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Football recruiting will benefit


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Absolutley. Now you have nailed it. The more fun the recruits have while on campus, the greater the possibility of landing them. This will plug a huge hole.

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from the Bruce Pearl hire. Its all good!

I definitely agree that having Bruce Pearl as our Bball coach will help our football program as well. Pearl is a very visible person on campus and he supports the other sports well. Most Bball recruits know who Pearl is and this will only help! Yesterday was a great day for AU!

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I suspect CBP will not hurt FB recruiting at all. But, honestly, I think we're talking a lot in terms of overall vibe -- very positive, upbeat, team-oriented, and so on. Watching the video of the offense running through 'Pace Drills' on the Day 1 Spring Practice thread, it's pretty clear that they are having a blast. I suspect that CGM will also not hurt BB recruiting at all! I see a nice future, in other words, where both sports add some excitement to the other (no rivalry, just synergy).

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I think we're going to see all of the coaches supporting one another a great deal, and I suspect the players will follow their leads. That means good things for all sports. I mean, can you imagine the impact of having basketball recruits coming to see a game and sitting next to the likes of Nick Marshall and Sammie Coates? I would think it would make at least as big an impact for recruits from other sports, as well, particularly if we start getting some of the more well known players to support, say, a volleyball match. Talk about driving home the AU Family aspect sitting next to KT Harrell and him talking to parents about the academics while watching other AU athletes run the 100 yard dash or bend a corner kick into the net!

Maybe I'm just dreaming, but I think it'd be pretty danged AUsome...

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I think we're going to see all of the coaches supporting one another a great deal, and I suspect the players will follow their leads. That means good things for all sports. I mean, can you imagine the impact of having basketball recruits coming to see a game and sitting next to the likes of Nick Marshall and Sammie Coates? I would think it would make at least as big an impact for recruits from other sports, as well, particularly if we start getting some of the more well known players to support, say, a volleyball match. Talk about driving home the AU Family aspect sitting next to KT Harrell and him talking to parents about the academics while watching other AU athletes run the 100 yard dash or bend a corner kick into the net!

Maybe I'm just dreaming, but I think it'd be pretty danged AUsome...

Got another one for ya. Wait till Pearl finds out that the best Basketball players on campus are current football QB's. Marshall and Johnson.

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Now that BP is in the building, will this forum also be used for Auburn Basketball Recruiting?

Huh, what? People recruit for basketball? Does not compute.

On a side note......do they give out more than 3 *'s to basketball players?

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I think we're going to see all of the coaches supporting one another a great deal, and I suspect the players will follow their leads. That means good things for all sports. I mean, can you imagine the impact of having basketball recruits coming to see a game and sitting next to the likes of Nick Marshall and Sammie Coates? I would think it would make at least as big an impact for recruits from other sports, as well, particularly if we start getting some of the more well known players to support, say, a volleyball match. Talk about driving home the AU Family aspect sitting next to KT Harrell and him talking to parents about the academics while watching other AU athletes run the 100 yard dash or bend a corner kick into the net!

Maybe I'm just dreaming, but I think it'd be pretty danged AUsome...

Totally with you, Red!

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Now that BP is in the building, will this forum also be used for Auburn Basketball Recruiting?

Huh, what? People recruit for basketball? Does not compute.

On a side note......do they give out more than 3 *'s to basketball players?


Apparently people do recruit for BB. And as far as I can tell from my recent forays onto the BB board (yes, WE10 -- I discovered that they actually have a board devoted to AU Basketball on AU Family Forums! You could've bowled me over with a feather.), I think the number of *s in BB depends on the brand of shoes you wear.

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I have a friend my age who I played in HS with that has a signed pair of originals worn in a practice. He has a signed pair of Larry Bird Cons (Converse) and Magic Johnson Cons as well. His dad was a Lakers scout so he got tons of cool stuff. He has a Championship Ring as well. His Dad has 4 of them.

ETA: No I don't want a cookie!

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I have a friend my age who I played in HS with that has a signed pair of originals worn in a practice. He has a signed pair of Larry Bird Cons (Converse) and Magic Johnson Cons as well. His dad was a Lakers scout so he got tons of cool stuff. He has a Championship Ring as well. His Dad has 4 of them.

ETA: No I don't want a cookie!

LOL. Very cool. I used to like BB a lot more than I do now. Maybe the BP hire will rekindle my interest. I've already even watched a little March Madness this year to check out the competition.

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I'm trying as well. the sport kinda died for me once Bird, Magic, Jordan etc. all retired. There were some great games then and I just don't see anyone who can touch those guys. There are some good players now but no great teams anymore.

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I'm trying as well. the sport kinda died for me once Bird, Magic, Jordan etc. all retired. There were some great games then and I just don't see anyone who can touch those guys. There are some good players now but no great teams anymore.

I agree. And part of the reason for that IS the shoes (focusing on individual athletes). Another part is ESPN (focusing on individual athletes). Could you imagine Larry Bird or Magic Johnson holding some sort of made-for-tv stunt about 'taking their talents' to South Beach or anywhere else? And LeBron is probably one of the most team-oriented guys around.

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I'm trying as well. the sport kinda died for me once Bird, Magic, Jordan etc. all retired. There were some great games then and I just don't see anyone who can touch those guys. There are some good players now but no great teams anymore.

I agree. And part of the reason for that IS the shoes (focusing on individual athletes). Another part is ESPN (focusing on individual athletes). Could you imagine Larry Bird or Magic Johnson holding some sort of made-for-tv stunt about 'taking their talents' to South Beach or anywhere else? And LeBron is probably one of the most team-oriented guys around.

Pre-cise-ly my dear Watson, precisely!
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I'm trying as well. the sport kinda died for me once Bird, Magic, Jordan etc. all retired. There were some great games then and I just don't see anyone who can touch those guys. There are some good players now but no great teams anymore.

I would argue that there have been some recently- San Antonio, Boston in the Big 3 + Rondo days, LA before them and yes, Miami- but all the other BS has diminished our perception of the actual product on the court. We just don't like teams or players anymore. The stars now seem like jerks and teams don't stay together long enough to have identities anymore. No more Showtime, or Bad Boys, or scrappy Celtics or dynasty Bulls. Just... the Decision. Ugh. Or you have the Spurs, who are just really, really boring :)

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I'm trying as well. the sport kinda died for me once Bird, Magic, Jordan etc. all retired. There were some great games then and I just don't see anyone who can touch those guys. There are some good players now but no great teams anymore.

I would argue that there have been some recently- San Antonio, Boston in the Big 3 + Rondo days, LA before them and yes, Miami- but all the other BS has diminished our perception of the actual product on the court. We just don't like teams or players anymore. The stars now seem like jerks and teams don't stay together long enough to have identities anymore. No more Showtime, or Bad Boys, or scrappy Celtics or dynasty Bulls. Just... the Decision. Ugh. Or you have the Spurs, who are just really, really boring :)

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McLoofus is mad the Spurs are the old men in church league beating all the young kids down....lol

LOL! Hahaha... man... you don't know how right you are. We used to play driveway ball in the summer at a friend's house, and his dad- the mild-mannered preacher- would come out and... exactly... beat us all down. And we were in high school.

Like, seriously, do we know each other? :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

The last pro BB game that I watched in it's entirety featured Bob Cousey.

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McLoofus is mad the Spurs are the old men in church league beating all the young kids down....lol

LOL! Hahaha... man... you don't know how right you are. We used to play driveway ball in the summer at a friend's house, and his dad- the mild-mannered preacher- would come out and... exactly... beat us all down. And we were in high school.

Like, seriously, do we know each other? :)

Get a room.

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The last pro BB game that I watched in it's entirety featured Bob Cousey.

U really missed out on Michael Jordan Larry Bird, and Magic Johnson. IMO, the 3 Greatest players to impact and play the game
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