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24 Black Missouri Football Players Will Boycott Football Activities


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Yeah. What gets me is that these students are stepping up to the mic and saying "we are protesting systems of oppression in a white male patriarchal society." Ok. When I was 18-25, I would not have been able to string those words together. Heck, I wouldn't have been well informed enough to develop such an opinion. At 20-years of age you don't even have the experience to put into context what these kids are saying. These are MA & PhD level terms.

My concern is that the professors are putting these ideas in the students heads because either 1) the professors are that far out on the fringe of political belief, or 2) the professors are intentionally using the students as their mouthpieces in order to disrupt the system to their own benefit. By that second part, I mean if certain professors wanted the president out, a full-blown race debacle would be the perfect way to pull it off.

Also, I think the whole thing looks really crazy when placed in context. Pick a meme to make fun of ConcernedStudent1950. "First world problems" or "skeptical African kid."

For 99% of the people out there, college campuses are the nicest places they will spend any length of time in their life. Massive endowments and tax-exempt status give you swank buildings, well kept lawns, countless free or cheap social events, free gym/sports facilities, subsidized or free food... I'd go back to college in a heartbeat.

Makes me think of the woman with the headache in the meme... "Woke up for my 8:15 class and it was cancelled. First World Problems."

Kid in Africa... "You mean to tell me they feed you 3 times a day, give you a room, and a gym membership. And all you have to do is go to class so you can get paid more money in 4 years?"

I mean... Tell me more about how oppressed you are in a couple of years, when you've got a bank job you don't particularly like but can't quit, because you need to build a financial base so you can eventually send kids to college at 20-50k/yr.

And that 20-50k/yr goes toward paying professors who convince students they are being oppressed.

Also, the poop smearer. The only victim I see there is the vandal. Anyone who's changed a diaper knows it's hard to get poop smell off your hand. Bet that guy switch hit at the dinner table for a while.

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l went to a party after a basketball game at Bishop State . Place called Happy Hills. Black girls smoking crack through a beer can .........gunfire down the street......Talk about culture shock...Black guy

raided his grandmothers med cabinet....was selling Tylox for 5 dollars per pill.

Details? Who were firing the gun? Where did the crack come from. Did you know these people? Who did you come with? Crack was available but had to hit a prescription out of a medicine cabinet? How did you know it was his grandmother's? This was a house party? What made you go? How did you leave. Culture shock? Why were you there in the first place then. Just seem peculiar, I've seen coke but never crack. Crack is frowned on especially among college students. Popping pills and crack at the same time seems weird. Crack heads hearing gun shots and still partying seems weird.

Anybody to back this, I mean it is your story to tell though, just seemed like after your white power pm's in my inbox you're been stalking me and you told this after I told my experience....I had a few that could vouch for me though....so you could very well be telling the truth...I just don't believe it. Seems like someone who calls for a link would've went into more detail

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The irony is just unbelievable.........

Melissa Click has resigned her courtesy appointment as an assistant professor of journalism due to Title IX violation racial harassment and violating the 1st amendment rights of a reporter at Missouri. She still has some sort of job as a mass communications instructor.

When you don't have tenure, don't act stupid.


Missouri assistant professor resigns from courtesy appointment after confrontation with journalist


ABC 17 News obtained an email from a faculty member in the Missouri School of Journalism that states, "Colleagues, As an adjunct faculty member, I am required by MU regulations to report any Title IX violations that come to my attention. In a video made yesterday on Carnahan Quad, a communications department faculty member, Melissa Click, is shown threatening and therefore assaulting Tim Tai, an Asian-American and one of our best photojournalism students. As I understand it, Tim was freelancing at the time for ESPN.

Dr. Click and her accomplice may also be guilty of battery as our student on one or two occasions protested being pushed by the two women. The second woman joining in the harassment is Janna Basler, a staff member who works in the Office of Greek Life.

Because I am a mandatory reporter under MU regulations, I have reported this racial harassment violation to the MU Title IX office. If you have watched the video, I urge you also to report, as you are obligated to do."

Dean David Kurpius said Click violated the journalists' First Amendment rights to cover public events since the protesters were on public property.

And the unionized graduate assistant workers at Missouri are still unhappy


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Title IX violation racial harassment and violating the 1st amendment rights

Wow...quite a trifecta ! And how would you like to have everyone know your jobs is a " courtesy " appointment ?

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Michael Savage is like a stout in a cooler full of light beers. Get him away from the rest of the crowd, he's actually quite good. But not to be enjoyed every day.

Quite an effective analogy. Too bad you drink daiquiris like Lane Kiffin...hehe

And you'd know what Lane drinks... how ?

Oh, never mind. It's " you ".

I really don't understand why this board likes to put quotation marks around the most irrelevant words. Please explain away why "you" needed extra emphasis. And everybody knows about the pool party thrower, Lane Kiffin. Pretend that you have a sense of humor and laugh it off.
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" you" need a sense of humor as well.


I didn't know about the pool party thrower .

There . I said it.

I'm not all knowing.

Happy now?

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Just so we understand - the issues and grievances that were brought up at Mizzou aren't unfounded. There were some problems and to some degree, the administration at UM didn't really address them or seem to see them as serious. So while I don't agree with all the tactics (especially this uber-butthut campout on the quad reaction), that's not to say they don't have a reason to be upset.

A very reasonable letter from a UM professor:

Cynthia Frisby is an associate professor in the Missouri School of Journalism. This is excerpted from a post on her Facebook page.

I have lived in Columbia and been at the university for almost 18 years. During this time, I have been called the n-word too many times to count.

My most recent experience was while jogging on Route K in May of 2015 when I was approached by a white man in a white truck with a Confederate flag very visible and proudly displayed.

He leaned out his window (now, keep in mind I run against traffic, so his behavior was a blatant sign that something was about to happen). Not only did he spit at me, he called me the n-word and gave me the finger.

Of course, I responded with, "Oh yea, get out of your car, you coward, and say that to my face." He then raced off. Typical. After the Zimmerman trial, I wrote about my experiences being called the n-word twice while I was on my jog. And yes, I have had a few faculty call me the n-word and treat me with incredible disrespect. Yes, faculty.

I have had a student who said he couldn't call me Dr. Frisby because that would mean that he thinks I am smart, and he was told that blacks are not smart and do not earn degrees without affirmative action. Yes, true story. I have so many stories to share that it just doesn't make sense to put them all here.

What I am responding to is the frequent question I have been asked all week: How have I endured these many hateful experiences for over 17 years, and why am I still here?

I endured because God allows me to see the good and cup half full. I endured because I know my life is in God's hands, and I do not walk alone. I endured because I find these to be teachable moments that I use in my classroom with my students. I endured (or better yet endure) because I have an amazing support system.

I endure because there are far too many of my white friends that have a heart of gold, love people of any color with a passion and who have a strong trust in and love for the Lord. I endure because I have friends who are white and daily show me that there are people who can hurt when I do and who sincerely want to make this culture a better place. I endure because I look to the Lord to help me grow and be the best person I can be.

I endure because I CHOSE AND CHOOSE to endure and overcome, and I choose to overlook ignorance. Choosing to overlook these idiots doesn't make me a "sell-out" or an Uncle Tom. I choose to endure because my mom and civil rights leaders taught me to never run but stand straight, tall and do not run.

Racism is alive, and it's everywhere. I endure because what I have gone through is nothing like what my mom went through in the '50s and '60s, nor is it even close to what my Lord and Savior had to endure while on the earth (he, too, was spat at, made fun of and even nailed to a cross simply because He loved us/me that much).

Yes, we are better off now than we were in the '50s, but to some extent, we are taking many steps backward by ignoring or not talking about the racial issues.

We need to have open discussions where people share their ignorance and learn from people who are different. (I do this in my classroom every day, and we learn and I learn so much.) So where am I going with this post?

I understand the anger. I understand that we've had enough. I also understand and agree with my friend Traci Wilson-Kleekamp when she wrote, "Jonathan L. Butler and ‎ConcernedStudent1950 please give space for mistakes, listening, learning and dialogue. This on the job training thing is powerful because it is SO VERY PUBLIC." I not only see this as on-the-job training for our administrators at MU, but I also see it as training for some of my very educated white friends.

The saddest of all things for me is to see how a few of my white friends are responding to these events and basic conflicts in race relations in our nation (i.e., police shootings, the President, etc). It hurts my heart when I see posts from these friends who make fun of us because we find things hurtful like dressing up in black face costumes or Confederate flags flying high in my neighborhood.

What bothers me is that the few of my white friends who feel this way have not taken time or energy to reach out to me and ask me why these things hurt or to understand what is going on or even send an email saying they are confused.

For the two friends who have in the recent days, thank you. That speaks volumes of your openness to understand. You are not even saying that you agree; you just want to hear from me and my thoughts and experiences. Kudos to being open.

Unlike my "other" so-called acquaintances. Instead, they take to social media and make jokes of the students, say things like, "Oh my God, what else are these people going to find offensive?" or even dumber things like, "I guess next year I will dress up as nothing." By the way: The Halloween costume event is not about not dressing up like someone, but it is about dressing up as characters, not as a race of people. It is the heart and intent of a person.

I write this post to ask if those folks who find that the situation on campus is ridiculous to please be a little more open-minded. Ask questions. Do your research. Heaven forbid you will put yourself in their shoes.

Maybe you should dress up in black face and spend a month walking around in that costume, and maybe then you will understand how we feel when you walk in a room or a store and get treated like a second class citizen. Maybe then you will understand that our feelings about being constantly referred to as niggers is more than "just getting over it." Maybe then you will understand why telling the students to get their "a@&S" in class because they are making much ado about nothing hurts and doesn't solve the problem.

I am much more than the n-word. I am an educated black woman who happens to have worked hard for my Ph.D. I am a mom. I am a grandmother. I am a daughter. I am a sister. I am an auntie. I am a cousin. I am loved by my family and friends. I am smart. I am funny (or so I think). I am a Christian who loves the Lord Jesus with my whole heart. I would die for Him as He died for us. I am YOUR FRIEND!

Yes, I am all of these things. There is so much more to me than the n-word implies. Please consider that when you criticize the events on campus: Yes, I am silly. Yes, I am a drama queen who thinks I should have been born a celebrity. But what I am not is a n****r! Let me just say that.

Consider that you have a friend who deserves and simply wants to be treated equally. You have and know a friend who jogs on Route K and wants to do that without fear that some kids in a car will think it is funny to yell at me and pretend that they will run me off the road. Know that you have a friend who wants to walk out every day with confidence that she will not be spat on or yelled euphemisms simply because of the color of her skin. To make things better in our world, that would be a start.


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So if anyone points out that these issues were not clearly explained does that leave the door open for more accusations of racism or some sort of privilege ?

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So if anyone points out that these issues were not clearly explained does that leave the door open for more accusations of racism or some sort of privilege ?

I don't know. I do think it's a valid point that in some cases, people start protesting and either decide that outrage and loudness are a valid substitute for explanations and evidence or they take the position that it's not their job to "educate white people" about racism. My response to that is, well, you've made it clear that by virtue of my whiteness I don't see the things you see or experience the things you experience on a daily basis. So unless you deign to 'educate' me, don't be surprised if a lot of white people just seem confused or think you're exaggerating. Concrete examples help. Racism isn't going to get better unless you can somehow communicate to those outside your circle what (in concrete terms) is going on.

I think this letter did a far better job to doing that than 90% of these yellfests we're seeing.

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So if anyone points out that these issues were not clearly explained does that leave the door open for more accusations of racism or some sort of privilege ?

I don't know. I do think it's a valid point that in some cases, people start protesting and either decide that outrage and loudness are a valid substitute for explanations and evidence or they take the position that it's not their job to "educate white people" about racism. My response to that is, well, you've made it clear that by virtue of my whiteness I don't see the things you see or experience the things you experience on a daily basis. So unless you deign to 'educate' me, don't be surprised if a lot of white people just seem confused or think you're exaggerating. Concrete examples help. Racism isn't going to get better unless you can somehow communicate to those outside your circle what (in concrete terms) is going on.

I think this letter did a far better job to doing that than 90% of these yellfests we're seeing.

See the Arab Spring.

The yellfest doesn't make the movement any less valid, just more unorganized.

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An unorganized yell- fest is going to create a bigger yell-fest that's less organized .

Chaos and disillusionment is what I think many in this movement actually are going for. Not solutions.

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Michael Savage is like a stout in a cooler full of light beers. Get him away from the rest of the crowd, he's actually quite good. But not to be enjoyed every day.

Quite an effective analogy. Too bad you drink daiquiris like Lane Kiffin...hehe

Lane Kiffin drinks Zima.

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Poor oppressed Mizzou Hunger Striker:

Jonathan Butler, a central figure in the protests at the University of Missouri, is an Omaha native and the son of a railroad vice president, the Omaha World-Herald reports. Butler refused food last week in a move to force the university system's president, Timothy M. Wolfe, from office. Wolfe resigned Monday and Butler ended his hunger strike. He is a member of a prominent Omaha family. The newspaper says that Butler's father is Eric L. Butler, executive vice president for sales and marketing for the Union Pacific Railroad. His 2014 compensation was $8.4 million, according to regulatory filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


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Duke Lacrosse , now this. More and more it's becoming clear that this " crisis " is fabricated and cost 2 people their jobs, for no reason, what so ever.

Payton Head, the University of Missouri’s student body president, posted on Facebook that the KKK had come to campus, and black students were advised to stay indoors, away from windows. He claimed he was working with the campus police department, state troopers, and the National Guard to address the active threat.

The warning was unnecessary, false, and eventually retracted. Head later copped to circulating a baseless rumor, according to TheBlaze :

I'm sorry about the misinformation that I have shared through social media. In a state of alarm, I was concerned for all students of the University of Missouri and wanted to ensure that everyone was safe. I received and shared information from multiple incorrect sources, which I deeply regret. The last thing needed is to incite more fear in the hearts of our community. In the future, please receive emergency updates from MUalert.missouri.edu or @MUalert on Twitter ONLY.

While there certainly seem to be some genuine occurrences of racial animus on campus yesterday—as well as an actual threat of violence, made by a non-student who was 100 miles away and quickly apprehended—the situation at Mizzou is beginning to exhibit qualities of a moral panic. In some cases, it’s difficult to sort out the rumors from the actual instances of racism; no one wants to seem skeptical of, or indifferent to, acts of intolerance against minorities, who shouldn’t have some unreasonable burden to prove their pain is valid. At the same time, false rumors are circulated on the internet constantly, and journalists have an obligation not to become ensnared by them. (One of the incidents that kicked off the protest against President Tim Wolfe in the first place seems increasingly dubious.)


What a colossal joke and a sad commentary on the entire University of Missouri system.

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Duke Lacrosse , now this. More and more it's becoming clear that this " crisis " is fabricated and cost 2 people their jobs, for no reason, what so ever.

Part of me thinks the second one quit because he saw the inmates were running the asylum and decided to get out while he could.

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Lol how duke lacrosse will always get bright up no matter what. One thing about it though, complain all you want but sitting back and taking it will not be an option anymore. Like it or not.

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Title IX violation racial harassment and violating the 1st amendment rights

Wow...quite a trifecta ! And how would you like to have everyone know your jobs is a " courtesy " appointment ?

...that your real job is a mass communication instructor and your communication skills are bullyish at best. She should be fired.

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poor kid. he inherited his sales and marketing skills i see.


also convinced a bunch of (in all likelihood), poor minorities to lay their scholarships on the line for him. He has a future on wall street or starting a new weight loss program.
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Gary Pinkel supported boycott to get recruits. Claims former player.


I don't know whether he is in full support of this or not but if goes against it he's not going to have a football team now nor be able to recruit in the future.
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