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My sister - UPDATED

Jenny AU-92

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Brooke is eight or so weeks pregnant, and has been sicker than she is supposed to be at this stage in the game. No energy, can't eat, etc. Now she is horribly dehydrated. My mom just called - Brooke's OB just sent her to the ER for an IV and some blood work, but they think she has mono. There is no evidence to show that mono will hurt a baby, but the fatigue from being pregnant is bad enough without adding in the horrible fatigue from mono. So please keep her and the baby (and her hubby and Bailey) in your thoughts and prayers for a while.

Thanks, guys.

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Prayers sent, Jenny.

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Prayers sent. May God Bless ALL.

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Well, she doesn't have mono, but she has unfortunately been diagnosed as MAJOR hypothyroid, which NOT good when pregnant. What is so frustrating is that she has been trying to convince a doctor for MONTHS that they need to do an expanded thyroid panel and they kept blowing her off as just being "depressed" or "tired" or "female" :angry: ... so now she is in a real pickle, trying to regulate her endocrine system when pregnancy is changing her body on an almost daily basis.

She said to tell everyone thanks for the thoughts and prayers, and to keep them coming for a while longer!

I appreciate them all too, very much. Baby sisters are pretty special people, especially when they are your only sibling.

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Thanks for the update, Jenny. I'll keep her in my thoughts and prayers.

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