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22 minutes ago, bigbird said:

I'd much rather stand up, say we're gonna run right here and there's not a damn thing you can do about it then proceed to impose our will as opposed to hoping we trick someone.

No Doubt

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I think the OP has some very valid points. As much as I love our Auburn culture, some of that culture is the overbearing PTB that never give any coach a sense of security. I think the money gave him security for a little while, but not anymore. I know winning solves everything, but Gus needs to be able to put the noise aside and just go for it. 

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  • 11 months later...
10 minutes ago, AUght2win said:

Bringing this thread back after watching our HC attempt a 56 yard field goal, down by 22, with 6 minutes left in the 3rd quarter.

Never seen anything like it.

Even though I don't understand the decision to kick in that situation even a little bit, I am pretty sure it speaks volumes about the mindset of our coach.

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The greatest coaches don’t do their hardest work on gameday. They do it  on the recruiting trail, film room, weight room, developmental programs. Saban doesn’t dominate people on the field because of a scheme or play calls. He does it with bigger, faster, stronger athletes who are extremely schooled and disciplined in their craft. Gus coaches like a mid level sales manager, Saban like a CEO. Gus runs our program on a trick plays, sugar huddles, and a series of rosters laden with patched together transfers and JUCOs. Saban runs his on an endless continual stream of elite talent. 

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This should be an article. Again, well said.  

It's all true. He's too conservative translates to afraid. Afraid of his quarterback throwing over the middle so he only let's them throw low percentage 50/50 balls. A slant to him is a trick play. . He's fearful of his offensive coordinators calling plays or giving away too much control so he changes the game plan to go more conservative to be the run oriented offense he knows.  He's afraid of letting the quarterback audible or change playcall or protection. We lost at LSU a few years ago with Stidham as our quarterback because of Gus's fear.  For years he would not throw the ball into the endzone inside of the 20 except for the high back shoulder throw at the right pylon that was a miraculous catch or out of bounds. How many times yesterday did we throw behind the line of scrimmage, too many to count. He's now gotten into the trend of running out the clock before the half when lots of coaches try to put pressure on the defense. Our two minutes offense is our best offense. Gus being afraid and paranoid is what drives away some of his coaches and in the end, it will be his downfall. 

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Wonderful post OP and still relevant today. I don’t hate the man that is Gus, just the coach/leader. It’s sad that a guy who has such an incredible journey like he has coaches so conservatively. 

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It’s no great mystery. Gus’ entire philosophy is tricks and misdirection. It worked when he still had substitution advantages from running HUNH. Then the rules changed. What he had left was tricks. He didn’t prioritize recruiting OL. He had to be forced to improve his defense. He’s not afraid. He really thinks his system has every answer and if it doesn’t work, it’s purely execution. His teams are poor fundamentally, he evaluates talent poorly and he is not a motivator. He has benefitted from turmoil at MSU, Ole Miss, Arkansas and a lackluster A&M. He’s a very average coach and time has proven that out. We were just the ones dumb enough to make him to expensive to fire.

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On 11/17/2019 at 7:12 AM, aubaseball said:

I don’t think this is necessarily correct.    I think he hires the people he hires on offense because he feels the need to give the new guy a chance.   Just like he was given at Arkansas.   I truly think that he thinks there are guys in HS or new coaches getting into the business that are  better than most of the retreads (kiffin, sark, Butch from Tennessee just to name some).   It’s this mentality that will be his undoing 

this is his undoing. and i am not sure that he ever calls his assistants out behind the scenes. last saturday if looked to me like we forgot how to tackle. our receivers drop balls other schools do not. we seem to have no chemistry. we should be reloading every year now. personally i think bo has backslid as well. but i am just a fan so i am just throwing stuff out ther to see what will stick.

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These posts are like groundhog day.  Someone could drag up old threads from '14 forward and in all likelihood they'd all be relevant to what we see from CGM today. 

He is who he is and he will always be who he is, nothing more nothing less.


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1 hour ago, keesler said:

These posts are like groundhog day.  Someone could drag up old threads from '14 forward and in all likelihood they'd all be relevant to what we see from CGM today. 

He is who he is and he will always be who he is, nothing more nothing less.


The funny thing is these post come out after a loss but if we beat the aggies this week a new post as to why we should be patient will also come out. 8 years is enough to know what we know. 

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On 11/17/2019 at 7:28 AM, around4ever said:

You bring them in as GAs.  I respect that he wants to help the new and young guys. When you are making $7M per year to coach a top ten program, you better hire experienced coaches and let them coach.   If you don’t, you’ll be on the hot seat and soon be unemployed.  

Gus won't be gone quick enough to suit me. Don't let whoever is school president any where near the negotiations for the next coach.

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6 hours ago, DAG said:

The funny thing is these post come out after a loss but if we beat the aggies this week a new post as to why we should be patient will also come out. 8 years is enough to know what we know. 

Certainly not from me. I have rooted for Gus the whole way but have been done since 2018. Even if we finish 7-3 he has to go. 

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