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List 3 or 4...


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... political ideas that you'd easily be able to compromise and work with your opposite party on.

Try and list specific aspects of the idea you'd concede on as well.

Also, list 1 or 2 absolute non-starters that would automatically disqualify a candidate for you.


Thought it this might be an interesting exercise in seeing where some memebers would overlap and where compromise could begin.

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Medicare for all eventually.
Tuition Reform
Tax Reform. (Income Equity)
Shrinking the military.
Get us out of the War-Forever Business.
Get us out of the ME.
Scholarships for Trade Jobs

Wont budge. 
I dont want Unrestricted Abortion
 Increasing Debt-Balanced Budget

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Remove cap on Social Security payroll tax

Military reform (My opinion is that we spend more than enough on security. We need to prioritize spending more on our vets mental and physical health)

Ending a lot of subsidies




Not workable:

Dramatically increasing the national debt

Military intervention without Congressional authorization




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Healthcare reform

Tuition reform

Some provisions for gun control

Not workable:

Green New Deal

Some ideas of geoengineering-human intervention into natural systems, where side effects could cause worse problems 

Unrestricted abortion

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- Tax reform/platforms: Would like to raise revenues.  Only way to rid ourselves of debt is to take in more and reduce spending.  How we get there is up for negotiation.

- Healthcare: Prefer a public/private option (i.e. Buttigieg idea)

- Entitlement reform: Need to make cuts to Social Security and many other things.  However have to do it in a way where people aren't left hanging to dry.

- Trade pacts: Prefer more open/free trade since it is far more capitalistic, but I'm willing to listen to other ideas.

- Military spending:  Would like to see reductions, but open to reallocating some cash to veterans health and well-being.

- Tuition assistance: Would like us to focus on this for trade schools though and not 4 year colleges.

- Education reform:  Moving away from some of our standardized testing in favor of more practical courses like basic financial management that prepare students for life.


Not workable:

- Unchecked spending

- Protecting current DREAMers.  The kids had zero say in their parents decision.  Give them a chance at living the only life they know.

- Removing the protection for pre-existing conditions in Healthcare

- An all out ban on abortion


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Some type of path for the dreamers to stay in this country

True immigration Reform

Education Reform -  Number of days in school year increased  more small breaks in school year and no long summer break - School as a safe zone in inner cities with high crime rates - Junior colleges add trade school curriculum  - Looking at using existing school system as child care for people who can't afford childcare - Using some of the welfare people to work in that capacity after vetting and teaching them. - People on welfare taking classes at local schools on how to shop for healthy food on a limited budget including how to prepare that food. same people classes on how to dress for a job interview and how to speak on a job interview, A person who takes a job that pays less than what welfare pays who is currently on welfare should still be allowed to stay on welfare but at a prorated amount so make more money than when on welfare but be receiving less that total amount they were getting before. Incentivize getting a job.

Welfare reform - becomes  work fare where practical - 

Returning the three branch's of government to the roles that Constitution originally assigned them 


Not workable

Unrestricted Abortion 

Keep increasing budget deficit

Judges that write laws 

Executive branch that writes laws

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Just about anything.  I am a realist and feel that most issues are at least eligible for debate.  Compromise is necessary for democracy to work.



Reelection of Trump.

Absolute ban on abortion that totally disregards a woman's rights of self.

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Ukraine-- In lieu of convicting/removing Trump, censure and pass bipartisan laws making crystal clear that what Dershowitz claimed is legal is not. Include laws that limit nepotism and conflicts of interests by Presidents and Vice Presidents and their family. If he gets off the hook, couple it with a message that his theory of being above the law is not okay.

Healthcare-- Most of the free world covers more of their people with better results than we do and do so in a variety of ways. Some of single payers, some are mandatory, but highly regulated private insurance, etc. There are multiple ways to improve on what we have. I'm not wedded to one, but lets fix this problem.

Abortion-- Ultimately, I don't think you can mandate a woman carries a child to term and does so responsibly (e.g. no alcohol, etc.) But while I respect a woman's right to choose, I also understand why folks oppose a cavalier approach to abortion and don't want to fund it. Guarantee the right with reasonable regulations and continue the Hyde Amendment.

SS reform-- We may need to make minimal adjustments in how COLAs are determined, thus slowing growth, but we must not make significant cuts to what folks are getting. We need to raise the amount of salary that is subject to SS tax and make other adjustments to assure SS is solvent.

Immigration reform-- we may need to look at asylum laws and make some adjustments, but we need to give the Dreamers some certainty/stability and we need to have a manageable plan to maintain the immigration necessary to grow the economy, shore up entitlements for an aging population and assure that we attracting talent to this country.

Managing the debt-- time to pay the fiddler. We need to look across the board at spending, cutting waste while assuring we are making the necessary investment in our future-- new antibiotics to resistant bugs, enhanced infrastructure, effective education and medical care. Military spending needs to be strategic, not a jobs program. We need to encourage diversified crops instead of insisting corn go into our sweetners and cars. We are on an unsustainable path and have been since George W. Bush blew up the budget with his tax cuts. Reinstate the Clinton tax rates with perhaps some minor adjustments. That was the least juiced economy we have had in decades. We need both more revenue AND controlled spending.

Most everything is workable if folks pull the heads out of their asses and focus on problem solving instead of finger pointing.

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  • 4 weeks later...

From someone whose two favorite candidates are Sanders, then Gabbard (and hopes that's the ticket):

First and foremost is immigration. I'm a firm proponent of a strong welfare state, but you need to be stingy on who you allow in if you do. This video, while very long, sums up how I feel.

Next is abortion. My reasons for being for abortion have almost everything to do with a desire for a lower population. But yes, I am ok with some restriction on abortion--I can respect pro-lifers provided they support a social safety net so babies don't die AFTER they're born.

Next is guns. I really think you could do nothing about restrictions on guns themselves, and the gun violence rate would drop if you actually made mental healthcare (and healthcare in general) affordable.

Lastly, while I support Sanders' college plans, I do think we should focus on and emphasize fields what will produce jobs. I AM for at least one of a jobs guarantee or UBI, but we should still try to give students incentives to pursue careers that will be most prominent, albeit without punishing them with debt.


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lets go deeper mr bird. how do you guys feel about politicians and some broken laws?should a politician be able to run if he got a dui? what about if a politician went bankrupt? what about the slush fun pols and each side of the aisle using it to pay off sexual abuse claims and that sort of things? what about pols that are known abusers of their spouses? what about if you get busted for insider trading or misusing campaign funds and that sort of thing? what laws broken are you ok with and which ones are you not ok with? my view is that pols should be role models and always abide by the law period. and also do you guys think a law should be made where all politicians should be forced by law to disclose their taxes? this is not a bash on trump as i believe bloomberg refused recently. i understand we cannot elect nothing but boy scouts but i believe too many people are allowed to be in politics who just should not be there.

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