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Trump Speech at UN Today

Proud Tiger

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Pres. Trump gave a great speech at the UN today and got an almost unanimous clapping from the audience. If he is mentally impaired we need more mentally impaired leaders. It is refreshing to see a POTUS leading from out front instead of from behind.

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1 minute ago, Proud Tiger said:

Pres. Trump gave a great speech at the UN today and got an almost unanimous clapping from the audience. If he is mentally impaired we need more mentally impaired leaders. It is refreshing to see a POTUS leading from out front instead of from behind.

You left out the part where they laughed at him (and by extension, us).





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1 hour ago, Proud Tiger said:

^^^^^A Joe Biden moment;D

I still think his overall speech was strong and his message clear.

I feel confident it was an excellent speech. 

38 minutes ago, homersapien said:

Of course you do!

Saw a clip of the "Biden Moment" and President Trump handled it well. He has a natural talent as an entertainer/speaker and easily turns those moments into a positive.

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2 hours ago, TitanTiger said:

Not much of a laugh and thought he handled it well.....and "laughing at us".?  ...TT you are way too sensitive if that little exchange bothered you..  All I heard were a few chuckles and seems those were at his response to someone's comment or response...was not defensive....just sharing the joke it seems. 

Otherwise,  seems he took on the people and countries who are the enemies of freedom and democracy....Venezuela and others...Good for him.  I expect the speech had input from many people but the delivery was forceful and not apologetic for who the US is or what we stand for.   

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5 hours ago, TitanTiger said:

He should really bring his own laugh track.

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6 hours ago, AU64 said:

Otherwise,  seems he took on the people and countries who are the enemies of freedom and democracy....Venezuela and others...Good for him.  I expect the speech had input from many people but the delivery was forceful and not apologetic for who the US is or what we stand for.   

Pretty busy today and have not listened in entirety. Understand it was great speech

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6 hours ago, homersapien said:

(He's doing well in Russia though.  Go figure.)

You are one weird fellow. Why can you not unwrap your intelligent mind from Russia? Please go seek help. Tell them this began mid November 2016.

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12 hours ago, SaltyTiger said:

You are one weird fellow. Why can you not unwrap your intelligent mind from Russia? Please go seek help. Tell them this began mid November 2016.

:comfort:Did you see the data?

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18 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

yes I did. I see that Israel trust us a bit more now. 

I doubt they "trust" us as much as they are grateful for Trump tossing out any pretense of objectivity in their conflict with the Palestinians.  They'll certainly take it, but who in their right mind would trust Trump?

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Here’s Why World Leaders Are Laughing at Trump

His hapless Iran strategy is just one example of a deeply confused foreign policy.

President Donald Trump’s visit to the United Nations General Assembly in New York this week has been … confused. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo advertised that Trump would like to meet with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, and then Trump claimed (implausibly) to have turned down Rouhani’s request for a meeting, while also (peculiarly) calling him “an absolutely lovely man.” He lauded sovereignty, promising “the United States will not tell you how to live or work or worship” while threatening to sanction countries that choose to work with Iran.

It is tempting to laugh—world leaders certainly did—but Trump is setting diplomatic targets that cannot be met. As a result, his offers of dialogue are empty, and the world knows it. Worse, Trump—or at least the hard-line advisers who have latched on to him—is trying to change how we assess the legitimacy of diplomacy and other national security tools in our domestic politics. If their efforts are not countered, they will make agreements less likely and conflict more likely even after his presidency is long over.....

Read the rest at: https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2018/09/25/donald-trump-un-speech-laughing-unga-iran-220620


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23 hours ago, homersapien said:


(He's doing well in Russia though.  Go figure.) :rolleyes:



So I should give a s*** what Mexico or Germany thinks about us, why?  Multiple  countries that have leached off of us for multiple generations now find we are not their patsy anymore and their feelings are hurt...big deal.  Funny thing; I didn't notice any German restauretour or Beer Garden waiter refuse to take my money last week in Munich.....in fact they seemed to enthusiastically welcome my cash; I haven't seen Mercedes or Audi pulling their cars out of the US in protest....I mean if they are really that unhappy with us; just stop selling their products here in protest....nor have the Germans asked us to vacate Rein Main or any military facilities in the country....in fact, they react with hysteria anytime it is suggested....when I was there in uniform a lifetime ago; I never remember a single time having them complain about me being there protecting them....same for Korea and Japan....


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