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Republican House Votes To Deny U.S. Military Funding To Prepare For Climate Change

.....With a mostly party-line vote on Thursday, the House of Representatives passed an amendment sponsored by Rep. David McKinley (R-WV) that seeks to prevent the Department of Defense from using funding to address the national security impacts of climate change.....

This week the CNA Military Advisory Board issued a sobering report indicating that climate change is already threatening both our national security and economy. The Board, whose makeup includes 16 former military Generals and Admirals with a combined 580 years of experience, particularly honed in on coastal disruption to US military bases and the destabilizing effects of climate change on geopolitics. Retired Vice Admiral Lee Gunn (President of the CNA's Corp. Institute for Public Research) last week pointed out that the U.S. military is the single largest consumer of oil in the U.S., and highlighted the necessity for the military to transition towards renewable energy in order to improve its operational efficiency and flexibility. In short, climate change is no joke to the military, nor is there any "debate" about its existence:

Pentagon officials said the report would affect military policy. “The department certainly agrees that climate change is having an impact on national security, whether by increasing global instability, by opening the Arctic or by increasing sea level and storm surge near our coastal installations,” John Conger, the Pentagon’s deputy under secretary of defense for installations and environment, said in a statement. “We are actively integrating climate considerations across the full spectrum of our activities to ensure a ready and resilient force.”....


In other words: We've bought into the denier industry and so we refuse to accept the science. The security of the country be damned.

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How many times is we gonna have to school you Homer? There aint no climate change.

Thank goodniss David McKinley aint gonna let DoD waist no money study in something that was made up by libtards.

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Have you read much Dartagman? Let me forewarn, total :bs:.

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Have you read much Dartagman? Let me forewarn, total :bs:.

To answer your question, no I haven't. Can you be more specific about what in this article is BS?

Anyway, if you chose to ignore the message because of this particular messenger, you have the option of an alternate. Here's an (incomplete) list of alternative sources to help you out:












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As the recent coup in Thailand and the cases of many other military states have demonstrated, one of the great things about our system of government is our tradition that our military is answerable to the rule of law and civilian oversight.

But even as a fairly pacifist liberal, I think military experts have a better grasp of our security needs than some civilians making political hay out of an issue already resolved. 97-98% of all scientific research on the subject, and obviously the consensus of the military authors of this report, says global warming is happening. It's not even necessary to believe that humans are a cause (although they are! <--my opinion and the opinion of most scientists) to accept climate change as a threat to be examined. It is absolutely essential to consider the effects of such change, regardless of cause, on our national security. The impact of any threat perceived by such an overwhelming majority of scientists should be examined and addressed by the military, even if only hypothetical or later proven non-existent.

I am reminded of the alleged "missile/bomber gap" during the Cold War of the '50's/early '60's. We were told that the USSR held an overwhelming advantage over us in ICBM's and/or intercontinental bombers. Later evidence proved such a gap to be mostly fiction. But would any sane Congressman at the time, given the evidence made available, have forbidden the military to examine and address such a threat?

I can't speak for everyone, but if 97-98% of engineers tell me a bridge is unsafe and near collapse, I would stop and examine/address those concerns before trusting that bridge, regardless of what 2-3% of the engineers and a few politicians might tell me.

Neither Republicans nor Democrats have a monopoly on stupidity, but "stupid" is a perfect adjective for this amendment!

(It astonishes me that some people consider UFO's, Reptilians, water fluoridation, HAARP, demons, the "New World Order", autism-causing vaccines, or an organized global conspiracy of Jews/Muslims/Commies/Nazis/bankers/whatever--for all of which there is far less scientific evidence--to be greater threats than climate change!)

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Rinse, recycle, repeat.

Rinse, recycle, repeat.

Rinse, recycle, repeat.

Rinse, recycle, repeat.

On and on and on and on..........

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Might as well approve $ for fighting Kaiju, from Pacific Rim.


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Meanwhile, people are starving in our country, kids are entering Foster care at a rapid rate, poverty is a huge problem, inner-city violence is ongoing, and prisons are overcrowded. But hey, lets focus on global warming because it's such a more important issue.

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Meanwhile, people are starving in our country, kids are entering Foster care at a rapid rate, poverty is a huge problem, inner-city violence is ongoing, and prisons are overcrowded. But hey, lets focus on global warming because it's such a more important issue.

That's for sure. I'm curious if any cavemen warned of global freezing and that if they didn't do something to stop the cold, the world would remain in a global ice cube. I for one believe that climate ebbs and flows. We may be flowing into a warmer time period but will eventually ebb back into a cold period. There is no "science or proof" that this or isn't the answer, but I'm not overly concerned with the warming warning.

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Meanwhile, people are starving in our country, kids are entering Foster care at a rapid rate, poverty is a huge problem, inner-city violence is ongoing, and prisons are overcrowded. But hey, lets focus on global warming because it's such a more important issue.

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The job of the DOD is to handle the military affairs of this nation and have it ready to defend this nation from any and all foreign threats. That is it's only job. It isn't the place for global warming studies or social experimentation.

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Meanwhile, people are starving in our country, kids are entering Foster care at a rapid rate, poverty is a huge problem, inner-city violence is ongoing, and prisons are overcrowded. But hey, lets focus on global warming because it's such a more important issue.

Its all happening because of global warming, weegle. :-\ When are you going to "wise up"?

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Meanwhile, people are starving in our country, kids are entering Foster care at a rapid rate, poverty is a huge problem, inner-city violence is ongoing, and prisons are overcrowded. But hey, lets focus on global warming because it's such a more important issue.

Gee, I never new that responding to global warming was exclusive. This changes everything!

Weegle you are better than that. :no:

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Meanwhile, people are starving in our country, kids are entering Foster care at a rapid rate, poverty is a huge problem, inner-city violence is ongoing, and prisons are overcrowded. But hey, lets focus on global warming because it's such a more important issue.


But that's about par for you.

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The job of the DOD is to handle the military affairs of this nation and have it ready to defend this nation from any and all foreign threats. That is it's only job. It isn't the place for global warming studies or social experimentation.

If you actually read the military's reasoning on the subject, it might help with your understanding.

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How many times is we gonna have to school you Homer? There aint no climate change.

Thank goodniss David McKinley aint gonna let DoD waist no money study in something that was made up by libtards.


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Remember most of these same clowns voted 2 times for a man that had never had a real job before and spent millions hiding his past and believed Obama could do the job so convincing them of Climate Change likely isn't very difficult. The dumbass' will believe anything. Run for your lives- it's summer.

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Remember most of these same clowns voted 2 times for a man that had never had a real job before and spent millions hiding his past and believed Obama could do the job so convincing them of Climate Change likely isn't very difficult. The dumbass' will believe anything. Run for your lives- it's summer.

Well, maybe the GOP should just outlaw the practice of science altogether. That would take care of the problem.

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Have you read much Dartagman? Let me forewarn, total :bs:.

To answer your question, no I haven't. Can you be more specific about what in this article is BS?

Anyway, if you chose to ignore the message because of this particular messenger, you have the option of an alternate. Here's an (incomplete) list of alternative sources to help you out:












Dartagman has a clear political agenda. That's it Homes.
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Remember most of these same clowns voted 2 times for a man that had never had a real job before and spent millions hiding his past and believed Obama could do the job so convincing them of Climate Change likely isn't very difficult. The dumbass' will believe anything. Run for your lives- it's summer.

Well, maybe the GOP should just outlaw the practice of science altogether. That would take care of the problem.

Remember most of these same clowns voted 2 times for a man that had never had a real job before and spent millions hiding his past and believed Obama could do the job so convincing them of Climate Change likely isn't very difficult. The dumbass' will believe anything. Run for your lives- it's summer.

Well, maybe the GOP should just outlaw the practice of science altogether. That would take care of the problem.

i would respond to that with this - maybe the GOP should just outlaw the scientific community strong arming their associates to get on the AGW train. Clearly, there is a tremendous amount of subterfuge going on as a growing number of scientists begin to challenge much of this fabricated secular apocalypse. Many "point of no return" apocalyptic deadlines have quietly come and gone to which the scientific community responds to by reporting they need to do more research. Its about control and money...tax money in the form of a carbon tax which will give the govt the power to control almost every detail of daily life...from the number of miles a person drives to their setting on their thermostats in their homes.

Bottom line, there is no global solution and whatever America does will be vastly offset by China and India so why punish American businesses and families with more unproductive wasteful taxation?

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Remember most of these same clowns voted 2 times for a man that had never had a real job before and spent millions hiding his past and believed Obama could do the job so convincing them of Climate Change likely isn't very difficult. The dumbass' will believe anything. Run for your lives- it's summer.

Well, maybe the GOP should just outlaw the practice of science altogether. That would take care of the problem.

Remember most of these same clowns voted 2 times for a man that had never had a real job before and spent millions hiding his past and believed Obama could do the job so convincing them of Climate Change likely isn't very difficult. The dumbass' will believe anything. Run for your lives- it's summer.

Well, maybe the GOP should just outlaw the practice of science altogether. That would take care of the problem.

i would respond to that with this - maybe the GOP should just outlaw the scientific community strong arming their associates to get on the AGW train. Clearly, there is a tremendous amount of subterfuge going on as a growing number of scientists begin to challenge much of this fabricated secular apocalypse. Many "point of no return" apocalyptic deadlines have quietly come and gone to which the scientific community responds to by reporting they need to do more research. Its about control and money...tax money in the form of a carbon tax which will give the govt the power to control almost every detail of daily life...from the number of miles a person drives to their setting on their thermostats in their homes.

Bottom line, there is no global solution and whatever America does will be vastly offset by China and India so why punish American businesses and families with more unproductive wasteful taxation?

That's an insanely ignorant position. At least that's what your descendants will conclude.

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Remember most of these same clowns voted 2 times for a man that had never had a real job before and spent millions hiding his past and believed Obama could do the job so convincing them of Climate Change likely isn't very difficult. The dumbass' will believe anything. Run for your lives- it's summer.

Well, maybe the GOP should just outlaw the practice of science altogether. That would take care of the problem.

Yea yea yea, we've heard the 'science is settled' meme for a while but you know what? These same 'scientists' were warning us about a coming Ice Age 30-40 years ago and then had to change it to Global Warming and now Climate Change or whatever it may be called today. And many of the other apocalypse deadline dates have come and gone and simple minds still can't comprehend the fraud. The emails from these 'scientist' that showed fraud because the models they used didn't work for their agenda should be enough for anyone with common sense to see it for the fraud that it is but then again when someone spends millions hiding their past and a red flag doesn't go up for people, we can realize that common sense just isn't very common anymore, especially with Liberals.
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Accepted science overturned:

DDT is not harmful.

Fat is not fattening

An aspirin a day is not good for you

Salt does not cause heart attacks

The divorce rate is not 50%

Soon to be overturned

Climate change is man caused

New consensus: Climate change is normal.

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Remember most of these same clowns voted 2 times for a man that had never had a real job before and spent millions hiding his past and believed Obama could do the job so convincing them of Climate Change likely isn't very difficult. The dumbass' will believe anything. Run for your lives- it's summer.

Well, maybe the GOP should just outlaw the practice of science altogether. That would take care of the problem.

Yea yea yea, we've heard the 'science is settled' meme for a while but you know what? These same 'scientists' were warning us about a coming Ice Age 30-40 years ago and then had to change it to Global Warming and now Climate Change or whatever it may be called today. And many of the other apocalypse deadline dates have come and gone and simple minds still can't comprehend the fraud. The emails from these 'scientist' that showed fraud because the models they used didn't work for their agenda should be enough for anyone with common sense to see it for the fraud that it is but then again when someone spends millions hiding their past and a red flag doesn't go up for people, we can realize that common sense just isn't very common anymore, especially with Liberals.

That's simply false. You need to do a little more reading before stating such definitive opinions.

In fact, nothing you wrote above is true. In fact, these claims have all been debunked in detail previously on this very forum.

Pick one out and we'll do it (yet) again.

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Accepted science overturned:

DDT is not harmful.

Fat is not fattening

An aspirin a day is not good for you

Salt does not cause heart attacks

The divorce rate is not 50%

Soon to be overturned

Climate change is man caused

New consensus: Climate change is normal.

Ridiculous. I don't think you understand the science behind any of those statements. (And the divorce rate isn't even science to start with.)

If you would like to parse any given one, first provide some evidence for it and I will explain where you are wrong in comparing it to AGW.

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