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"Fair and Balanced"


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At work, we have five news feeds running on various screens. At one time yesterday every single one was talking about Trump. The guy is a freaking genius, also a weirdo, but a genius.

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The local news program was talking about this yesterday driving home. I would not be surprised to see this is all contrived to drive up ratings and name recognition. NR is a funny thing. When the great unwashed masses go to the polls, They dont recall WHY they know a certain name. All they know is they can recall it. This is how GCW kept getting re-elected all the time. Bill Ford II, the Deuce, and others thru time have all uttered the same quote. "Say anything you want about me, just spell my name right." i was talking one on one with PF one day. He absolutely believes that quote. That is how he can get up and say the crazy stuff he does everyday. He makes $$$ from being known. There really is no bad publicity.


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No sure what "fair and balanced" in the OP has to do with anything. They use that byline because on every editorialized program they allow a voice from both sides to sound off. As it relates to the Iowa debates, FOX has tipped their hand by allowing a former illegal alien to be on the panel asking questions. I'm sure her questions will be fair.

Its become common knowledge that Rupert Murdoch is an active proponent of open borders. This might explain his endorsement of Rubio. In any event, Trump has used one of his negotiating tactics of being willing to walk away when he believes he's involved in a bad deal. Its all in his book. Its his campaign to run as he sees fit. Who knows, it very well may cost him the nomination and one certainly has to believe it will cost him Iowa.

Meanwhile, much is being written about FOX's handling of this event and their clear favoritism to Marco Rubio.

Via his immigration lobbying firm, Murdoch has endorsed

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)

’s 2013 amnesty bill, as well as Rubio’s 2015 immigration expansion bill know as the Immigration Innovation Act. Murdoch has also articulated his support for Rubio’s desire to give citizenship—and, by extension, voting rights and welfare access–to illegal immigrants.

"Malkin points out that while someone who entered the country illegally will be represented in the Fox News debate, American citizens harmed by the nation’s open borders immigration policies are unlikely to be represented."

“Illegal alien & Muslim activist get key roles at FoxNewsGOP debate. Victims of illegal alien crime & jihad shut out,” Malkin tweeted.


Now, g'head and call the writer a whack job - its what you do best! :hellyeah:

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No sure what "fair and balanced" in the OP has to do with anything.


However, it seems Trump was pushed over the edge by an unusually snarky statement Fox News issued on Tuesday afternoon. "We learned from a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president," Fox said. "A nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings."


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No sure what "fair and balanced" in the OP has to do with anything.


However, it seems Trump was pushed over the edge by an unusually snarky statement Fox News issued on Tuesday afternoon. "We learned from a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president," Fox said. "A nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings."


Yep, that snark was deemed unacceptable by Trump. I can see that, its insulting and it appears he was unwilling to go along with the joke. Like I said, his reaction may cost him the nomination. All the Trump haters should be pleased with his reaction but all I see are criticisms. We'll see but, FOX is no friend of Trump's and that has become painfully obvious.

Not sure what your "seriously" is getting at. FOX isn't going to remove one of their top anchors to satisfy Trump. What is funny is their reply was Trump doesn't get to control the media but he IS controlling it. Just look at the coverage his latest stunt has garnered for his campaign.

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Trump is playing by different rules .... he has great instincts and he is winning the PR battle. I saw some FOX last night just to see the reaction...they are all dumbstruck. They all fear this decision just cost them 20m viewers tonight and a ton of ad $$. You can see it in their eyes.

As to the selection of "panelists"...what a joke. Can you imagine Hillary or Bernie or Obama standing up and answering questions from a Kate's family or one of the Benghazi survivors...seriously, no other network would even be allowed to entertain that discussion with the DNC. Look at who BHO interviews with....and the kind of questions they ask....The RNC is run by idiots.

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No sure what "fair and balanced" in the OP has to do with anything.


However, it seems Trump was pushed over the edge by an unusually snarky statement Fox News issued on Tuesday afternoon. "We learned from a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president," Fox said. "A nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings."


Yep, that snark was deemed unacceptable by Trump. I can see that, its insulting and it appears he was unwilling to go along with the joke. Like I said, his reaction may cost him the nomination. All the Trump haters should be pleased with his reaction but all I see are criticisms. We'll see but, FOX is no friend of Trump's and that has become painfully obvious.

Not sure what your "seriously" is getting at. FOX isn't going to remove one of their top anchors to satisfy Trump. What is funny is their reply was Trump doesn't get to control the media but he IS controlling it. Just look at the coverage his latest stunt has garnered for his campaign.

Seriously, as in you think that's the sort of thing a "fair and balanced" news source would put out?

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"The RNC is run by idiots.'

I agree with everything you posted but this. However, the RNC is in on the ruse. They hate Trump as much, if not more, than all the rest of the political and media elites. They signed off on that with the premeditated intention of accomplishing their desired result.

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No sure what "fair and balanced" in the OP has to do with anything.


However, it seems Trump was pushed over the edge by an unusually snarky statement Fox News issued on Tuesday afternoon. "We learned from a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president," Fox said. "A nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings."


Yep, that snark was deemed unacceptable by Trump. I can see that, its insulting and it appears he was unwilling to go along with the joke. Like I said, his reaction may cost him the nomination. All the Trump haters should be pleased with his reaction but all I see are criticisms. We'll see but, FOX is no friend of Trump's and that has become painfully obvious.

Not sure what your "seriously" is getting at. FOX isn't going to remove one of their top anchors to satisfy Trump. What is funny is their reply was Trump doesn't get to control the media but he IS controlling it. Just look at the coverage his latest stunt has garnered for his campaign.

Seriously, as in you think that's the sort of thing a "fair and balanced" news source would put out?

Are you that thick?? Fair and balanced is a by line used to imply equal time for both conservative and liberal points of view. It has no correlation whatsoever. to this episode.

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"The RNC is run by idiots.'

I agree with everything you posted but this. However, the RNC is in on the ruse. They hate Trump as much, if not more, than all the rest of the political and media elites. They signed off on that with the premeditated intention of accomplishing their desired result.

What you say is absolutely true...but, that doesn't change the fact they are run by idiots. :-)
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"The RNC is run by idiots.'

I agree with everything you posted but this. However, the RNC is in on the ruse. They hate Trump as much, if not more, than all the rest of the political and media elites. They signed off on that with the premeditated intention of accomplishing their desired result.

What you say is absolutely true...but, that doesn't change the fact they are run by idiots. :-)

LOL OK, I wont contest that. Reince Priebus makes me cringe everytime I see him on TV.

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No sure what "fair and balanced" in the OP has to do with anything.


However, it seems Trump was pushed over the edge by an unusually snarky statement Fox News issued on Tuesday afternoon. "We learned from a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president," Fox said. "A nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings."


Yep, that snark was deemed unacceptable by Trump. I can see that, its insulting and it appears he was unwilling to go along with the joke. Like I said, his reaction may cost him the nomination. All the Trump haters should be pleased with his reaction but all I see are criticisms. We'll see but, FOX is no friend of Trump's and that has become painfully obvious.

Not sure what your "seriously" is getting at. FOX isn't going to remove one of their top anchors to satisfy Trump. What is funny is their reply was Trump doesn't get to control the media but he IS controlling it. Just look at the coverage his latest stunt has garnered for his campaign.

Seriously, as in you think that's the sort of thing a "fair and balanced" news source would put out?

Are you that thick?? Fair and balanced is a by line used to imply equal time for both conservative and liberal points of view. It has no correlation whatsoever. to this episode.

Well, if you think it's "fair and balanced" for a news outlet to put out such material on a given candidate, then I don't think it is I who is "thick". :-\

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No sure what "fair and balanced" in the OP has to do with anything.


However, it seems Trump was pushed over the edge by an unusually snarky statement Fox News issued on Tuesday afternoon. "We learned from a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president," Fox said. "A nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings."


Yep, that snark was deemed unacceptable by Trump. I can see that, its insulting and it appears he was unwilling to go along with the joke. Like I said, his reaction may cost him the nomination. All the Trump haters should be pleased with his reaction but all I see are criticisms. We'll see but, FOX is no friend of Trump's and that has become painfully obvious.

Not sure what your "seriously" is getting at. FOX isn't going to remove one of their top anchors to satisfy Trump. What is funny is their reply was Trump doesn't get to control the media but he IS controlling it. Just look at the coverage his latest stunt has garnered for his campaign.

Seriously, as in you think that's the sort of thing a "fair and balanced" news source would put out?

Are you that thick?? Fair and balanced is a by line used to imply equal time for both conservative and liberal points of view. It has no correlation whatsoever. to this episode.

Well, if you think it's "fair and balanced" for a news outlet to put out such material on a given candidate, then I don't think it is I who is "thick". :-\

Context is your friend. Look it up. I have to tell you I find it enormously entertaining that someone like you would suddenly derive so much interest in the idea of fair and balanced. The guy that gets all his political info from Huffington Post, Salon, Think Progress, and Media matters. :Sing:

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Well, I just can't help laugh at the irony of a "news" organization with the motto "fair and balanced" putting out a gratuitous hit piece on a particular candidate.

If you don't see the humor in that, well I'm not all that surprised.

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Well, I just can't help laugh at the irony of a "news" organization with the motto "fair and balanced" putting out a gratuitous hit piece on a particular candidate.

If you don't see the humor in that, well I'm not all that surprised.

Where was the ' hit piece' ??? You're speaking of the solitary tweet, which accurately reflected the views of many in a candidate who is too scared to be questioned by a member of the media who won't avert her eyes and isn't afraid to stand up to Trump's antics. ?

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Well, I just can't help laugh at the irony of a "news" organization with the motto "fair and balanced" putting out a gratuitous hit piece on a particular candidate.

If you don't see the humor in that, well I'm not all that surprised.

Where was the ' hit piece' ??? You're speaking of the solitary tweet, which accurately reflected the views of many in a candidate who is too scared to be questioned by a member of the media who won't avert her eyes and isn't afraid to stand up to Trump's antics. ?

Refer back to post #5. And to borrow a phrase, "please try to keep up". ;D

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Post # 5 contains a link to the New Yorker story and a " snarky statement " you posted from FOX.

Where's the " hit piece ?

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Post # 5 contains a link to the New Yorker story and a " snarky statement " you posted from FOX.

Where's the " hit piece ?

There is no hit piece. That snarky joke that was put out on twitter was written by Peter Johnson who is a contributor to FOX broadcasts with a legal perspective. It has nothing to do with FOX being fair and balanced but homie sees it as his AH HA! Moment - when in reality its anything but.

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Well this explains much . When homie thinks a TWEET is a " hit piece ", and that a FOX contributer is the same as FOX News, it puts so much of his bat guano perspective into focus.


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No sure what "fair and balanced" in the OP has to do with anything.


However, it seems Trump was pushed over the edge by an unusually snarky statement Fox News issued on Tuesday afternoon. "We learned from a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president," Fox said. "A nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings."


Yep, that snark was deemed unacceptable by Trump. I can see that, its insulting and it appears he was unwilling to go along with the joke. Like I said, his reaction may cost him the nomination. All the Trump haters should be pleased with his reaction but all I see are criticisms. We'll see but, FOX is no friend of Trump's and that has become painfully obvious.

Not sure what your "seriously" is getting at. FOX isn't going to remove one of their top anchors to satisfy Trump. What is funny is their reply was Trump doesn't get to control the media but he IS controlling it. Just look at the coverage his latest stunt has garnered for his campaign.

Seriously, as in you think that's the sort of thing a "fair and balanced" news source would put out?

Are you that thick?? Fair and balanced is a by line used to imply equal time for both conservative and liberal points of view. It has no correlation whatsoever. to this episode.

Well, if you think it's "fair and balanced" for a news outlet to put out such material on a given candidate, then I don't think it is I who is "thick". :-\

Context is your friend. Look it up. I have to tell you I find it enormously entertaining that someone like you would suddenly derive so much interest in the idea of fair and balanced. The guy that gets all his political info from Huffington Post, Salon, Think Progress, and Media matters. :Sing:

One article from Salon will give me a migraine that lasts a week.
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Post # 5 contains a link to the New Yorker story and a " snarky statement " you posted from FOX.

Where's the " hit piece ?

There is no hit piece. That snarky joke that was put out on twitter was written by Peter Johnson who is a contributor to FOX broadcasts with a legal perspective. It has nothing to do with FOX being fair and balanced but homie sees it as his AH HA! Moment - when in reality its anything but.

You are funny. The entire controversy regarding the Fox/Trump belies the "fair and balanced" lie. The conservative mouthpiece (Fox) is rejecting the front runner for the GOP nomination. That's news! Everyone knows Fox is biased toward conservatives. Even they will admit it.

"Fair and balanced" is a cynical joke. It would be like MoveOn.org proclaiming to be "fair and balanced". No one with any sense could take is seriously.

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Like Trump or not he is a genius at keeping attention on himself..... and getting it done free. Americans are loving hear him bash the establishment.

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