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When Government silences the opposition

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59 minutes ago, PUB78 said:

That article is a fact-less bunch of fear mongering paranoia. 



That author is also the guy who falsely reported on jan6 that ANTIFA members had been identified in the crowd of Trump supporters by a face scanning company. Washington Times had to later retract that statement and issued an apology. 


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59 minutes ago, CoffeeTiger said:

IThat article is a fact-less bunch of fear mongering paranoia. 



That author is also the guy who falsely reported on jan6 that ANTIFA members had been identified in the crowd of Trump supporters by a face scanning company. Washington Times had to later retract that statement and issued an apology. 


Thanks for dealing with 78's idiotic "Washington Times" articles so I don't have to.  :bow:

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10 minutes ago, homersapien said:

Thanks for dealing with 78's idiotic "Washington Times" articles so I don't have to.  :bow:

It wasn’t even a good opinion piece. 

it was just the exact same talking points they print on a daily basis.  ‘Liberals and Biden are satanic and trying to destroy society and Conservatives, and George Soros, the evil Democratic SuperJew, is using his wealth to try and topple America and turn us into a one world government”


These Conservative sites need to start getting some new material or ideas….or not, maybe this type of stuff is all their audience cares to read about. 

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14 hours ago, CoffeeTiger said:

......These Conservative sites need to start getting some new material or ideas….or not, maybe this type of stuff is all their audience cares to read about.

Reminds me of the old Larson cartoon where two dogs are about to eat, their tales are wagging, and one of them says:  OH BOY!!!   DOG FOOD AGAIN!!!


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20 hours ago, homersapien said:

Reminds me of the old Larson cartoon where two dogs are about to eat, their tales are wagging, and one of them says:  OH BOY!!!   DOG FOOD AGAIN!!!


We conservatives have our own game plan. Reality and truth will win out over crazy eventually.


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1 hour ago, CoffeeTiger said:


I can't argue with these numbers although it is my hope they will be reversed some day.

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On 7/16/2023 at 9:44 AM, DKW 86 said:

Completely 100% Wrong. It is up to the Individual to Police what they read etc. It is not the responsibility of the govt to even get involved in that 1%. If the govt is involved with it, it will ultimately go sideways. It will always be a subjective standard and that makes it corruptible. It is the slippery slope that gave us Nazism. Letting the govt rule What is Truth is always always always wrong.

So would you would be okay if HULU allowed an uncontrolled XXX hour under the guise of free speech? 

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1 hour ago, creed said:

So would you would be okay if HULU allowed an uncontrolled XXX hour under the guise of free speech? 

You mean it is not allowed now? I would not have Hulu as my tv service if that were true. They might notice a slight drop in their subscriptions. Free speech is free. Or it’s not. 

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On 9/29/2023 at 10:37 AM, jj3jordan said:

You mean it is not allowed now? I would not have Hulu as my tv service if that were true. They might notice a slight drop in their subscriptions. Free speech is free. Or it’s not. 


On 9/29/2023 at 10:37 AM, jj3jordan said:

You mean it is not allowed now? I would not have Hulu as my tv service if that were true. They might notice a slight drop in their subscriptions. Free speech is free. Or it’s not. 

If you are saying there is a cost for free speech, then I agree.

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20 hours ago, creed said:

So would you would be okay if HULU allowed an uncontrolled XXX hour under the guise of free speech? 

I would have ZERO issues with that. The idea that you think I would is the problem here. I am a Free Speech Absolutist. I would curtail no one's speech at any time. As for HULU, if you dont like it, turn the damn channel. It really is just that simple in the Land of Adults.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/28/2023 at 3:05 PM, PUB78 said:

We conservatives have our own game plan. Reality and truth will win out over crazy eventually.


Yeah, just look at how well that's working for Republicans. :rolleyes:

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4 hours ago, homersapien said:

Yeah, just look at how well that's working for Republicans. :rolleyes:

It is indeed a three ring circus and a clown show.  Real embarrassment for the Republicans 

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On 9/29/2023 at 11:53 AM, creed said:

If you are saying there is a cost for free speech, then I agree.

I generally agree.  However, this plays into the hands of the powerful.  The "costs"/consequences are vastly different between disagreement with the powerless versus, disagreement with the powerful.  In a highly unequal society,,, the sentiment is almost meaningless.

Freedom without relative equality is nothing but an illusion.

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Entering this conversation late, but I'm wondering how conservatives (who proclaim their allegiance to freedom of speech) perceive the Florida government bans on books and on speech at universities (which has metastasized throughout red states.


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On 9/27/2023 at 5:39 PM, homersapien said:

Thanks for dealing with 78's idiotic "Washington Times" articles so I don't have to.  :bow:

Dude, you quote from Alternet. WE is 1000X more relevant than Alternet.

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17 hours ago, AURex said:

Entering this conversation late, but I'm wondering how conservatives (who proclaim their allegiance to freedom of speech) perceive the Florida government bans on books and on speech at universities (which has metastasized throughout red states.

Free Speech absolutist here. Free Speech post age 18 is fine for me. Children, especially in school, where schools are govt entities AND children are the responsibility of the parents will be problematic. There will always be a clash there, and I have to side with the parents for minors. When dealing with humans, we must acknowledge minors and adults. But for anyone over 18, strictly Free Speech, 100% of the time. Do I support DeSantis' view here? Not really. Not at all.

Look, if it was upto me, I would have a far different world for children. They would be prepared for the world many times more than they seem to be now. I would be teaching far more practical lessons for children. Home Ec kind of things, with a high degree of economics and finance for the future. I would show kids a far more open world, not dominated (IE screwed up) by the Far Left nor the Far Right. Kids need to be well rounded and not completely overwhelmed by their family experiences. We do not live in a perfect world however. 

I REALLY am a lot more like fiddy these days than most here would ever know. While a Christ Follower, I am no zealot. I am far more 1st Century Christian than Mid-20th Century American Nutcase. Progressive with a solid distate for the Far Left or Far Right. My background was Uber Right for a time and is why I am so oppossed to so much of their thinking. I truly feel DEEP REGRET for being a part of a "church" that was clearly misogynistic in many ways. It was when I joined a more Liberal Church that I got to know those that were so damaged by the first church. I got into "forgiveness, grace, and helping Christians" with a "no perfect people allowed" view of the world. 

I am rambling but I am trying to add some depth to THIS discussion about Free Speech. I have taught Youth for about 7 years and then ran the Childrens Dept for another 5. I taught at the Community College level too. Free Speech is THE greatest gift America has given the world. But Free Speech is not what many want for THEIR CHILDREN.

Even Canada and the Common Wealth are FAR BEHIND THE US. FAR BEHIND. Trudeau would be a semi-Nazi here in the US. He is thin-skinned to a fault. Free Speech for the world is not a 100% idea. In Muslim Nations, I could never see them making the mental gymnastics to seperate their blind adherence to the faith and it being so co-mingled with the concept of governance. Here in America, we have to separate government and church. In the Muslim world they are mixed together. Free Speech would be attacking the faith at some level to them. I do not think for a minute that most Muslim Nations are anywhere near ready for even the concept of Democracy, hence the 20 year failure in Iraq and Afghanistan of Nation Building. The people not only want the 7th Century thinking, they like it. Apparently even a good portion of the women want, like, and accept the 7th Century Thinking. 

Here in America, as agravating as it is, Free Speech must be absolute and that makes American Domocracy a messy place. But the World needs messy places. If you dont like what someone is saying, change the channel.


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On 10/23/2023 at 10:43 PM, AURex said:

Entering this conversation late, but I'm wondering how conservatives (who proclaim their allegiance to freedom of speech) perceive the Florida government bans on books and on speech at universities (which has metastasized throughout red states.


The implicit contradiction you’ve conjured up erroneously presumes that freedom of speech encompasses a right to publish literature in elementary schools and libraries. No such right exists. Your premise is faulty.

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35 minutes ago, NolaAuTiger said:

The implicit contradiction you’ve conjured up erroneously presumes that freedom of speech encompasses a right to publish literature in elementary schools and libraries. No such right exists. Your premise is faulty.

No, I don't think his post was contradictory. 

Everyone knows that a majority of Americans classify "freedom of speech" in much broader terms than what the 1st amendment and Supreme Court alone dictates. 

Republicans and Conservatives typically defend their "Free speech" beliefs by claiming that social media companies who censor or delete speech that violates their guidelines are violating peoples free speech. Ask any random Conservative if liberal students shouting down a Conservative speaker on Campus to make it hard for that person to talk to an audience is violating their free speech, and a majority of Conservatives would tell you 'yes'. 

I think Rex was referring to free speech in the broad cultural sense that most people apply it, and not specifically limited to the 1st Amendment alone. 

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