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The Problem with firing Harsin Is


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Everyone seems to be clamoring for immediate firing of Harsin.

The PROBLEM is ....

Who would be the interim? One of the Boise boys? Coordinator Kiesau or Schmedding? Ha! A guy without even coordinator experience like Cadillac? Would a current coordinator even listen to a Cadillac? Chizik? Muschump?

I'm as frustrated with Harsin as everyone else, but to just push him out the door right now ....... Auburn is a total dumpster fire with no easy out. I think the only option is to put him on notice that he will not be retained and go public with that, starting a national search. But if he sux now, just wait for how bad he sux as a lame duck.

Sigh ........



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Harsin's last FU to Auburn is assembling a staff with no clear, capable interim HC. 

Fire him anyway. Probably won't matter as far as wins and losses. Get creative to try and salvage the recruiting class. Hire the right guy and things can still turn around quickly. 

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Keep him, we win maybe one more game. He still gets paid. 

Fire him now, we win maybe one more game. He still gets paid.

Sure Caddy can handle being interim. Lot of folks would probably step up and help him. Or you could just call Rick Vice.

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Bring in an interim from outside of the program that loves Auburn and has coaching experience. A Phillip Lolley if you will😏

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I think Caddy being named interm, can only help with recruiting. It can’t get much worse, and it sure as heck won’t hurt. (Recruiting) 

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Think it's been joked about before, but can we just bump up Bruce Pearl's pay and name him HC? Then go all out on an OC and DC, he'll let them do their thing while concentrating on what he does best lol.

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2 hours ago, clwn said:

Think it's been joked about before, but can we just bump up Bruce Pearl's pay and name him HC? Then go all out on an OC and DC, he'll let them do their thing while concentrating on what he does best lol.

I would serious consider Pearl, if he wanted, to be a host in recruiting on campus. I think he'd do it pro bono.

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2 hours ago, clwn said:

Think it's been joked about before, but can we just bump up Bruce Pearl's pay and name him HC? Then go all out on an OC and DC, he'll let them do their thing while concentrating on what he does best lol.

Great idea!   I guess we can have a much better recruiting next yr

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I think you let him go.  We just continue to be a laughing stock every week that he remains.  News story after news story about how obvious it is that he does not want to be here or how bad Auburn is treating him by not cutting ties, as if we are forcing him to stay.  The damage is done.  No matter who is interim, does not matter.  Results will be the same.  I see keeping him only hurts the program more.  Best to start over now, as painful is that is for the fans and especially the players.  Hopefully, behind the scenes AU is working hard to get the AD hired soon.  That is crucial to moving on with a new hire.  I don't think an AD is needed to fire him, but surely is for the hiring of the next guy.

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6 hours ago, Viper said:

I would serious consider Pearl, if he wanted, to be a host in recruiting on campus. I think he'd do it pro bono.

IMO , Sanders is the man. I realize he doesn't have the experience Bruce had, which is important.  But, he is alot like Bruce as far as promoting the program, recruiting,  etc. I think his upside far outweighs his lack of experience.  I bet he would be driven to succeed. Most competitors like him are.

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9 hours ago, AURex said:


Everyone seems to be clamoring for immediate firing of Harsin.

The PROBLEM is ....

Who would be the interim? One of the Boise boys? Coordinator Kiesau or Schmedding? Ha! A guy without even coordinator experience like Cadillac? Would a current coordinator even listen to a Cadillac? Chizik? Muschump?

I'm as frustrated with Harsin as everyone else, but to just push him out the door right now ....... Auburn is a total dumpster fire with no easy out. I think the only option is to put him on notice that he will not be retained and go public with that, starting a national search. But if he sux now, just wait for how bad he sux as a lame duck.

Sigh ........



If those bums don't want to listen to their interim coach, they can pack their bags too. You'd be a fool to think the players AND the fans wouldn't rally around the idea of our native son Cadillac Williams running the show. I don't care if he doesn't have any experience. Our current HC has plenty of experience and look at him. 

He's done a lot for Auburn. I'd give him a chance and maybe someone else could hire him for a bigger role. That's how these things work. 

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6 hours ago, Viper said:

I would serious consider Pearl, if he wanted, to be a host in recruiting on campus. I think he'd do it pro bono.

He should host players for every sport. Or better yet, combine different HS athletes into visits. I'm not hip to recruiting visit rules or time frames so disregard if that sounds silly.

I knew of a former Auburn baseball standout who took recruiting visits to football games. I don't think that's uncommon.

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Just not sure it matters. Realistically we MIGHT win one more game this season. So having an interim that can salvage anything for this year is moot. If firing him now helps recover recruiting and future prospects even a LITTLE, then do it.

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This isn't a huge problem. We pick a non-Harsin guy and move on. Harsin isn't winning again here outside of maybe the last gimme, let Caddy do it and start recruiting.

The Boise guys can use the final month and a half to square away any loose ends with houses, etc. 


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The issue, as I see it, is not who will be the interim coach, but looking ahead to next year.  We can go behind Harsin’s back and look for other coaches to replace him (we tried that in 2003 and it was just wrong) or fire him before the end of the season and start working on the next HC asap.  It is the new way of replacing the coach as the NSD is as early as it is.

Nebraska, Wisconsin, Colorado and Ga Tech all have openings.  I think Auburn would be more of a plum job for most applicants than the others, but we need to start in earnest to let them know the job is opened.  JMO

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Why do you need an AD to fire a bad coach? If the new AD wants to keep him then you don't hire that AD. I know they want an AD to hire the new guy, but you don't need one to fire the coach.

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45 minutes ago, causeyjt said:

Nothing is happening until the AD situation is figured out.

I think they fire him before hiring a new AD. That way the A.D. can come in with a fresh start. And as of right now I think that they want to hire the new A.D. pretty soon so that should tell you something. 
The only thing saving Hars right now is beating Georgia and Ole Miss imo. 

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12 hours ago, AURex said:


Everyone seems to be clamoring for immediate firing of Harsin.

The PROBLEM is ....

Who would be the interim? One of the Boise boys? Coordinator Kiesau or Schmedding? Ha! A guy without even coordinator experience like Cadillac? Would a current coordinator even listen to a Cadillac? Chizik? Muschump?

I'm as frustrated with Harsin as everyone else, but to just push him out the door right now ....... Auburn is a total dumpster fire with no easy out. I think the only option is to put him on notice that he will not be retained and go public with that, starting a national search. But if he sux now, just wait for how bad he sux as a lame duck.

Sigh ........

You're overthinking it.  You're just looking for someone to keep the team together to play out the string, not a miracle worker.  Zac could easily fill the interim role the rest of the year.

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I’m all for Caddy or Zac. But from a game-planning standpoint, I would think Ike Hilliard’s NFL experience has prepared him for a 6 game season as interim. 

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