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What Alabama high school coaches have to say about Bryan Harsin


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15 minutes ago, Mikey said:

You're daydreaming. Had these things actually happened, AU wouldn't have had a losing record last season. Harsin inherited a roster with enough talent to have an excellent season. We all know that didn't happen.



I guess Shenker is daydreaming too


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13 hours ago, Auburnfan91 said:

People saying that Harsin should get 8 years because Gus got 8 years are making a flawed argument.

Harsin has done nothing so far to allow him to get 8 years.

Gus didn't get 8 years based off of 1 season. He went 12-2 in 2013, which earned him a few years. Then beating #1 UGA and #1 Bama in 2017 got him another few years and a ridiculous contract extension and buyout. Gus would likely have been fired in 2017 had we lost to UGA and Bama. If you want to get even more accurate, Gus likely would have been fired in 2016 had we lost to LSU. Instead, Les Miles got fired after we beat LSU in 2016.

I may be wrong, but I don’t remember anyone saying that we should give him 8 years. 

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5 hours ago, DAG said:

Being frustrated and constant gnashing and weeping of teeth about every little thing are two different things. Surely, you can understand that. The offensive line is definitely a great issue to be frustrated with but don't amplify that unto all things Auburn football. I am sorry that you are miserable. I won't be miserable till I at least see how things somewhat play out toward the season. In respect to Bird, unlike some posters, Bird has done his best to be objective. He has also liked post critiquing him of not going to every high school possible. I also don't think he is defending one offensive lineman. I believe he is defending the fact that he needs more time to see this through. Of course Bird can speak for himself.

Thank you. There's no need for me to follow up 

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2 hours ago, Gowebb11 said:

We beat 2 ranked teams in 2021 vs none in 2020

We took Bama to overtime in 2021 instead of being blown out by halftime in 2020

We lost to a USCe team with a winning record in 2021 unlike losing to a 2 win USCe team in 2020

We beat LSU in Baton Rouge for the first time in 20 years 

Baby steps

Justifying a loss to South Carolina. My goodness this program is doomed unless something drastic happens soon. 

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5 hours ago, DAG said:

The offensive line is definitely a great issue to be frustrated with but don't amplify that unto all things Auburn football.

People acting like I haven't been leading the charge for 4-5 years about how bad our OL recruiting and development has been. 

Take away Covid and this lines up...

On 1/9/2019 at 11:24 AM, bigbird said:

The issue of OL recruiting isn't an issue for next year, It's about 2020 & 21.  Next year's line will be what it is. It will, or should, be an improvement over last year's. However, in 2020 we are beyond in trouble and have not remotely recruited or developed at the rate necessary to sustain any success. 


On 2/12/2019 at 12:38 PM, bigbird said:

Brahms, Irvin, and Bell were all brought in as centers in consecutive years.  I'd say whomever loses out can move to guard, but we've overloaded that position too.

Numbers aside, our roster management with regards to the OL position groups has been terrible. I don't know why we can't identify 2 or 3 years out what our numbers, roster strengths, and roster weaknesses will be and recruit accordingly.  Take a much more proactive role in recruiting and start working the problem a few classes out as opposed to having to sign 6 or 7 day one Olinemen.


On 10/31/2018 at 11:28 AM, bigbird said:

I am not sure that our talent deficit on the OL is as large as it seems. The problem seems to be their complete lack of development...that includes the 2 years under hand and the 9 months under Grimes.  It seems, to me, that we have an OL that, while populated by 3rd year players, is essentially 5 tFr with regards to development and they have certainly played that way.  That said, 9 months under Grimes should have eliminated many of the technical and schematic issues. It also should've been enough time to establish effective communication between the 5.


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11 minutes ago, W.E.D said:

We all harp on OL, but QB was just as bad with respect to recruiting and development as the OL.  Losing Bo and we had absolutely nothing left over.  Harsin can't fix that in year 1.

Bo wasn't amazing, but he developed more in his 9 months with Bobo/Harsin than he did the nearly 3 years under Gus.

Yay! Can't wait to see what we're able to do with Bo in year 2!

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12 minutes ago, Mikey said:

Is he daydreaming or wishing? It's one or the other.

His record breaking season is a dream or a wish? Weird

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5 hours ago, DAG said:

Being frustrated and constant gnashing and weeping of teeth about every little thing are two different things. Surely, you can understand that. The offensive line is definitely a great issue to be frustrated with but don't amplify that unto all things Auburn football. I am sorry that you are miserable. I won't be miserable till I at least see how things somewhat play out toward the season. In respect to Bird, unlike some posters, Bird has done his best to be objective. He has also liked post critiquing him of not going to every high school possible. I also don't think he is defending one offensive lineman. I believe he is defending the fact that he needs more time to see this through. Of course Bird can speak for himself.

Most of the criticism of Harsin is warranted and most who are critical also acknowledge the positives, such as improvement in offensive scheme. But you're right, there are a few who lose it over everything and haven't liked Harsin from the start. Just like there are a few on the other side who can't acknowledge Harsin has done anything wrong. My reaction was more to those posters than Bird. But I've already tried with them and I actually enjoy discussions with Bird. 

More than anything, I am completely over the recruiting excuses, especially relating to the OL, and especially when they're in a thread about how Harsin has done such a poor job connecting with HS coaches. 

And one clarification. I am not and will never be miserable because of AU football. I was saying Harsin's last few months on the job have been miserable. 

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4 minutes ago, cbo said:

Most of the criticism of Harsin is warranted and most who are critical also acknowledge the positives, such as improvement in offensive scheme. But you're right, there are a few who lose it over everything and haven't liked Harsin from the start. Just like there are a few on the other side who can't acknowledge Harsin has done anything wrong. My reaction was more to those posters than Bird. But I've already tried with them and I actually enjoy discussions with Bird. 

More than anything, I am completely over the recruiting excuses, especially relating to the OL, and especially when they're in a thread about how Harsin has done such a poor job connecting with HS coaches. 

And one clarification. I am not and will never be miserable because of AU football. I was saying Harsin's last few months on the job have been miserable. 

I agree with all of this 

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21 minutes ago, Mikey said:

Is he daydreaming or wishing? It's one or the other.

I have to give it to u Mikey. U hang in their with Gus, just like a rusty fish hook. Nobody can say u waffle

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9 minutes ago, cbo said:

Most of the criticism of Harsin is warranted and most who are critical also acknowledge the positives, such as improvement in offensive scheme. But you're right, there are a few who lose it over everything and haven't liked Harsin from the start. Just like there are a few on the other side who can't acknowledge Harsin has done anything wrong. My reaction was more to those posters than Bird. But I've already tried with them and I actually enjoy discussions with Bird. 


I don't mind the criticism, he has earned...some. Not everything that has happened in '22 has been negative, although it is being framed that way by many.  Just look here, the main pushers of negativity and false narratives, which is different than criticism, are the ones that hated the hire from the start.  Look at who starts the negative threads or who post the most in them. Hell, look at 24, he posted all over the place when the rumors were flying. Since they were proven otherwise...nothing.  


The tribalistic way in which some support Auburn is a joke and should be called out. 

The last part of Gus' tenure I was all on board removing him. Why? Because it was best for Auburn.  14 months into CBH and I'm still backing him, warts and all. Why? Because I believe it's what's best for Auburn.  A change now would be so detrimental and some just don't care about that. It's strange.

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34 minutes ago, bigbird said:

I don't mind the criticism, he has earned...some. Not everything that has happened in '22 has been negative, although it is being framed that way by many.  Just look here, the main pushers of negativity and false narratives, which is different than criticism, are the ones that hated the hire from the start.  Look at who starts the negative threads or who post the most in them. Hell, look at 24, he posted all over the place when the rumors were flying. Since they were proven otherwise...nothing.  


The tribalistic way in which some support Auburn is a joke and should be called out. 

The last part of Gus' tenure I was all on board removing him. Why? Because it was best for Auburn.  14 months into CBH and I'm still backing him, warts and all. Why? Because I believe it's what's best for Auburn.  A change now would be so detrimental and some just don't care about that. It's strange.

There's no doubt many made up their minds on Harsin from the beginning and refuse to acknowledge anything positive. More important to be right than to have a nuanced discussion. It's boring and obnoxious. 

I appreciate your optimism and anything can happen. It's just so hard to win in the SEC, even when everything is moving in the right direction. Harsin has an enormous mountain to climb at this point. Not all of it is his fault; a lot of it is. It probably would be detrimental to change now, but he could also put us in a big hole if he's not the right guy. 

Either way, he's getting another year, which is fair enough. I hope I get a chance to say I was wrong. 

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14 hours ago, bigbird said:

A bad and ineffective line that was coached by a previous regime for 4+ years is the newly hired HC's fault? Priceless


Do you understand the symbiotic impact the OL has on the entire rest of the offense? 

No one said the personnel who comprised the line was his fault. I'm saying the previously coach got 6 SEC Wins with that offensive line while the new one got 3. That's doing a worse job with the same talent. And the fact that he managed to sign a grand total of 1 recruit to bolster our greatest need speaks volumes. 

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3 minutes ago, cbo said:

There's no doubt many made up their minds on Harsin from the beginning and refuse to acknowledge anything positive. More important to be right than to have a nuanced discussion. It's boring and obnoxious. 



6 minutes ago, cbo said:

I appreciate your optimism and anything can happen. It's just so hard to win in the SEC, even when everything is moving in the right direction. Harsin has an enormous mountain to climb at this point. Not all of it is his fault; a lot of it is. It probably would be detrimental to change now, but he could also put us in a big hole if he's not the right guy. 

Thanks.  I'm trying to choose hope over despondency. Some situations are easier than others. 

You're absolutely right. There's A Huge challenge ahead of him. I think he has the personality characteristics seen in others that have had similar mountains in front of them. I hope the outcomes are similar.

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6 minutes ago, shabby said:

No one said the personnel who comprised the line was his fault. I'm saying the previously coach got 6 SEC Wins with that offensive line while the new one got 3. That's doing a worse job with the same talent. And the fact that he managed to sign a grand total of 1 recruit to bolster our greatest need speaks volumes. 

Was the QB or the QBs back up injured?  

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3 hours ago, W.E.D said:

Look at you triggered now attacking posters.  So flustered you can't have a damn conversation.  Jesus.  Smh

I'm a fan of plenty of Harsin's abilities.  I just don't stick my head in the sand and can actually address pros and cons of how he's running the program.

I've agree with many ppl that he shouldn't be judged of 6-7 in year 1.  I've lamented about how with healthy QB I think we win 9/10 games & he's up for COY awards and we're looking at it a lot differently right now.

There are good things and bad.  I'm sorry you've anointed yourself protector of Bryan.  No I will not "shut up".

You are such a clown, I have nOt anointed anYtHing it is just you twisting things like yoU alwaYs do which is why people get into it constantly with you, you have terriBle communication skills.  I will not put up with your back handed jabs.  

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2 minutes ago, auburnphan said:

You are such a clown

More name calling. Tots serious poster here


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1 hour ago, bigbird said:

The last part of Gus' tenure I was all on board removing him. Why? Because it was best for Auburn.  14 months into CBH and I'm still backing him, warts and all. Why? Because I believe it's what's best for Auburn.  A change now would be so detrimental and some just don't care about that. It's strange.

I believe a change now would be detrimental and that's why I believe leaving things status quo is no only what's best for Auburn but is the only choice Auburn has right now.

The article that started this thread attempted to be balanced when in reality I believe it was detrimental to CBH's in-state recruiting going forward.  The article exposed CBH's recruiting philosophy and went a step further in giving a lot of other programs even more ammunition to recruit against us.  Multiple out-of-state HC's find the time to visit our most talent loaded HS's but the Auburn HC doesn't, that's a bad look IMO.

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6 minutes ago, auburnphan said:

You are such a clown, I have nOt anointed anYtHing it is just you twisting things like yoU alwaYs do which is why people get into it constantly with you, you have terriBle communication skills.  I will not put up with your back handed jabs.  

The ignore function is a God send and a wonderful feature to employ. 

Edited by JerryAU
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1 hour ago, bigbird said:

I don't mind the criticism, he has earned...some. Not everything that has happened in '22 has been negative, although it is being framed that way by many.  Just look here, the main pushers of negativity and false narratives, which is different than criticism, are the ones that hated the hire from the start.  Look at who starts the negative threads or who post the most in them. Hell, look at 24, he posted all over the place when the rumors were flying. Since they were proven otherwise...nothing.  


The tribalistic way in which some support Auburn is a joke and should be called out. 

The last part of Gus' tenure I was all on board removing him. Why? Because it was best for Auburn.  14 months into CBH and I'm still backing him, warts and all. Why? Because I believe it's what's best for Auburn.  A change now would be so detrimental and some just don't care about that. It's strange.

This.  Firing Harsin makes the Head CoachinG job even less desirable.  We are a top 10-15 program and in Coaches eyes maybe a top 50 job because of consistent meddling.   

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8 minutes ago, W.E.D said:

More name calling. Tots serious poster here


You wanna go down that road, buddy.  I mean I am amazed that you are on this board still.  You have posted so much information from pay boards as your own it is mind numbing.

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6 minutes ago, JerryAU said:

The ignore function is a God send and a wonderful feature to employ. 

I think I may have to finally do it, have tried to not do it.

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4 minutes ago, auburnphan said:

I think I may have to finally do it, have tried to not do it.

Several have been added to mine since this debacle. It honestly makes it a pleasant experience for everyone including people who read content . That way posters don’t have to see the same arguments being had over and over. 

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