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Hanoi Jane Meet Peking Michelle

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I just saw a pic of Michelle waving two red communist flags on a taxpayer visit to Peking (it won't link for some reason). Anyone ever see her wave an American flag?

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She is waven them commie flags for the hold world to see. She aint never waved no American flag. Good job PT. Shes a lyin librul commie scum.

Peking Michelle, that's a goodin PT! We knowd she was a commie.

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Thanks kickinwang.....I don't mind saying I was wrong when I am. That's more than some here.

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I'm sure she was told they were commie china flags, so it doesn't matter if they weren't.

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Looks like red streamers to me.

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Looks like red streamers to me.

Maybe that explains it. Most of us have a natural aversion to anything red (or at least Crimson). ;D/>

True. :)

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