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We shouldn't be basing our offense off of the Read Option anymore


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The title of this thread basically says it all:


I question the viability of a school and offense that outright relies so heavily on a QB's ability to be mobile as a primary weapon rather than as a safety blanket. Over the course of Auburn football, starting with the success of Cam Newton & continued success of Nick Marshall, I've started to see an acceptance of this thought pattern for the need to have a DT-QB as the CRUX of our attack. So much so, that we've taken to criticizing QBs that don't fit that mold for not being able to play in this system, rather than looking at the system itself and realizing it to be a broken one. I think it's time that we take a look at this offense and really begin to question whether this was the right path to continue down in the first place. This won't be a Coach Malzahn bashing thread either, simply a discussion of whether or not it's really worth having an offense that relies on the ability of the QB to be a runner as a primary threat. 


Now, make no mistake, I'm not saying that we don't go after athletic QBs that can hurt opponents with their feet & be mobile in lieu of towering artillery pocket passers. Quite the opposite, however, in making a DT runner at QB our first priority, we've done a couple of things which have led us to the current conundrum that we face on the team now:


1. Our recruiting rules out very competent QBs that can easily become EXTREMELY dangerous passers on the criteria of whether or not they're running threats.

2 Durability concerns become the forefront because we utilize the QB for such dangerous tasks.

3. Competent QBs (regardless of running ability) have stopped lining up to come to Auburn because they want to actually be prepped for the pro-game and learn +  flourish in intricate pass schemes as well as put up tremendous passing numbers, something that just doesn't happen in an offense that HAS to have the QB to attack as a runner + spread the ball around on the ground a certain number of times in order to even be effective through the air. (Due to simplistic route design, offensive lineman selection etc)


4. The BEST WRs don't want to come to a school where they're not going to be able to show off their ability to be top-flight receiving options. This much is true in our offense, which places SO MUCH focus on not only the run but also running with MULTIPLE runners including a priority on the QB himself being a runner. It's simply "Not Sexy" to recruit for, and any recruit with a decent knowledge of what they really want to do in the NFL and with other options will run from it.

5. A lack of focus on fundamental skills like route running and blocking techniques gets left behind in lieu of simply "getting the job done" since the emphasis isn't on attacking opponents through traditional means. I.E. Dominating the line of scrimmage (because rather than focusing on man-blocking schemes, you just want to get downfield and in the way of potential defenders), getting open with crisp and time-intensive developing routes (because your QB isn't a pass first and will be coached to take off, why hammer home crisp route running with slower routes when the internal clock in your QB's head will cause him to pull the ball down before that route can even develop, also you need to be able to turn around and block a defender on a moment's notice.) , and finally, timing routes that take the ability to sit in the pocket and keep eyes downfield rather than avoiding defenders and scrambling (This one is self-explanatory.).



It's time to buck the "Spread to Run" mentality. Plain and simple. We have some integral pieces to move to a more "Big-12" or Texas A&M style system and FLOURISH. This is no truer than against lumbering teams like Alabama. The dangerousness of our original style under Chizick-Malzahn was the newness of it. Much like Chris Ault's combination of the pistol and the ZR, no one had ever seen something like our Hybrid-Amorphous Wing T. That's no longer the case, and it's starting to become MORE and MORE apparent the more we continue to try to operate under this system. 


We need to move to a more Air-Raid/Mike Leach style system that utilizes big bodies on the outside and inside combined with a speedy slot and 3-4 wide sets. Now I'm not saying forgo the run altogether, however, let's remember that we can be a pass-first team with a strong running game and still dominate. Our ideal form of offense would be something similar to Texas A&M. Nimble pass-protecting offensive linemen in 2 point stances, (You don't need offensive linemen to get down the field so much if you spread defenders out to the point where they can't reach your running backs no matter how fast because of angles & blocking.) Finally, our pass catchers, in order to still have an advantage in the run game, as well as have an advantage matchup wise need to be LARGE. To an extent, we have decent sized pass catchers excluding Cannella, however, our guys would be about the ideal size for our H-Slot receiver. Finally, a pass catching TE with the ability to block in space would be necessary. He would work out of the Y slot, once again opening the box up creating an easier time in the run game with VERY LITTLE need to structure your team for the run. If the opponent wants to cram the box anyways, then due to the TE being in the slot, he hurts them in the 'quick game.' A good base personnel structure for this type of offense would be the Carolina Panthers:

WR1/X - 6'4 - 6'5
Panther's Counterpart: Kelvin Benjamin
Possible Fits: Tommy Bush, Justyn Ross,

  • This is your workhorse for all of your tough to make catches. He has a big body, and will GLADLY go deep over the middle to make the tough contested catch. He is typically your mid to deep threat and a typical go to for your QB's bad decisions because of his ENORMOUS catch radius. Not many corners can out-physical him, and he runs pretty good routes. He isn't the best route runner on the team, but his routes are good enough in combination with his size and speed that he can reliably be 'open' even with defenders draped and trailing him.
  • As a blocker, he is the BEST one on the edge to block. His size advantage means that he will consistently out-leverage defenders and not only move them out of the picture, but also dominate them. This is KEY to your run game as he will often be matched up by himself which means only one defender. If he secures his end, cutbacks will almost ALWAYS hit for a massive gain if the back is fast enough and blocking is good up front.



WR2/Z - 6'2 - 6'4

Panther's Counterpart: Devin Funchess

Possible Fits: Kyle Davis, Nate Craig-Myers, Marquis McClain, Seth Williams, Richard Jibunor etc

  • This is your second WR and almost a clone of your first WR. He doesn't need to be as tall as WR1, however, he should still be a large and imposing figure on the outside that can also work inwards and run out of bunch sets. This guy will be a much more Jack-Of-All trades sort of guy than just a big play threat like your first WR. Granted because of size, all of your WRs will hold special skill in possession receiving, this guy, if any of them, would be your possession receiver. His route running should be excellent and can be a lot more crisp than WR1, but won't necessarily be better than your H's routes as that'll be the best one on the team.
  • The ideal is to go for another large body option that can still mismatch with just about every corner they go up against in both run and pass. 6'2 WRs will work here because there is MUCH less of a chance of teams (Not named Kentucky) having 2 large starting corners which allow for the smaller WR to be used here unless you want to work him out in the slot and put a bigger guy here that can still run routes well.
  • Run game philosophy is the exact same for WR2 as WR1, but he doesn't have to be AS GOOD of a blocker.

WR3/H - 5'10 - 6'3

Panther's Counterpart: Curtis Samuel

Possible Fits: Will Hastings, Darius Slayton, Kyle Davis, Eli Stove, Nate Craig-Myers, etc

  • This guy is one of the most important guys in this offense. He is without a doubt your fastest and best route runner on the team. He doesn't need to be big, but points if you have an athletic freak who is big enough, yet still runs crispy routes. His catching must also be off the charts as he will be running routes in tandem with your Y/TE almost all of the time, which requires him to do a lot of picks, rubs, and Ins that focus on losing pursuing defenders in traffic. The humble jet sweep can also be an option with this guy just for a bit of throwback fun, but luckily enough, an RB can actually sub into this position and still be just as dangerous.
  • Going deep with this man certainly will put stress on the defense, but it isn't a requirement for him to really be a deep ball threat. If you have a do-it all guy that can go up for the deep ball, just put him here in packages, but otherwise, the focus here should be catching in traffic and running routes. If you go the deep-ball route, having a larger guy here is recommended, but don't forget that  your Y will also be running in the slot as well and will be a TE so don't feel required to do this.
  • Blocking here is probably the least important, but as with all…. If you have a guy who can do it, then why not?

WR4 (TE1)/Y - 6'3 - 6'6

Panther's Counterpart: Greg Olsen

Possible Fits: Sal Cannella, Luke Ford, Michael Ezeike

  • He's the model of player that this entire offense's philosophy was based off of, the cornerstone of everything you like to do offensively, and a problem matchup-wise. The receiving TE that can block and crack in space. He runs routes like a WR, but has the size and bulk of a TE. Do teams roll a safety down to cover him in man, or play up in order to disguise coverages, do they move the LB over into space a play him, or maybe they have to bring in an extra DB? The possibilities are endless with this guy, and because of his size, the aforementioned plan puts opponents at a disadvantage in the run game. My idea of this position would be Ricky Seals-Jones if he were playing TE (As I thought he should have been.)
  • A lot of his routes will go on in the seams, but he will also work together with your SWR to provide another safety blanket for your QB while he tries to hit the big plays with WR1 & WR2 on the edges, which will be giving DBs all that they can handle.
  • He can fearlessly go across the middle, catch high passes from behind hooking LBs and safely get you 1st downs almost on cue if the safety is playing off of him. This position is the true wildcard of the offense and there is simply no personnel answer for him, especially if the opposing team has already placed their bigger bodied CBs on the edges to deal with your twin towers.
  • Half of the fun of having this guy is where to line him up at. Do you leave him in the slot the whole time like Jace Amaro in Texas Tech's offense, or Jimmy Graham, or do you sometimes get him one on one matchups in a Trio set with him to the nub? You tell me. There is no wrong answer with this guy.

FB1 (TE2) - 6'3 - 6'4

Panther's Counterpart: Ed Dickson
Possible Fits: Jalen Harris

  • Need to bring in a FB? Don't bother with a true fullback when you can simply pull a blocking TE that can also still run routes. This position adds some goal-line versatility in that you basically can line up in packages that scream run, but still whisper pass.
  • In the case of the Panthers, Ed Dickson embodies this. He is a solid blocking TE option, but still runs routes and catches the ball well without sacrificing size. Yes his time at Baltimore was littered with drops, but when he caught the ball, he caught the ball and ran with it. Also see his Oregon college film to know what I mean.
  • By now, the opposing team HAS to place an LB on this guy, so you can easily motion him out from the backfield into a WR's place and suddenly, you're in passing mode while the defense is lined up in a run-heavy set. Checkmate.

RB1 (Power) - 5'11 - 6'3

Panther's Counterpart: Jonathan Stewart
Possible Fits: Kamryn Pettway (Leaving), Harold Joiner, Malik Miller, Jeremy Banks

  • This is an essential position. You need a stronger back mainly because that's how you'll take advantage of having the defense having to resort to smaller packages to defend against your pass game. Larger stronger backs will have field days with this setup, but they can't be slow. This back still needs to have speed, just maybe a little wiggle isn't required.
  • He must be able to break tackles at the first level and truck smaller 2nd level defenders and shrug off the larger ones. One of the greatest advantages that he will have is that some defenses will need to flatten out their safeties or LBs across the LOS to help in coverage in certain sets or be forced to go small in order to keep from being "honest" this basically gives him a much better chance of breaking a big run if he is fast enough.
  • The intent is to have your RBs play by committee, but if you have a strong, agile, and versatile back who can catch passes, then you've got the holy grail because you've basically achieved PERFECT personnel balance. And will have NO trouble taking advantage of whatever the defense gives you. He can motion out to be a WR if need be, and in the case of Joiner & Banks, still have a height advantage on most linebackers.
  • Although you can get around him not being great at protection if he can catch, he SHOULD be serviceable in protection. Many times, this will be your only guy to pick up blitzes, which is the weakness of this offensive system. If he can't protect, have him play outlet receiver, or he can't play this spot. He doesn't need to be a tremendous blocker because of all the options your QB will have to throw to on any given play.


RB2 (Receiving/Slasher) - 5'9 - 6'3

Panther's Counterpart: Christian McCaffrey

Possible Fits: Kerryon Johnson etc.

  • If your power back can't catch or run routes to save his life, don't think this is the end of the world. This guy will simply pick up that workload for you. He should be on par with a receiver when it comes to catching, and be able to play in the H-slot depending on personnel groupings. Out of the backfield he should embarrass linebackers in man to man coverage and take them out to be ridiculed in front of town-square.
  • This guy should be able to cut on a dime, since the run-game will be zone blocking 100%, he will often be looking for cutbacks unless he has some strength to muscle through tackles, so a bit of a more patient running style will be necessary. Keep in mind he will be running out of offset gun and pistol alignments so he can't be a straight up singleback formation runner.


This is my ideal personnel for this new offensive system I believe we should be running. Of course, there are some tweaks and different modifications that can be made based on the names I've selected as possible fits, and these aren't too in depth, but the philosophy remains the same.


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 A lot of good info in this piece, but I just don't see an air raid type offense working in this conference. It just seems when those Big 12 type offenses come against a good defense , they have problems. Not sure I would want to point to Texas A&M as what we want to be. There is still a real change Sumlin gets fired this year and his only real success was with Manziel as QB.

I don't think we have run a true ZR since Marshall left. Yes our blocking may have been set up for ZR but defenses haven't worried about our QB running the ball for 3 years now. I also believe you better have a QB that can hurt you with his feet. It just seems that the better teams can do that to you.

I agree with the size requirements for WR especially. It is something that I think we have been lacking over the years.

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Just now, 80Tiger said:

 A lot of good info in this piece, but I just don't see an air raid type offense working in this conference. It just seems when those Big 12 type offenses come against a good defense , they have problems. Not sure I would want to point to Texas A&M as what we want to be. There is still a real change Sumlin gets fired this year and his only real success was with Manziel as QB.

I don't think we have run a true ZR since Marshall left. Yes our blocking may have been set up for ZR but defenses haven't worried about our QB running the ball for 3 years now. I also believe you better have a QB that can hurt you with his feet. It just seems that the better teams can do that to you.

I agree with the size requirements for WR especially. It is something that I think we have been lacking over the years.

I'm a fan of Sumlin's offensive type though. I do think it's potential outweighs what has happened in the past, largely due to their OC's play-calling. When utilized correctly, I think it can be a game breaker. 2 parts of Texas A&M's issue was the lack of a defined running back to make the run game click, as well as Sumlin never getting his top-flight QB that he really wanted. 2 things that Auburn has. 

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There is zero need for a DT QB outside of keeping plays alive and 1-5 runs a game at most. Look at your best QBs to play, very few are DT. The job of the QB  is to get the call to playmakers. 


A spread passing based pro style O is what Auburn needs. Staying near even pass/run or on a 55-60% pass would be ideal.


A system based off of QB runs, or the threat of, will never have sustained success in the higher levels of football. 

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1 minute ago, AUGunsmith said:

There is zero need for a DT QB outside of keeping plays alive and 1-5 runs a game at most. Look at your best QBs to play, very few are DT. The job of the QB  is to get the call to playmakers. 


A spread passing based pro style O is what Auburn needs. Staying near even pass/run or on a 55-60% pass would be ideal.


A system based off of QB runs, or the threat of, will never have sustained success in the higher levels of football. 

I'd reluctantly agree with you on the Pro-Style tip though, simply because in our current form I don't know how many years that transition would take. Still, it's a definite option. It's just a bit longer one because of recruiting and building.

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Thank you for your posts, I enjoy them very much. I'm no FB guru, but I seem to recall that the ZR became prominent with Gus in about the 3rd or 4th game of 2013 with Marshall and since then everyone seems to think "that's what we have to do/that's what Gus' offense is all about/etc" even though personnel now are different and it seems defenses have adapted.

I haven't been to any games in person, so all I've seen is TV which doesn't give a view of the entire field and what's going on with the receivers. Do you have a take on them this year?  I read all the comments about "poor route running/poorly designed route trees/no separation" but would like your take if you have one. Thank you!

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1 minute ago, ClarkGriswold said:


Thank you for your posts, I enjoy them very much. I'm no FB guru, but I seem to recall that the ZR became prominent with Gus in about the 3rd or 4th game of 2013 with Marshall and since then everyone seems to think "that's what we have to do/that's what Gus' offense is all about/etc" even though personnel now are different and it seems defenses have adapted.

I haven't been to any games in person, so all I've seen is TV which doesn't give a view of the entire field and what's going on with the receivers. Do you have a take on them this year?  I read all the comments about "poor route running/poorly designed route trees/no separation" but would like your take if you have one. Thank you!


My take would be about close to the same. I see a lot of rounded routes when I watch, some don't sell the upfield on a lot of shorter digs, ins and outs which end up leading to either interceptions or blanketed coverages. There's also an issue of the trees not really complimenting or synergizing well with other route concepts nor giving the QB too many bailouts that don't require him to turn around. 

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7 minutes ago, Malcolm_FleX48 said:

I'd reluctantly agree with you on the Pro-Style tip though, simply because in our current form I don't know how many years that transition would take. Still, it's a definite option. It's just a bit longer one because of recruiting and building.

It definitely will be more difficult, but it is the only way Auburn o will have continued success in both recruiting and on the field results. 

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1 minute ago, Malcolm_FleX48 said:

My take would be about close to the same. I see a lot of rounded routes when I watch, some don't sell the upfield on a lot of shorter digs, ins and outs which end up leading to either interceptions or blanketed coverages. There's also an issue of the trees not really complimenting or synergizing well with other route concepts nor giving the QB too many bailouts that don't require him to turn around. 

This is what happens when you have someone like kody at WR coach. He is way out of his league

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This was really good stuff. I don't see Gus taking it in. He should know he stuff doesn't work anymore, but doesn't. Also, the Panther's offense has been hot garbage. Some due to Cam not being good, some due to the OL not being good (when have they ever), and some due to Shula being Shula.

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Just now, jared52 said:

This was really good stuff. I don't see Gus taking it in. He should know he stuff doesn't work anymore, but doesn't. Also, the Panther's offense has been hot garbage. Some due to Cam not being good, some due to the OL not being good (when have they ever), and some due to Shula being Shula.

True, I'm not necessarily a fan of their offense, I just like their roster composition and believe it'd be the best prototype to run this offense. Just as an NFL comparison. 

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8 minutes ago, bigbird said:

I would love an offense like OU's

Oh yes... Especially if we ended up having a running back like Mixon to accompany it. That would be the best case scenario. Their route concepts and exclusive use of a slot TE with a decent pass catching fullback-wing paired up with Mayfield's ability to move around make them a hassle for anyone.

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4 minutes ago, Malcolm_FleX48 said:

Oh yes... Especially if we ended up having a running back like Mixon to accompany it. That would be the best case scenario. Their route concepts and exclusive use of a slot TE with a decent pass catching fullback-wing paired up with Mayfield's ability to move around make them a hassle for anyone.

Run when they want and run when the need. Pass when they want and pass when they need.  They always dictate what they do and take advantage of what the D offers.

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I'll also add that DT  QBs  are very over rated. A middling athlete with strong arm, good football knowledge, and decently quick decision making is going to be much better for a program than a DT guy with lackluster passing ability.  

You mix a guy like that with good route combos, read routes, mixing zone beating and man beating routes within the same play and work your high % throws and the running game will take care of itself. 

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Just now, bigbird said:

Run when they want and run when the need. Pass when they want and pass when they need.  They always dictate what they do and take advantage of what the D offers.

That's a feeling that Auburn hasn't had in a LONG time. Everything we have seems to feel like it's because the defense makes a mistake, not because of the fact that we actually impose or straight up beat them. 

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1 minute ago, AUGunsmith said:

I'll also add that DT  QBs  are very over rated. A middling athlete with strong arm, good football knowledge, and decently quick decision making is going to be much better for a program than a DT guy with lackluster passing ability.  

You mix a guy like that with good route combos, read routes, mixing zone beating and man beating routes within the same play and work your high % throws and the running game will take care of itself. 

Couldn't agree more. I love DT QBs, but only as a second option for when the play breaks down due to good coverage on the back end... And in those situations, you don't really need an amazing athlete because the field has already been completely stretched by the WRs. 

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1 minute ago, Malcolm_FleX48 said:

That's a feeling that Auburn hasn't had in a LONG time. Everything we have seems to feel like it's because the defense makes a mistake, not because of the fact that we actually impose or straight up beat them. 

This comes from the base idea of Gus' s offence. Misdirection and make people play out of position. 


It's good to have this and exploit it, but basing an entire philosophy around it won't work year in and year out. 

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1 minute ago, AUGunsmith said:

This comes from the base idea of Gus' s offence. Misdirection and make people play out of position. 


It's good to have this and exploit it, but basing an entire philosophy around it won't work year in and year out. 


On some of my earlier posts, I'd point out that the main deal between everything Gus did was to use pre-snap movement of "dangerous hands" or 4 possible ballcarriers at all times; RB1, RB2/HBack, QB, Slot (jet sweep) and tempo to create a missed assignment on the defense.

You summed up my thoughts on the matter.

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The problem with AUs offense is that the minds of DCs have outwited Gus. They know how his offense works, what makes it successful and how to coach their guys to be successful against it. 

OUs offense is one that would fit in and work at the pro level. 

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3 minutes ago, Malcolm_FleX48 said:

On some of my earlier posts, I'd point out that the main deal between everything Gus did was to use pre-snap movement of "dangerous hands" or 4 possible ballcarriers at all times; RB1, RB2/HBack, QB, Slot (jet sweep) and tempo to create a missed assignment on the defense.

You summed up my thoughts on the matter.

It's a good idea as long as it isn't your only idea. Borges did the same in 04 but he had actual concepts behind it  


Plus AU doesn't have anyone who is a "uh oh, gotta watch they guy" type player. 

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I think the old I formation pro style offense IS not the course to take. The Loffler experiment was a disaster. I know you are not suggesting this, but I just wanted to throw that baby out with the dirty water without hesitation.

Your suggestion of running an air-raid style offense is nothing short of brilliant. Why not totally adopt the offense that Art Briles ran at Baylor. That offense of itself and the success it had was an excellent display of creative offensive football. Before everyone jumps on me about Art, please understand that I am removing his character and the bad committed out of the equation. Briles offense was one of the most prolific in all of college football that I have ever seen & yet to have seen with any college team today.


I do like what Oklahoma State and Oklahoma Universities run. They are as creative as they come, and actually work well.

Reality sets in though, and we all know that Gus is NOT going to give up his offense totally for something else out there. He will lose far more control than he could tolerate without having a major heart attack or other dangerous health conditions brought on by a combination of stress and stubbornness. We will not see a tremendous about of change in our offense. The best we can hope for is for JS & MS to come into the elite level of what is needed to make Gus' offense click. We saw flashes of brilliance last season over the 6 game win streak.


I guess we will wait and see how the season plays out. One thing for sure is that like Forest Gump's chocolates, you never know what you will get when Gus opens up his box of offense!

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