Auburn's pass-rating is 109.5 in 5 of the last 6 seasons, 2nd worst in the SEC to Vanderbilt's 102.1 rating.

That pretty much explains Auburn's recent travails in conference play and its not a pretty picture. Hopefully, Gus can begin to get that ship righted this season

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* From 2000-2012 there has been 79 occasions an SEC team had a pass-rating of 190 or better during a conference game. The combined record in those 79 games was 78-1. Good to exceptional play at quarterback is an obvious factor in winning the conference.

Just out of curiosity, who played and lost that one game with a 190 or better QB rating? And what was the QB rating of the winning team? (I'd guess Georgia in the SEC champ game to Alabama last year, but I'm probably wrong)

It was the 2006 UAT-Arkansas game Bama lost 24-23.

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I believe Auburn is going into it's sixth straight season not knowing who the starting QB will be? Seems to me we need to be able to establish a multi-year starter at QB and get some consistency going.

How many different starting QB's have we used in the past six years? .

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* From 2000-2012 there has been 79 occasions an SEC team had a pass-rating of 190 or better during a conference game. The combined record in those 79 games was 78-1. Good to exceptional play at quarterback is an obvious factor in winning the conference.

Just out of curiosity, who played and lost that one game with a 190 or better QB rating? And what was the QB rating of the winning team? (I'd guess Georgia in the SEC champ game to Alabama last year, but I'm probably wrong)

It was the 2006 UAT-Arkansas game Bama lost 24-23.

Wow! Yeah. JP Wilson was comfortably over 190. He was at 231.6. To answer Oracle's other question Mustail was the winng Arky QB and his rating was a putrid 56.6
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Over the past 4 seasons, 51.5% of the "exceptional" passing performances in conference play has come from Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina and Arkansas.

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Stat, what have Gus coached QBs done in this same time-span?

Great question...

In Malzahn's 94 collegiate games, here is the breakdown of his pass-offense.

43 games of exceptional play, 43-0 record

17 games of good play, 11-6 record

13 games of average play, 11-2 record

21 games of below average, 5-16 record.

That is 63.8% good to exceptional play in the passing game and a combined record of 54-6 and only 22.3% below average.

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It's amazing that we were still able to go 8-5 2 seasons with a below average passing attack and our problems on defense. Gus seems to take more chances down field in the passing game so that probably has an impact on the numbers but it does give one hope that if we can just be average in the passing game and on defense that we can have a much better season than what is being predicted.

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.... This is a primary reason why Auburn has a 23-26 conference record the last 6 seasons.


Great stats. Thanks for sharing. Boy that hurts. I did not know that over the last six years AU has a losing SEC record.

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* From 2000-2012 there has been 79 occasions an SEC team had a pass-rating of 190 or better during a conference game. The combined record in those 79 games was 78-1. Good to exceptional play at quarterback is an obvious factor in winning the conference.

Just out of curiosity, who played and lost that one game with a 190 or better QB rating? And what was the QB rating of the winning team? (I'd guess Georgia in the SEC champ game to Alabama last year, but I'm probably wrong)

It was the 2006 UAT-Arkansas game Bama lost 24-23.

Wow! Yeah. JP Wilson was comfortably over 190. He was at 231.6. To answer Oracle's other question Mustail was the winng Arky QB and his rating was a putrid 56.6

Gus was the Coordinator for Mustain that year, too....

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