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Ivanka Trump Used Personal Email For Government Business Hundreds Of Times: Report


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“She was the worst offender in the White House,” one insider told The Washington Post of Trump’s eldest daughter.

Ivanka Trump, the eldest daughter of President Donald Trump and his official adviser, used a personal account to send hundreds of emails last year related to government business, according to sources who spoke with The Washington Post.

If true, the behavior casts a hypocritical light on the president, who made Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton’s misuse of a private email server the focal point of his campaign ― something he still does when he encourages his supporters chanting “Lock her up!” at his rallies. 

Many of Ivanka Trump’s alleged emails ― sent to White House aides, Cabinet officials and her assistants ― were sent in violation of federal records rules. They were unearthed last fall by five Cabinet agencies that were going through emails in response to a public records lawsuit. 

“She was the worst offender in the White House,” said one former senior U.S. government official who spoke to the Post about Trump’s inappropriate use of her personal email account, which she shared with husband, Jared Kushner, under the domain “ijkfamily.com.”

Trump’s actions may violate the Presidential Records Act, which mandates that all official White House communications and records be preserved in a permanent archive. Perhaps more concerning, her use of a private email server may increase the risk of sensitive information falling into the wrong hands.  

Many of the details in the emails were related to Trump’s official work schedule, travel details and meeting arrangements with public and private sector workers. 

The president has also come under fire recently for skirting security measures in his communications. Last month, The New York Times dropped a bombshell report that he continues to use an unsecured iPhone even though his aides told him that Chinese and Russian spies were listening in on his conversations through it. 


Lock her up!  Lock her up! Lock her up!  Lock her up!



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What is it with the people in Washington?????

The rest of the free world, everyone in the military, etc can all handle our email in the correct method. 

I dont care WTH you are, Powell, Rice, Clinton Trump, if you place govt email (not just NOFORN, etc email, but any govt email) on anything other than a govt server, you should pull a one-way ticket to a Federal Penitentiary. I dont give a damn about your party affiliation either. If you place one email on anything but a govt owned secure server...


This is totally indefensible. And no one will be held accountable. Face it folks, this country is already run by an oligarchy, a Party of Monied Elite, that are, just in case you havent noticed, absolutely above the law.

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2 hours ago, GiveEmElle said:

Seriously y’all, we don’t need to be concerned about security breachs from Ivanka’s emails. Her husband Jared gives classified info to despotic rulers via WhatsApp.

While Trump uses an i phone that the Russians, Chinese, and God only knows who else, is listening too.


What a pathetic, hypocritical administration.  We have two more years of this idiocy.


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1 minute ago, homersapien said:

While Trump uses an i phone that the Russians, Chinese, and God only knows who else, is listening too.


What a pathetic, hypocritical administration.  We have two more years of this idiocy.


According to the Bible, we only have 20 more months. 

“The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise its authority for forty-two months.”

Revelations 13:5

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What fun would it be without a contrasting view?

A quick point of order for anyone gullible enough to buy into this:  Ivanka Trump is a presidential aide, and there is no evidence she passed any classified information in this manner.  Ms. Trump says the only material through her personal related to things like scheduling, etc.  By contrast, Hillary Clinton spent four years as the Secretory of State – the chief foreign officer of the United States – using a personal server for official business.

A presidential aide vs. the Secretary of State.  Hmmm….let’s think about whether there is a difference in the email flow.

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1 hour ago, AUFAN78 said:

What fun would it be without a contrasting view?

A quick point of order for anyone gullible enough to buy into this:  Ivanka Trump is a presidential aide, and there is no evidence she passed any classified information in this manner.  Ms. Trump says the only material through her personal related to things like scheduling, etc.  By contrast, Hillary Clinton spent four years as the Secretory of State – the chief foreign officer of the United States – using a personal server for official business.

A presidential aide vs. the Secretary of State.  Hmmm….let’s think about whether there is a difference in the email flow.

Stop it! You're ruining their fun!

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9 hours ago, AUFAN78 said:

What fun would it be without a contrasting view?

A quick point of order for anyone gullible enough to buy into this:  Ivanka Trump is a presidential aide, and there is no evidence she passed any classified information in this manner.  Ms. Trump says the only material through her personal related to things like scheduling, etc.  By contrast, Hillary Clinton spent four years as the Secretory of State – the chief foreign officer of the United States – using a personal server for official business.

A presidential aide vs. the Secretary of State.  Hmmm….let’s think about whether there is a difference in the email flow.

As if a secretary of state would have more clout than Ivanka in the Trump administration.  :rolleyes:

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10 hours ago, AUFAN78 said:

What fun would it be without a contrasting view?

A quick point of order for anyone gullible enough to buy into this:  Ivanka Trump is a presidential aide, and there is no evidence she passed any classified information in this manner.  Ms. Trump says the only material through her personal related to things like scheduling, etc.  By contrast, Hillary Clinton spent four years as the Secretory of State – the chief foreign officer of the United States – using a personal server for official business.

A presidential aide vs. the Secretary of State.  Hmmm….let’s think about whether there is a difference in the email flow.

It wasn't the only time, just the latest.




WASHINGTON — At least six of President Trump’s closest advisers occasionally used private email addresses to discuss White House matters, current and former officials said on Monday.

The disclosures came a day after news surfaced that Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and adviser, used a private email account to send or receive about 100 work-related emails during the administration’s first seven months. But Mr. Kushner was not alone. Stephen K. Bannon, the former chief White House strategist, and Reince Priebus, the former chief of staff, also occasionally used private email addresses. Other advisers, including Gary D. Cohn and Stephen Miller, sent or received at least a few emails on personal accounts, officials said.




Even then-Governor Pence did it, even using a private email to discuss sensitive topics such as matters of Homeland Security:



"Vice President Mike Pence routinely used a private email account to conduct public business as governor of Indiana, at times discussing sensitive matters and homeland security issues.

"Emails released to IndyStar in response to a public records request show Pence communicated via his personal AOL account with top advisers on topics ranging from security gates at the governor's residence to the state's response to terror attacks across the globe. In one email, Pence's top state homeland security adviser relayed an update from the FBI regarding the arrests of several men on federal terror-related charges.

"Cyber-security experts say the emails raise concerns about whether such sensitive information was adequately protected from hackers, given that personal accounts like Pence's are typically less secure than government email accounts. In fact, Pence's personal account was hacked last summer."



First though...AOL?  :lol:

But anyway, whether it's classified or not, while important, misses the larger point.  The point is that all communications are supposed to be preserved and retained as part of the government record.  When you use a private email, it gives more opportunity for impropriety and hiding key information aside from security concerns.

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14 hours ago, AUFAN78 said:

What fun would it be without a contrasting view?

A quick point of order for anyone gullible enough to buy into this:  Ivanka Trump is a presidential aide, and there is no evidence she passed any classified information in this manner.  Ms. Trump says the only material through her personal related to things like scheduling, etc.  By contrast, Hillary Clinton spent four years as the Secretory of State – the chief foreign officer of the United States – using a personal server for official business.

A presidential aide vs. the Secretary of State.  Hmmm….let’s think about whether there is a difference in the email flow.

"Gullible"? :dunno:   

So you think it's "fake news"?

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3 hours ago, TitanTiger said:

It wasn't the only time, just the latest.



Even then-Governor Pence did it, even using a private email to discuss sensitive topics such as matters of Homeland Security:

First though...AOL?  :lol:

But anyway, whether it's classified or not, while important, misses the larger point.  The point is that all communications are supposed to be preserved and retained as part of the government record.  When you use a private email, it gives more opportunity for impropriety and hiding key information aside from security concerns.

Not to mention hiding information from future historians.

Clinton was guilty but these people are no less so.

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17 hours ago, AUFAN78 said:

What fun would it be without a contrasting view?

A quick point of order for anyone gullible enough to buy into this:  Ivanka Trump is a presidential aide, and there is no evidence she passed any classified information in this manner.  Ms. Trump says the only material through her personal related to things like scheduling, etc.  By contrast, Hillary Clinton spent four years as the Secretory of State – the chief foreign officer of the United States – using a personal server for official business.

A presidential aide vs. the Secretary of State.  Hmmm….let’s think about whether there is a difference in the email flow.

Once again the right misses the point. This isn’t about Ivanka’s job vs. Clinton’s job. It’s about the hypocrisy of campaigning on your evil opponent using a private email server then your house doing the same and claiming they just didn’t know you weren’t supposed to do that. 

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46 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

Once again the right misses the point. This isn’t about Ivanka’s job vs. Clinton’s job. It’s about the hypocrisy of campaigning on your evil opponent using a private email server then your house doing the same and claiming they just didn’t know you weren’t supposed to do that. 

You say all that but how about one of these two actually doing an online class on email security for the government and then claiming she didn't know what C on the document meant?


Maybe Ivanka can just destroy several thousands emails and call it  a day....

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2 hours ago, WDavE said:

You say all that but how about one of these two actually doing an online class on email security for the government and then claiming she didn't know what C on the document meant?


Maybe Ivanka can just destroy several thousands emails and call it  a day....

And the “but Hillary...” continues. You people have bitched for three years about private servers but now it’s ok because it’s Trump’s innocent little daughter who knows nothing about the inappropriateness of using a private server. I guess she had some awesome noise cancelling headphones during daddy’s campaign rallies.

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9 hours ago, homersapien said:

"Gullible"? :dunno:   

So you think it's "fake news"?

I think you are gullible. Reading this thread, you are in good company. ;D 

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6 hours ago, GiveEmElle said:

Once again the right misses the point. This isn’t about Ivanka’s job vs. Clinton’s job. It’s about the hypocrisy of campaigning on your evil opponent using a private email server then your house doing the same and claiming they just didn’t know you weren’t supposed to do that. 

Perhaps you missed the point..............

“Ms. Trump did not create a private server in her house or office, no classified information was ever included, the account was never transferred at Trump Organization, and no emails were ever deleted.” 

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3 hours ago, GiveEmElle said:

And the “but Hillary...” continues. You people have bitched for three years about private servers but now it’s ok because it’s Trump’s innocent little daughter who knows nothing about the inappropriateness of using a private server. I guess she had some awesome noise cancelling headphones during daddy’s campaign rallies.

Good grief. 

“Ms. Trump did not create a private server in her house or office, no classified information was ever included, the account was never transferred at Trump Organization, and no emails were ever deleted.” 


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10 hours ago, homersapien said:

Not to mention hiding information from future historians.

Clinton was guilty but these people are no less so.

Prove it. 

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1 minute ago, homersapien said:

Prove what? :dunno:

Well, that is telling. :homer:

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22 minutes ago, AUFAN78 said:

Good grief. 

“Ms. Trump did not create a private server in her house or office, no classified information was ever included, the account was never transferred at Trump Organization, and no emails were ever deleted.” 


1) Whom are you quoting?

2) Why is  a private server more problematic than an AOL server?  Seems it would be just the opposite to me.

3) How do you know no classified information was included?

4) How do you know no data has been deleted?

Sounds to me like an investigation is in order.


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