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More fear mongering by Obama . Barry says Trump scares world leaders.


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So much for the tradition of staying out of politics as you leave office.

What a ******* disgrace this man is. You know what, I'm glad other world leaders are scared of us.. It's high time.

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First, Obama hasn't left office.

But a totally wacko presidential candidate starts throwing out policies like negotiating the interest rate on our debt, encouraging nuclear proliferation and calling NATO obsolete, it's the POTUS's responsibility and duty to comment on it.

Such comments have the potential of affecting current foreign relations. Obama is doing the right thing by commenting.

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I said " as he leaves " office, dingus.

And your ignorance of such matters is staggering

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I said " as he leaves " office, dingus.

And your ignorance of such matters is staggering

He's not leaving office, idiot. And he won't be until Friday, January 20, 2017. Until then, he is still 100% POTUS whether you like it or not.

Now, care to explain where "ignorance" is reflected in my post?

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He's leaving. Last year of his term in office, the lame duck that he is.

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"He's not leaving office, idiot." Please be civil, I am new here

"Obama is doing the right thing" :-\ Since when????

Friday, January 20, 2017 - Praise the Lord for that date!!!

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World leaders say Trump scares world leaders.

Good !

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World leaders say Trump scares world leaders.

Good !

You realize this does mean our allies are in this group too.

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World leaders say Trump scares world leaders.

Good !

You realize this does mean our allies are in this group too.

Doubt Donald will bow at the waist to - anyone

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So much for the tradition of staying out of politics as you leave office.

What a ******* disgrace this man is. You know what, I'm glad other world leaders are scared of us.. It's high time.


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No one knows or cares, usn.

Come with an actual thought.

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No one knows or cares, usn.

Come with an actual thought.

Here's a thought. This is a dumb a$$ THREAD.


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No one knows or cares, usn.

Come with an actual thought.

Here's a thought. This is a dumb a$$ THREAD.


Awww. Your widdle feewings get hurt ? Your Bare-Bare getting mean things said about him??

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No one knows or cares, usn.

Come with an actual thought.

Here's a thought. This is a dumb a$$ THREAD.


Awww. Your widdle feewings get hurt ? Your Bare-Bare getting mean things said about him??

Thread keeps getting dumber.
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I swear, if Obama hit a hole in one on the golf course Raptor would criticize his swing. What's it like living with that much hatred in your life?

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So much for the tradition of staying out of politics as you leave office.

What a ******* disgrace this man is. You know what, I'm glad other world leaders are scared of us.. It's high time.

Why would the sitting president stay out of politics in his/her last year? I suppose this line of thinking comes from the same simple little minds that believe Obama can't nominate a SCOTUS justice.

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I swear, if Obama hit a hole in one on the golf course Raptor would criticize his swing. What's it like living with that much hatred in your life?

Like living in the Soviet Union under Stalin & not being fooled by pravda.

Look it up

ETA - and I would never criticize his golf swing. He has played far more golf than I could possibly play in a lifetime. L, he's played more golf the past eight years and Tiger Woods. His game had better be a lot better than mine.

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I swear, if Obama hit a hole in one on the golf course Raptor would criticize his swing. What's it like living with that much hatred in your life?

Like living in the Soviet Union under Stalin & not being fooled by pravda.

Look it up

Putin is their president now. I read in one of your other ranting posts that you admired the guy. I'd consider moving there if I were you.

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I swear, if Obama hit a hole in one on the golf course Raptor would criticize his swing. What's it like living with that much hatred in your life?

Like living in the Soviet Union under Stalin & not being fooled by pravda.

Look it up

Putin is their president now. I read in one of your other ranting posts that you admired the guy. I'd consider moving there if I were you.

He'll never leave his basement.
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