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Feeding the Liberal Flock: The Real Reasons for the Congressional 1/6 Committee


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The Biden DOJ has not charged one 1/6 defendant with insurrection, sedition or plotting to kidnap or kill. Democrats need Adam Schiff and Liz Cheney to satiate liberal anger.

This congressional committee is designed to be cathartic theater for liberals, and a political drama for the rest of the country. They know Republicans will object to their deliberately unconstitutional inquisitions, and they intend to exploit those objections to darkly insinuate to the country that Republicans are driven by a desire to protect the violent traitors so that they can deploy them as an insurrectionary army for future coups. They have staffed the committee with their most flamboyant and dishonest drama queens, knowing that Adam Schiff will spend most of his days on CNN with Chris Cuomo comparing 1/6 to Pearl Harbor and the Holocaust; Liz Cheney will equate Republicans with Al Qaeda and the Capitol riot to the destruction of the World Trade Center; and Adam Kinzinger will cry on cue as he reminds everyone over and over that he served in the U.S. military only to find himself distraught and traumatized that the real terrorists are not those he was sent to fight overseas but those at home, in his own party.

But the manipulative political design of this spectacle should not obscure how threatening it nonetheless is to core civil liberties. Democrats in politics and media have whipped themselves into such a manic frenzy ever since 1/6 — indeed, they have been doing little else ever since Trump descended the Trump Tower escalator in 2015 — that they have become the worst kinds of fanatics: the ones who really believe their own lies. Many genuinely believe that they are on the front lines of an epic historical battle against the New Hitler (Trump) and his band of deplorable fascist followers bent on a coup against the democratic order. In their cable-and-Twitter-stimulated imaginations, shortly following this right-wing coup will be the installation of every crypto-fascist bell and whistle from concentration camps for racial and ethnic minorities to death or prison for courageous #Resistance dissidents. At some point, the line between actually believing this and being paid to pretend to believe it, or feeling coerced by cultural and friendship circles to feign belief in it, erodes, fostering actual collective conviction and mania.

And when fanatics convince themselves that their cause is not only indisputably just but an imperative for survival, then any doubts or questions about methods and weapons can no longer be acknowledged. The war they are fighting is of such overarching importance and righteousness that there is no such thing as unjust or excessive means to achieve it. Just a cursory examination of liberal discourse is enough to see that they have long ago arrived at and flew past this point of sectarian zealotry. And that is what explains their overwhelming support for state and corporate censorship of the internet, increasing reverence for security state agencies such as the CIA and FBI, love for and trust in corporate media, and a belief that no punishment or level of suffering is excessive when it comes to retaliation against their political enemies, including but not only those who participated in any way in the 1/6 protests.

A political movement that operates from the premise that its cause is too important to be constrained is one that inevitably becomes authoritarian. That such authoritarianism is the defining feature of American liberalism has been evident for several years. And an investigative congressional committee that they control, aimed squarely at their political enemies, accompanied by demands that anyone resisting it be imprisoned, can only lead to very dark and dangerous destinations.




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You think it is normal for an angry mob to break windows and chase law enforcement into the House chamber to prevent the certification of electoral votes as already certified by the individual states?  If so, you are simply in favor of some form of government that is neither democratic in its methods or based on laws.

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3 hours ago, AU9377 said:

You think it is normal for an angry mob to break windows and chase law enforcement into the House chamber to prevent the certification of electoral votes as already certified by the individual states?  If so, you are simply in favor of some form of government that is neither democratic in its methods or based on laws.

No it is not normal. But you don't know why they did it, do you? I think the mob was a bunch of idiots, but I don't think they were stupid enough to think that they were stopping the results of an election. On the morning of January 6th, were you worried that the results of the election would not be certified? When you heard that the Capitol was being "stormed", were you worried that Biden would not be certified as the winner of the election? Of course not, because you are not an idiot!

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54 minutes ago, Grumps said:

No it is not normal. But you don't know why they did it, do you? I think the mob was a bunch of idiots, but I don't think they were stupid enough to think that they were stopping the results of an election. On the morning of January 6th, were you worried that the results of the election would not be certified? When you heard that the Capitol was being "stormed", were you worried that Biden would not be certified as the winner of the election? Of course not, because you are not an idiot!

Yet, they did delay the process.  They literally broke thru barricaded doors and went thru the items that members of congress had left behind. Would the far right feel the same if the faces of the people that did this looked different.  If we are honest, we know the answer is yes.  In my opinion it is unacceptable regardless of who is guilty or when they made the decision to do what they did. 

The sitting President had instructed the Vice President to not perform his duties under the constitution.  Nobody disputes that, yet it is one of many examples of elected officials being willing to accept what they knew to be a lie for the sole purpose of retaining power.  That is not how this country operates and it cannot be how we operate in the future.  If it is, we will be no better than any other banana republic.

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5 hours ago, AU9377 said:

You think it is normal for an angry mob to break windows and chase law enforcement into the House chamber to prevent the certification of electoral votes as already certified by the individual states?  If so, you are simply in favor of some form of government that is neither democratic in its methods or based on laws.

I guess I missed that part of the article that claims this incident as a run of the mill pastime.

Perhaps you should re-read with an open mind. It appears you've missed the articles intent. Get back to me when you figure it out.

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Remember I said this:

The Political Elites in this nation cant allow themselves to "understand" trump is in reality THE SYMPTOM. trump is not the cause nor the disease. The American people, especially the American Middle Class have grown past the Political Elites. They no longer trust the Elites to act or vote in the interest of the people. The Elites are in it for themselves. The American People have figured that out.

The Elites, in the Media, in Politics, etc they cannot bring themselves to understand that: "Yes, the American People, THE DEPLORABLES, no longer respect nor like the Elites." In fact, they may actually hate the American Elites. Think on this, if trump dies tomorrow, what happens to the Anti-Elite Movement? It will change overnite into an organization even more determined to remove the Elites from power. This time with no DJT to name and beat up. 

I am betting that both sides of this issue will rotate slightly more in the next few years. The 2022 Off Year Elections MAY be the most pivotal ever. If the average shift occurs, The Dems will lose 26 seats in the HOR and 4 in the Senate. The Dems have only just started to untangle themselves from the Defund the Police (DTP) insanity and are now entangled in the CRT stuff too. My own feeling is that the 2022 Election could be one of the worst for the Dems. With everything going their way and the Perfect Storm coming to take down DJT, they still lost 9 seats in the HOR carrying the DTP Banner.

2022 could be one of the most epiphanal events  in American Political History: The day that the American Political Elites wake up and figure out that they are the problem and trump was just the symptom. 

Edited by DKW 86
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43 minutes ago, AU9377 said:

Yet, they did delay the process.  They literally broke thru barricaded doors and went thru the items that members of congress had left behind. Would the far right feel the same if the faces of the people that did this looked different.  If we are honest, we know the answer is yes.  In my opinion it is unacceptable regardless of who is guilty or when they made the decision to do what they did. 

The sitting President had instructed the Vice President to not perform his duties under the constitution.  Nobody disputes that, yet it is one of many examples of elected officials being willing to accept what they knew to be a lie for the sole purpose of retaining power.  That is not how this country operates and it cannot be how we operate in the future.  If it is, we will be no better than any other banana republic.

It was horrible. It was unacceptable. Everyone agrees with you. The article isn't about what is normal or what is acceptable.

Now you seem to be bringing the race card into the discussion. What prompted that? Are you saying that if blacks were storming the Capitol like a bunch of wanna-be Army rangers that conservatives would say that they were trying to overthrow the government?

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Reductivism. Wow, he hit the nail on the head. 

Not that I think that even one of the "Party Uber Alles" types around here is going to pause for a second to check themselves and see what the real issues are.

God Bless Jon Stewart...

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19 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

Remember I said this:

The Political Elites in this nation cant allow themselves to "understand" trump is in reality THE SYMPTOM. trump is not the cause nor the disease. The American people, especially the American Middle Class have grown past the Political Elites. They no longer trust the Elites to act or vote in the interest of the people. The Elites are in it for themselves. The American People have figured that out.

The Elites, in the Media, in Politics, etc they cannot bring themselves to understand that: "Yes, the American People, THE DEPLORABLES, no longer respect nor like the Elites." In fact, they may actually hate the American Elites. Think on this, if trump dies tomorrow, what happens to the Anti-Elite Movement? It will change overnite into an organization even more determined to remove the Elites from power. This time with no DJT to name and beat up. 

I am betting that both sides of this issue will rotate slightly more in the next few years. The 2022 Off Year Elections MAY be the most pivotal ever. If the average shift occurs, The Dems will lose 26 seats in the HOR and 4 in the Senate. The Dems have only just started to untangle themselves from the Defund the police insanity and are now entangled in the CRT stuff too. My own feeling is that the 2022 Election could be one of the worst for the Dems. With everything going their way and the Perfect Storm coming to take down DJT, they still lost 9 seats in the HOR carrying the DTP Banner.

2022 could be one of the most epiphanal events  in American Political History: The day that the American Political Elites wake up and figure out that they are the problem and trump was just the symptom. 

Great question (in red). There is no way that the anti-elite movement would just stop. That, in itself, would be proof of what you are saying: that Trump is not the cause, only the symptom.

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The race for governor in Virginia shows just how far out-of-touch Democrats are

As the Nov. 2 ballot’s highest-profile contest, the battle for Virginia’s governorship has become a referendum on the Big Government approach of the out-of-touch, Democrat Left. As Virginia’s chief executive from 2014 to 2018, former Democrat National Chairman and consigliere to the Clinton crime family, few people epitomize establishment socialism better than Terry McAuliffe

Glenn Youngkin, McAuliffe’s ascendant opponent, is a quintessential Republican office seeker. This successful outsider aims to harness his private-sector success and rein in a runaway public sector that has betrayed its citizens. Youngkin was co-CEO of the Carlyle Group financial house before this, his first, race. 

McAuliffe and Youngkin are tied at 46 percent each, according to an Oct. 16-19 Monmouth University survey of 1,005 registered Virginia voters. (Margin of error: +/- 3.1 percent.) While 91 percent of Democrats backed McAuliffe, 94 percent of Republicans supported Youngkin, as did 48 percent of independents versus 39 percent for McAuliffe. Just 6 percent of blacks favored Youngkin; 80 percent picked McAuliffe. But 32 percent of Hispanics stood with Youngkin, vs. 58 percent with McAuliffe. 

Monmouth University Virginia Electorate Scenario
Monmouth University

This showdown previews 2022’s pivotal midterm elections: Will Democrats hold Capitol Hill and, with the presidency, maintain their grip on Washington’s levers of power? Or will disappointed voters — increasingly appalled by President Joe Biden’s mumbling, stumbling, tumbling performance — dispatch the donkeys to the glue factory? 

McAuliffe stepped into it, big time, in a Sept. 28 debate with Youngkin. Asked to address parental complaints about sexually explicit books and curricula, McAuliffe said: “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.”

In this Oct. 15, 2021 file photo, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe
Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe was Virginia’s governor from 2014 to 2018.
Steve Helber, File/AP

Within hours, Team Youngkin made McAuliffe’s quote world famous, via TV ads, social media and widespread news coverage.

After McAuliffe’s torpedo tore open his own hull, he claimed in an ad — what else? — “Glenn Youngkin is taking my words out of context.” 

The context could not be clearer: McAuliffe expressed his beliefs. A Youngkin spot soon showed McAuliffe, on video, repeatedly stating the same position: 

  • “You don’t want parents coming in in every different school jurisdiction.”
  • Regarding school agendas: “First of all, this is determined by the State Board of Education and local school boards. And that’s where it should be.”
  • “You do not want 25 parents picking books.” 
  • “We have a Board of Ed, and we have local school boards who make the decisions about teaching.”
  • “I’m not going to let parents come into schools and actually take books out and make their own decision.” 
  • Youngkin disseminated this televised exchange, via Twitter. It drove the fatal spike into McAuliffe’s “out of context” lie: 

“So, did you misspeak during that debate?” asked WJLA’s Nick Minock. 

Opponents of the academic doctrine known as Critical Race Theory enter a school board meeting at the Loudoun County School Board headquarters.
Opponents of the academic doctrine known as critical race theory enter a school board meeting at the Loudoun County School Board headquarters.
Evelyn Hockstein/REUTERS

“No,” McAuliffe replied. “I was talking about what we need to do, bringing people together. We have the state boards. We have the Board of Education, and we have the local school boards who are all involved in this process.” McAuliffe soon stormed off, halfway through the 20-minute interview format that Minock offered both contenders. 

This controversy has converted parents enraged by Democratic educational malpractice into the core of Youngkin’s broadening base. 

White mothers and fathers hate critical race theory teaching their sons and daughters that they are genetic racists who must apologize for being born Caucasian. Some black parents loathe CRT for deeming their children eternally oppressed by Whitey and, thus, doomed to failure.

These parents have packed school-board meetings to excoriate CRT, counterproductive mask and vax mandates, gender studies and more. All of this has driven parents and other voters into the streets.

An overflow crowd of some 1,000 people lined up to see Youngkin on Tuesday night in suburban Burke, in Fairfax County. This once conservative northern-Virginia locale lately has slithered left, thanks to incoming Democrats. Youngkin’s crowded rally saw him rising at just the right time.

Glenn Youngkin is the new face surging in the Old Dominion. As he told Fox News: “This is no longer a campaign. It’s a movement.” 

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Stupidly partisan article. 

What argument is Glen trying to make here? That it's inappropriate for Congress to investigate what was a literal attack on the US capitol? That it's wrong for congress to issue contempt charges against people who refuse to follow lawful subpoenas? 

Yes, it's primarily a Democratic controlled investigation because the Republicans refused to participate and made it clear they didn't want an investigation. It was either Democrats investigate or there be no investigation at all.  

Yes, it's a big deal when you have a political riot that breaks into the US capitol while congress is in session. I know Republicans want to play it off as a nothing-burger, because it was primarily their supporters involved and they want it all to go away, but that doesn't make Democrats "facist" for wanting to investigate it. 


Republicans demanded and launched dozens of congressional investigations  into Bengazi, Hillary's emails, and fast and furious, but an attack on the US captiol by US citizens is suddenly a bridge too far? Conservatives and Right wing media didn't make a media frenzy over all these controversies? Of course they did. Now that their supporters are committing domestic unrest at the Capitol, suddenly reporting on it and making a big deal about it in media is 'out of line" bull****. 


Greenwald isn't even trying to be thoughtful or informative in this article. It's just partisan dribble that is better off on Fox News's opinion page, and Glenn is just following the typical Conservative Inc. narrative that if Republicans refuse to cooperate, then any following investigation can be attacked and disregarded as too partisan because of Republicans lack of influence on it. 

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1 hour ago, CoffeeTiger said:

Stupidly partisan article. 

What argument is Glen trying to make here? That it's inappropriate for Congress to investigate what was a literal attack on the US capitol? That it's wrong for congress to issue contempt charges against people who refuse to follow lawful subpoenas? 

Yes, it's primarily a Democratic controlled investigation because the Republicans refused to participate and made it clear they didn't want an investigation. It was either Democrats investigate or there be no investigation at all.  

Yes, it's a big deal when you have a political riot that breaks into the US capitol while congress is in session. I know Republicans want to play it off as a nothing-burger, because it was primarily their supporters involved and they want it all to go away, but that doesn't make Democrats "facist" for wanting to investigate it. 


Republicans demanded and launched dozens of congressional investigations  into Bengazi, Hillary's emails, and fast and furious, but an attack on the US captiol by US citizens is suddenly a bridge too far? Conservatives and Right wing media didn't make a media frenzy over all these controversies? Of course they did. Now that their supporters are committing domestic unrest at the Capitol, suddenly reporting on it and making a big deal about it in media is 'out of line" bull****. 


Greenwald isn't even trying to be thoughtful or informative in this article. It's just partisan dribble that is better off on Fox News's opinion page, and Glenn is just following the typical Conservative Inc. narrative that if Republicans refuse to cooperate, then any following investigation can be attacked and disregarded as too partisan because of Republicans lack of influence on it. 

What is that now, five of you that can't figure out the articles intent?

The article is only considered partisan by you and others because it strikes a nerve due to its accuracy. Lets be real, Greenwald nails this.

Oh and I love how Greenwald, a liberal, is suddenly conservative because he tells the truth instead of perpetuating lies. Can't make this s*** up. Pass the bong back around fidy, it is working. ;D

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37 minutes ago, AUFAN78 said:

The article is only considered partisan by you and others because it strikes a nerve due to its accuracy. Lets be real, Greenwald nails this.

I mean it's purely partisan where it's "accuracy" entirely depends on what side of the political spectrum you are on because the article doesn't provide any provable, demonstrable fact, it's just political commentary/opinion article with buzzwords and fluff.  Just seems like a lazy article to me.

37 minutes ago, AUFAN78 said:

Oh and I love how Greenwald, a liberal, is suddenly conservative because he tells the truth instead of perpetuating lies. Can't make this s*** up. Pass the bong back around fidy, it is working. ;D

Greenwald hasn't really been a "liberal" for a number of  years. His opinion blog and Twitter (seriously the guy makes like hundreds of tweets a day.) is mostly articles attacking American Democrat's and Progressives, and about the only legitimate news organization that pays him any attention or lets him on anymore is Fox News. 

I think Glens a bit of a hypocrite for hating the right wing Bolsonaro regime that he lives under in Brazil, while at the same time having a continual hard-on for US Republicans who would strongly align and approve of Bolsonaro's views and governing style. 

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