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Why the Post Office Gives Amazon Special Delivery


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1 hour ago, Grumps said:

I agree with AU64 that you don't really believe what you posted.

Its kind of scary what some people believe isn't it?  

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4 minutes ago, wdefromtx said:

I'd care more about the subsidy given to Chinese companies to ship smaller items to the US practically for free than Amazon's contract with the USPS. They make it seem as if Amazon is only using USPS to ship things. I'd say more of mine comes UPS or FedEx. 


I suspect there is a select few USPS people or someone in the oversight committee that has a significant under the table "share" in Amazon. Business as usual in DC. LOL 

That is interesting.....I get little electronic and cell phone related things from China pretty often and they  include shipping in the prices and still only cost a couple dollars each....USP chargers, cables, thumb drives, etc. stuff that costs a fraction of what they would cost at local electronics stores or even from Amazon. . 

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I'd like to see different analyses and what the USPS might say about the benefits. Amazon "loses" more in shipping than they report in profit, but that "loss" allows them to profit-- "free shipping" is fundamental to their success. Isolating one expense doesn't always tell the whole story. I don't know enough details to say what the whole story is in this case, but I do know the most simplistic perspective isn't always the most telling.

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30 minutes ago, AU64 said:

That is interesting.....I get little electronic and cell phone related things from China pretty often and they  include shipping in the prices and still only cost a couple dollars each....USP chargers, cables, thumb drives, etc. stuff that costs a fraction of what they would cost at local electronics stores or even from Amazon. . 

When the Trump Postal Service is in operation all will fine and cheaper 64. Tell Brad that additional cost will not be passed on to the consumer. it is going to be beautiful.....;)

Good stuff 64

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12 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

When the Trump Postal Service is in operation all will fine and cheaper 64. Tell Brad that additional cost will not be passed on to the consumer. it is going to be beautiful.....;)

Good stuff 64

You mean the rich will pay for that too?    Can't wait. :) 

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1 hour ago, TexasTiger said:

He didn't ask a question.

"Why is the United States Post Office, which is losing many billions of dollars a year, while charging Amazon and others so little to deliver their packages, making Amazon richer and the Post Office dumber and poorer?"

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1 minute ago, Grumps said:

"Why is the United States Post Office, which is losing many billions of dollars a year, while charging Amazon and others so little to deliver their packages, making Amazon richer and the Post Office dumber and poorer?"

When you provide an emphatic answer in the next sentence you're not actually posing a question.

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1 hour ago, Brad_ATX said:

Yeah, I do.  It's simple, basic math and I'm a man of my word.  If I don't believe it or am typing a joke, I make sure to put "sarcasm" in there.  Also, read my follow up post in this thread.  It goes further into what I'm talking about.

I stand corrected. You apparently believe that it is generally good for the government to subsidize private industry in order to lower prices for Americans. I am sorry I did not believe that about you.

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3 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

When you provide an emphatic answer in the next sentence you're not actually posing a question.

Fair enough. You don't think it was a question.

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15 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

When you provide an emphatic answer in the next sentence you're not actually posing a question.

Always thought Why was a question Tex. Why is the USPS losing billions and charging Amazon a discount rate?

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27 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

Always thought Why was a question Tex. Why is the USPS losing billions and charging Amazon a discount rate?

If I said, "Why doesn't Salty understand simple things?" And followed it with, "Because he should be thinking much more!" I'm not sure I could get away with saying I was simply posing a question for discussion purposes, could I?" ;)

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1 hour ago, Grumps said:

I stand corrected. You apparently believe that it is generally good for the government to subsidize private industry in order to lower prices for Americans. I am sorry I did not believe that about you.

And this is the ignorance to my comment that you show.  I never said it was good.  I'm saying it's the current reality of life.  Go back and read my post again and stop putting words in my mouth.

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2 hours ago, AU64 said:

Its kind of scary what some people believe isn't it?  

It's kind of scary that you guys can't read what was actually written.

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17 hours ago, Brad_ATX said:

On the main topic, this is just a stupid thing to say by POTUS.  If USPS were to make it more expensive for Amazon to ship, then the customer will end up taking the hit by paying higher prices via shipping costs or higher Prime fees.  Amazon isn't giving up their profit margins anytime soon.  There's a serious lack of thought in that tweet by Trump when it comes to the Average American.

THIS is the quote we are discussing, right?

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Just now, Grumps said:

THIS is the quote we are discussing, right?

Nope.   I followed it up about two posts later with a more detailed thought.  Go read it.

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6 minutes ago, Brad_ATX said:

And this is the ignorance to my comment that you show.  I never said it was good.  I'm saying it's the current reality of life.  Go back and read my post again and stop putting words in my mouth.

My perception of your comment was that you were saying that Trump showed a serious lack of thought by Tweeting that it was questionable for the USPS to give Amazon preferential rates to Amazon to ship their goods. My perception of your quote is that IF the USPS did not give Amazon a price break then Amazon would charge their customers more for shipping, since Amazon isn't giving up their profit margins anytime soon. Finally, I assumed that by stating that Trump showed a serious lack of thought, you disagreed with Trump. Therefore, I assumed that you agreed with the USPS giving Amazon a preferred rate, since it would lower the cost to the consumer. Please inform me where my assumption were incorrect or where I put words into your mouth. You may not believe it, but that was not my intent..

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8 hours ago, Brad_ATX said:

Why does Amazon have to ship USPS?  USPS is making a choice, in order to be relevant based on their current model, to be the primary for Amazon.  That's a choice that can be changed.  The government isn't subsidizing Amazon.  It's subsidizing USPS and then the people that run USPS made a decision to cut a sweetheart deal with Amazon because USPS was losing too much business.  That's actually a smart business by Amazon to take advantage of a weak position by USPS (something Trump would do as a smart businessman).

But let's say subsidies go away.  If you think prices and fees would stay the same for end user consumers after shipping suddenly got more expensive for Amazon, then I've got a deal some oceanfront property in Wyoming for you.  And the average American who uses Amazon would be pissed off because they only care about what they pay now.  So yes, in my view, Trump is advocating for a price increase with that tweet.

Ok, I assume you are talking about this post. I agree that the government is subsidizing the USPS and not Amazon. I don't have enough info to say whether the USPS made a good deal or a bad deal if they gave Amazon a great rate. I agree that Amazon should try to get the best possible rate. I agree that if Amazon's cost go up then they will likely pass the cost on to the customer. I agree that making Tweets about how the USPS treats Amazon and vice versa is suboptimal. But I don't know why questioning a possible deal between the USPS and Amazon is a bad thing. Thanks for clarifying!

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4 minutes ago, Grumps said:

My perception of your comment was that you were saying that Trump showed a serious lack of thought by Tweeting that it was questionable for the USPS to give Amazon preferential rates to Amazon to ship their goods.

Nope.  It's not dumb for questioning USPS's practices with regards to Amazon.  It lacks forethought because the consumer will pay more in the end and THAT's what people care about at the end of the day.

My perception of your quote is that IF the USPS did not give Amazon a price break then Amazon would charge their customers more for shipping, since Amazon isn't giving up their profit margins anytime soon.

This is correct.  But I never say it's a good business model for USPS.  Just that customers will pay more.

Finally, I assumed that by stating that Trump showed a serious lack of thought, you disagreed with Trump. Therefore, I assumed that you agreed with the USPS giving Amazon a preferred rate, since it would lower the cost to the consumer.

Already answered aboce on both accounts.

Please inform me where my assumption were incorrect or where I put words into your mouth. You may not believe it, but that was not my intent..

answers in italics

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8 hours ago, Brad_ATX said:

Why does Amazon have to ship USPS?  USPS is making a choice, in order to be relevant based on their current model, to be the primary for Amazon.  That's a choice that can be changed.  The government isn't subsidizing Amazon.  It's subsidizing USPS and then the people that run USPS made a decision to cut a sweetheart deal with Amazon because USPS was losing too much business.  That's actually a smart business by Amazon to take advantage of a weak position by USPS (something Trump would do as a smart businessman).

But let's say subsidies go away.  If you think prices and fees would stay the same for end user consumers after shipping suddenly got more expensive for Amazon, then I've got a deal some oceanfront property in Wyoming for you.  And the average American who uses Amazon would be pissed off because they only care about what they pay now.  So yes, in my view, Trump is advocating for a price increase with that tweet.

Understand that Brad. Lets quit subsidizing USPS. Let the end user pay for shipping. Obviously multiple end users. Let the USPS be subscribed to for those willing to to pay for genuine( no junk)  mail.  


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15 hours ago, Grumps said:

Ok, I assume you are talking about this post. I agree that the government is subsidizing the USPS and not Amazon. I don't have enough info to say whether the USPS made a good deal or a bad deal if they gave Amazon a great rate. I agree that Amazon should try to get the best possible rate. I agree that if Amazon's cost go up then they will likely pass the cost on to the customer. I agree that making Tweets about how the USPS treats Amazon and vice versa is suboptimal. But I don't know why questioning a possible deal between the USPS and Amazon is a bad thing. Thanks for clarifying!

What?  You don't take President Trump's for his word??

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