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Hillary won't answer ' election results ' question. Gee, wonder why.


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Listen to the first question out of the gate, and then look at the expression on Hillary's face, as she completely  dodges it.  Then stick around for the last (4th ?) question, as she turns tail and heads back to first class. :roflol: 



ETA -  Apparently the word has gone out that all the Left feel it needs to do to try to discredit them being caught on video is to claim the video was " heavily edited ".  Every video which appears on t.v. has been ' edited' , to some degree, so that's simply a weasel way of implying what we see isn't in fact what we see. They'll never discuss the content of said video, just like Homer and USN run scared from discussing the content of e-mails concerning Benghazi.  They don't want anyone talking about the facts. Easier to push the lies, I suppose. 

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1 minute ago, Bigbens42 said:

This is what grasping at straws looks like folks.

Did she answer the question ? Yes or No. 

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1 minute ago, AURaptor said:

Did she answer the question ? Yes or No. 

Condemning Drumpf's response was answer enough.

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2 minutes ago, Bigbens42 said:

Condemning Drumpf's response was answer enough.

She didn't answer. She, like you, are deflecting. Seems to be a thing w/ your kind. 

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5 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

She didn't answer. She, like you, are deflecting. Seems to be a thing w/ your kind. 

LOL. Do me a favor. Break it down into syllogisms.

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Been traveling a lot and behind the Great Firewall for much of it...so my access of late has been limited.  Just checked back in last night and, guess what, some things don't change...Raptor still tilting at windmills by using examples of what the left "has actually done"....Lefties still responding with "yeah, but Trump said" instead of defending their candidate....Ichy still being being a "librul retard"...nice to see some things don't change in the world...good to be home for a few days....War Eagle...and especially this week a hearty Gig 'Em and in hopes that the Aggies can drill Bama a new one...

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1 hour ago, icanthearyou said:

Gee, another pointless and disingenuous thread from the Lyin' Weasel. 

  It's clear that you have a defense mechanism of insulting others when they say things that are true and you cannot  accept.  Any objective  and dispassionate observer of that video would say that Hillary did not answer the question. 


  You are  either too stupid or too dishonest to admit the plane and obvious facts. 

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1 hour ago, AURaptor said:

  It's clear that you have a defense mechanism of insulting others when they say things that are true and you cannot  accept.  Any objective  and dispassionate observer of that video would say that Hillary did not answer the question. 


  You are  either too stupid or too dishonest to admit the plane and obvious facts. 

You never did break it down syllogistically. It is a yes or no question and she rejected the no answer via an attack on Drumpf. Only an idjit wouldn't pick up on that. 

Conclusion? You're either an intellectually dishonest toolbag or an imbecile.

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50 minutes ago, Bigbens42 said:

You never did break it down syllogistically. It is a yes or no question and she rejected the no answer via an attack on Drumpf. Only an idjit wouldn't pick up on that. 

Conclusion? You're either an intellectually dishonest toolbag or an imbecile.

He's not too smart.  You need to explain pretty much everything to him.

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4 hours ago, AURaptor said:


Listen to the first question out of the gate, and then look at the expression on Hillary's face, as she completely  dodges it.

She didn't dodge it at all.  What a stupid thing to say.

She used it to expound on Trump's loser position as a contrast to her own.

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 She completely dodged the question and did not answer. You know what, I know it, anyone who saw the video knows it. My God, you are such a weasel. 

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7 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

 She completely dodged the question and did not answer. You know what, I know it, anyone who saw the video knows it. My God, you are such a weasel. 

I shouldn't be surprised you'd think that.  After all, you still insist that Obama claimed he personally owns the white house.   

Where has Clinton ever said she wouldn't accept the results of the election?   Wouldn't this be breaking news if that is what she implied?

How come it's not getting any such coverage?

If I didn't know your delusional mindset I would assume you are being sarcastic.


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6 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

 She completely dodged the question and did not answer. You know what, I know it, anyone who saw the video knows it. My God, you are such a weasel. 

Stomping your foot like an angry three year old and claiming it's true doesn't make it so.

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9 minutes ago, Bigbens42 said:

Stomping your foot like an angry three year old and claiming it's true doesn't make it so.

What was her answer then? Tell me, since I missed it. 

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3 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

What was her answer then? Tell me, since I missed it. 

Everyone else in the country understood her answer, without exception.

Find just one (sane) person who shares your opinion on this. 

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22 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

What was her answer then? Tell me, since I missed it. 

It was to highlight the words of the only person in this race to have flatly stated they wouldn't accept the results.  She's never made such an idiotic claim.  He has.  So she talked about how terrible that is and how it's a hallmark of our democracy that we accept the results of elections and have a peaceful transition of power.  The answer is there by implication.  

Maybe the tinfoil hat is interfering with the clear meanings of words and sentences entering your brain.

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19 minutes ago, homersapien said:

Everyone else in the country understood her answer, without exception.

Find just one (sane) person who shares your opinion on this. 

 Wow, everyone is telepathic but me? She gave an answer without giving an answer? Seriously this is a true and clear example of you being completely deluded. 


 Why is she not being held to the same standard as anyone else? 

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1 minute ago, AURaptor said:

 Wow, everyone is telepathic but me? She gave an answer without giving an answer? Seriously this is a true and clear example of you being completely deluded. 


 Why is she not being held to the same standard as anyone else? 

No, everyone understands English, unlike you.

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7 minutes ago, Bigbens42 said:

No, everyone understands English, unlike you.

What words did she say that I seemingly missed? 

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8 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

What words did she say that I seemingly missed? 

It's like trying to explain to ICP how magnets works. :glare:

Go read Titan's post. If it isn't clear to you upon reading that, there is no help for you.

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15 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

What words did she say that I seemingly missed? 

You are absolutely correct.  She intends to contest the election results.  No doubt about it.


Are all of you on crack?  Arguing with a disingenuous, lying idiot is a futile endeavor.  

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Just now, icanthearyou said:

You are absolutely correct.  She intends to contest the election results.  No doubt about it.

Maybe.  That's what Democrats do , more than anyone else when they lose. So maybe it was understood that absolutely , like all Democrats, she would contest the election. But she didn't say, did she? 

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7 minutes ago, Bigbens42 said:

It's like trying to explain to ICP how magnets works. :glare:

Go read Titan's post. If it isn't clear to you upon reading that, there is no help for you.

 I don't need to read anyone's post, you ******* idiot. All one has to do is simply look at the video. A reporter asked a question, and then she deflected and did not answer. 


 It really is just that simple, but you are such a useful idiot , it just doesn't register. 

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