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Racist Biden Administration Building Racist Wall at Racist Southern Border.

DKW 86

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You need to listen to KJP, she and Joe have been *perfectly clear* that border walls do not work and they are following the rule of law.  Oh, and it’s not a wall it is a barrier.



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Only the truly stupid get caught in something like this. All walls are racist. This wall is racist. The barrier is racist. We have all been told this forever. 

I have to say, hypocrisy and irony are the funniest things in life. Truly enjoying this. 

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1 hour ago, DKW 86 said:

Only the truly stupid get caught in something like this. All walls are racist. This wall is racist. The barrier is racist. We have all been told this forever. 

I have to say, hypocrisy and irony are the funniest things in life. Truly enjoying this. 

Peter Doocy agrees:



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It’s amazing how silent the blue MAGAs are on this.  I think they’re waiting for the spin cycle.

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The only thing wrong with this is the way they are presenting it.  They should just say.... 1. the money is already allocated. 2. Upon further review and consulting local officials and Border agents, erecting a barrier on this 20 mile stretch is the best option. 3. Mexico still isn't paying for it and it won't stretch the entire Southern border.

It would be more concerning if a politician refused to change their position on something for no other reason than they don't want to change positions.

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It's not like Biden gets any kind of benefit from this politically. 

Progressives and liberals hate him for giving in on this issue when the wall isn't even effective. 

Conservatives and Republicans hate him for not doing this sooner and see this as 'too little too late'. 


Saw in another article that drug gangs and migrants are just sawing through Trumps wall to get through it, and the border patrol is constantly spending millions in repairs to patch up all the holes people are making in the wall. 

That's when the people aren't just buying a ladder at the hardware store and climbing over it.

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18 hours ago, AU9377 said:

The only thing wrong with this is the way they are presenting it.  They should just say.... 1. the money is already allocated. 2. Upon further review and consulting local officials and Border agents, erecting a barrier on this 20 mile stretch is the best option. 3. Mexico still isn't paying for it and it won't stretch the entire Southern border.

It would be more concerning if a politician refused to change their position on something for no other reason than they don't want to change positions.

Reality is such a bitch. If they dont suspend 26 Laws, then the Border Wall doesnt get built, just like it hasnt for 4-5 years going back to the trump administration. trump didnt suspend the 26 laws so he could keep building the wall. Why did Ole Uncle Joe? 

Face it. We all knew from day one this day was coming. The Democrats' open borders policy was, just mental masturbation, going to eventually piss off their own voters and donors. It finally has happened. Mayors from cities all over the nation have finally come forward to say what the thinkers in the crowd knew from day one. This was never going to be sustainable. NEVER. In article after article, the writers all say this was in response to new pressure from Democrat Mayors. 

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17 hours ago, CoffeeTiger said:

It's not like Biden gets any kind of benefit from this politically. 

Progressives and liberals hate him for giving in on this issue when the wall isn't even effective. 

Conservatives and Republicans hate him for not doing this sooner and see this as 'too little too late'. 


Saw in another article that drug gangs and migrants are just sawing through Trumps wall to get through it, and the border patrol is constantly spending millions in repairs to patch up all the holes people are making in the wall. 

That's when the people aren't just buying a ladder at the hardware store and climbing over it.

This is the reality. We need to take the money and go into Central America and fix the real issues. Kudos.

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The wall isnt supposed to be impenetrable.It simply sends a non tolerance message towards those considering illegal crossings. Ironically it wasn’t till blue cities like Chicago starting whining about illegals in their city that Biden did anything. Imo If trump gets elected, the border screw up, just by itself, caused it.

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24 minutes ago, auburnatl1 said:

The wall isnt supposed to be impenetrable.It simply sends a non tolerance message towards those considering illegal crossings. Ironically it wasn’t till blue cities like Chicago starting whining about illegals in their city that Biden did anything. Imo If trump gets elected, the border screw up, just by itself, caused it.

I do not like trump atall, but that doesnt mean he didnt dumb luck into being correct on a few policies or ideas.

Accidental lab leak is now supported by 3-4 govt agencies. Wall and Stay in Mexico till processed are a very few wins that trump actually got correct.

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20 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

I do not like trump atall, but that doesnt mean he didnt dumb luck into being correct on a few policies or ideas.

Accidental lab leak is now supported by 3-4 govt agencies. Wall and Stay in Mexico till processed are a very few wins that trump actually got correct.

I don’t think trump personally cares about the wall. Or really anything. But he’s an opportunist and craves power (and not going to jail)- so he supports what accomplishes that.

Edited by auburnatl1
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