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South Dakota Bathroom Bill


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South Dakota is poised to become the first state to require that public school students use sex-segregated bathrooms and locker rooms based on their “chromosomes and anatomy as identified at birth.” That is the language in a bill that awaits a veto or signature from the governor and would affect an estimated 135,000 children in the state. Imagine the young woman in San Francisco lived there. Other children with intersex traits surely do. And then consider the reality of what such a bill could do to her life...

...The legislation arrived after much controversy in the state over how schools should deal with transgender students who want to play sex-segregated team sports. And the bill states that if students do not want to use the bathroom or locker room that aligns with their anatomy and chromosomes, then they should use other accommodations—like a staff restroom or nurse’s restroom—which amounts to banning transgender girls from the girls’ rooms and transgender boys from the boys’. The bill’s design implies that the “true” identity of transgender kids must be revealed by testing their chromosomes and examining their bodies, because their sense of themselves is either not enough or nothing more than a costume.


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How the hell did humanity survive with only allowing men in men's rooms and women in women's rooms for so long ?

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I think the entire transgender paradigm as well as getting your body modified to fit your "felt" sex is nonsense. But if we're going to go along with this, the rule should be that you use the bathroom of the genitalia you were born with until you've fully committed to this enough to go through with surgery. You're still rockin' a penis and testicles, you don't get to dress up and go bother the girls in their locker room or restroom. It has to be more than your feelings to have that privilege.

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This is just insanity. Taken to the extremes that some areas of the country are headed, this will result in just one kind of restroom for all people in each building and nothing but private stalls in that restroom.

The cultural change on individuals is bigger than excepting same sex marriage.

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I think the entire transgender paradigm as well as getting your body modified to fit your "felt" sex is nonsense. But if we're going to go along with this, the rule should be that you use the bathroom of the genitalia you were born with until you've fully committed to this enough to go through with surgery. You're still rockin' a penis and testicles, you don't get to dress up and go bother the girls in their locker room or restroom. It has to be more than your feelings to have that privilege.

too much logic for this stuff titan. Go swallow some crazy pills and check back:)

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Closer to home, and even crazier.


The homosexual leader of efforts in North Carolina to allow men to use women’s bathrooms is a convicted and registered sex offender, according to documents made available to Breitbart News.

Chad Sevearance is president of the Charlotte Business Guild, which describes itself as “a network of LGBT professionals, business owners, employees and individuals in the Charlotte area who meet to nurture a network of business contacts; encourage fellowship and support among community business, professional and charitable pursuits; and provide and promote positive role models in the LGBT community.”

Sevearance and his group have taken a lead role in seeking the right to allow males to use the restrooms and showers of females, including those of little girls, which is described by advocates as nothing more than nondiscrimination measures. Sevearance was quoted in the Charlotte Observer saying that because a recent bathroom “nondiscrimination ordinance” bill did not pass, “someone can ask me to leave a restaurant because I’m presumed to be gay or transgender.”

In 1998, Sevearance worked as a youth minister and in that capacity allegedly lured younger men to his apartment to spend the night where Severance showed them pornography and tried to talk them into sex. One boy testified that he woke up to find Severance “fondling him.” Severance was convicted on one charge of sexual molestation of a minor.

As a result of his 2000 conviction, Sevearance must register with the police on a regular basis for a minimum of ten years. His most recent mug shot and registration took place at the end of last year.

A reporter with the Charlotte Observer confirmed for Breitbart News that the Chad Sevearance they frequently quote is the same man who was convicted for sexual assault of a minor in 2000.

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I think the entire transgender paradigm as well as getting your body modified to fit your "felt" sex is nonsense. But if we're going to go along with this, the rule should be that you use the bathroom of the genitalia you were born with until you've fully committed to this enough to go through with surgery. You're still rockin' a penis and testicles, you don't get to dress up and go bother the girls in their locker room or restroom. It has to be more than your feelings to have that privilege.

Great post. Agree 100%
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Aside from this specific issue, you guys realize there's a lot of scientific research that says is legit, don't you?

Search "Transgender scientific evidence".

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There are various theories or some scientific evidence that may "suggest" some biological basis. Truth is, we don't know. With children, the feelings frequently don't persist into adolescence. And that still doesn't get to what you do about how someone "feels" about what sex they should be.

But regardless, this specific issue *is* the issue. I largely don't care if you think you're a boy, a girl, or a hermaphrodite unicorn with a lavender mane. But when it comes to privacy issues like this, you're gonna have to do more than tell me how you feel.

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Aside from this specific issue, you guys realize there's a lot of scientific research that says is legit, don't you?

Search "Transgender scientific evidence".

HA HA! I suppose you are going to say that since "virtually all scientists" believe that kids should be able to use any bathroom they want, that the science is settled. Those of us who don't agree with "virtually all scientists" are called what? I can't wait to see what the new word is. "Birthers" and "deniers" are both taken. "Transgenderophobe" is too cumbersome.
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Aside from this specific issue, you guys realize there's a lot of scientific research that says is legit, don't you?

Search "Transgender scientific evidence".

HA HA! I suppose you are going to say that since "virtually all scientists" believe that kids should be able to use any bathroom they want, that the science is settled. Those of us who don't agree with "virtually all scientists" are called what? I can't wait to see what the new word is. "Birthers" and "deniers" are both taken. "Transgenderophobe" is too cumbersome.

No, I was just pointing out that transgenderism is not just something someone made up. It's not "nonsense".

And as far as I know, science doesn't say anything about kids using any bathroom they want.

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Colleges, government and businesses are being devoured with this and other "problems" . The best career choices will be diversity program administrator, mental health counselor and attorney..........

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Aside from this specific issue, you guys realize there's a lot of scientific research that says is legit, don't you?

Search "Transgender scientific evidence".

It is not a legitimate thing. You are what you are born with and what God intended you to be. Not going after you, but the whole Scientific evidence about Transgenders.
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Aside from this specific issue, you guys realize there's a lot of scientific research that says is legit, don't you?

Search "Transgender scientific evidence".

It is not a legitimate thing. You are what you are born with and what God intended you to be. Not going after you, but the whole Scientific evidence about Transgenders.

So if a woman is born with a genetic sequence of a male( like in the OP), what did the Lord intend for her to be? A butch?
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Aside from this specific issue, you guys realize there's a lot of scientific research that says is legit, don't you?

Search "Transgender scientific evidence".

It is not a legitimate thing. You are what you are born with and what God intended you to be. Not going after you, but the whole Scientific evidence about Transgenders.

And if the child is born intersex?

intersex is a general term to describe a person born with a reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn't fit the typical definitions of female or male. But intersex traits are not always noticeable at birth; for example, a baby might be born appearing to be female on the outside, but having mostly male anatomy on the inside. Or a baby may have genitals that seem to be in-between the usual male and female types, such as a girl born with a noticeably large clitoris, or lacking a vaginal opening, or a boy born with a notably small penis, or with a scrotum that is divided so that it has formed more like labia.


While identified differently than transgender it isn't always as simple as born with what God intended you to be. You also have to question how many of these transgender identifiers were actually intersex babies that had their gender and genitalia assigned to them at birth by parents and doctors and the decision was wrong.

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Aside from this specific issue, you guys realize there's a lot of scientific research that says is legit, don't you?

Search "Transgender scientific evidence".

It is not a legitimate thing. You are what you are born with and what God intended you to be. Not going after you, but the whole Scientific evidence about Transgenders.

And if the child is born intersex?

intersex is a general term to describe a person born with a reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn't fit the typical definitions of female or male. But intersex traits are not always noticeable at birth; for example, a baby might be born appearing to be female on the outside, but having mostly male anatomy on the inside. Or a baby may have genitals that seem to be in-between the usual male and female types, such as a girl born with a noticeably large clitoris, or lacking a vaginal opening, or a boy born with a notably small penis, or with a scrotum that is divided so that it has formed more like labia.


While identified differently than transgender it isn't always as simple as born with what God intended you to be. You also have to question how many of these transgender identifiers were actually intersex babies that had their gender and genitalia assigned to them at birth by parents and doctors and the decision was wrong.

This is where I was getting at, slowly of course.
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Aside from this specific issue, you guys realize there's a lot of scientific research that says is legit, don't you?

Search "Transgender scientific evidence".

It is not a legitimate thing. You are what you are born with and what God intended you to be. Not going after you, but the whole Scientific evidence about Transgenders.

And if the child is born intersex?

intersex is a general term to describe a person born with a reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn't fit the typical definitions of female or male. But intersex traits are not always noticeable at birth; for example, a baby might be born appearing to be female on the outside, but having mostly male anatomy on the inside. Or a baby may have genitals that seem to be in-between the usual male and female types, such as a girl born with a noticeably large clitoris, or lacking a vaginal opening, or a boy born with a notably small penis, or with a scrotum that is divided so that it has formed more like labia.


While identified differently than transgender it isn't always as simple as born with what God intended you to be. You also have to question how many of these transgender identifiers were actually intersex babies that had their gender and genitalia assigned to them at birth by parents and doctors and the decision was wrong.

While I agree with that. But what I am talking about is the ones that are born Male, or Female and there is no doubt about what they are. Not intersex children. And in that case whatever anatomy they have on the inside I believe is what they are. I am talking about ones that are men and women and then decide to be the other and choose to identify as that. They should still go to the bathrooms and other stuff of their true sex.
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Aside from this specific issue, you guys realize there's a lot of scientific research that says is legit, don't you?

Search "Transgender scientific evidence".

It is not a legitimate thing. You are what you are born with and what God intended you to be. Not going after you, but the whole Scientific evidence about Transgenders.

Another science denier. :-\

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Aside from this specific issue, you guys realize there's a lot of scientific research that says is legit, don't you?

Search "Transgender scientific evidence".

It is not a legitimate thing. You are what you are born with and what God intended you to be. Not going after you, but the whole Scientific evidence about Transgenders.

And if the child is born intersex?

intersex is a general term to describe a person born with a reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn't fit the typical definitions of female or male. But intersex traits are not always noticeable at birth; for example, a baby might be born appearing to be female on the outside, but having mostly male anatomy on the inside. Or a baby may have genitals that seem to be in-between the usual male and female types, such as a girl born with a noticeably large clitoris, or lacking a vaginal opening, or a boy born with a notably small penis, or with a scrotum that is divided so that it has formed more like labia.


While identified differently than transgender it isn't always as simple as born with what God intended you to be. You also have to question how many of these transgender identifiers were actually intersex babies that had their gender and genitalia assigned to them at birth by parents and doctors and the decision was wrong.

While I agree with that. But what I am talking about is the ones that are born Male, or Female and there is no doubt about what they are. Not intersex children. And in that case whatever anatomy they have on the inside I believe is what they are. I am talking about ones that are men and women and then decide to be the other and choose to identify as that. They should still go to the bathrooms and other stuff of their true sex.

What determines ones sexuality? If someone forced you to have conversion surgery, would you suddenly become a female?

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