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NO 680 Game Coverage in ATLANTA!!!


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I heard today that 680, The Fan, in Atlanta will NOT be carrying the game on Saturday night. I have not confirmed this yet myself, but I was told by someone who claims to have called the station that it is true. I HAVE NO LINK!

This is a "major league" BUMMMER...we have been bumped for Major League Baseball..... :(


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if you have sirius satellite radio, they will be carrying the game on channel 126. if you dont have it, get it, its pretty cheap and well worth it. I've had it for over a year and never use the regular radio. 680 needs to get their act together, this is the South Football is number 1 !

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680 the fan will most likely not be carrying the AU - Arky game because of baseball coverage. If you have Sirius Satellite radio, they will carry the game on channel 126. Must be a communist in charge over there at 680.

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here is the :au: network affiliates, Sirius may be your only option.


Another problem, alot of these AM stations power down at sunset, so reception

could be poor or impossible.

Baseball :puke: , since the Braves are out does anyone in Atlanta care, or did they


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Well, I live on the south side of Atlanta, about 20 miles south of the airport. I have had pretty good luck listening to the games on WELR-FM 102.3 FM out of Roanoke, AL. With a decent antenna you should be able to pick up the games, although I'm not sure how well that will work closer to the Atlanta City limits.

Internet broadcast is available for a fee. you can read about it HERE

It still burns me up that AU has turned this feature into a profit center. You would think that after paying the $$ to listen to the game that the least the university could do is get rid of the commercials. It's as bad as having to sit through commercials at the movie theatre!

Didn't I read that the game will be available for free over the internet from the Arkansas Football network?



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This is my first post. I have been a long time lurker/ laugher. You guys crack me up sometimes.

I have spent way too much time today talking and emailing with 680 The Fan today. They advertise themselves as "The Voice of the Auburn Tigers" here in Atlanta. But the two time I have NEEDED to listen to Auburn on the radio they have not been broadcast. Last year the Braves were on (as well as on TV) and now this. The word I got is that 680 is contractually obligated to The Thrashers (and I can understand that) but they have a sister station, 1230, that could carry Auburn but that is an ESPN station and is obligated to them (MLB).

I received a phone call from the marketing manager and an email from Jimmy Powers (jimmypowers@680thefan.com) program director. I responded to Mr. Powers' email with a very lengthy rant. I let him know that I would never listen to 680 again and I would try to influence every Auburn fan I can speak to to do the same. I will also be contacting the AU Athletic Dept to be sure they realize that this station, who carries sound bites from CTB and I believe he often has a talk show on 680, will not carry the the game when there is anything else on. It's almost like The AJC owns this station.

Anyway, above is Mr Powers' email address and here is the telephone number to the station (404-688-0068). Please feel free email or call him and let him know what Auburn thinks of 680 The Fan.

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Sirius Link

Go to Sirius link on the web and click listen .. 3 day trial membership.

I recommend it in general but if you are hard up to get the game and want it for free in Atlanta this might be the best option. Go buy some cheap speakers for your PC.. and Listen away.

I don't listen to 680 I have sirius and it is awesome I get the game without interuption.========================

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Sirius Link

Go to Sirius link on the web and click listen ..  3 day trial membership.

I recommend it in general but if you are hard up to get the game and want it for free in Atlanta this might be the best option.  Go buy some cheap speakers for your PC.. and Listen away.

I don't listen to 680 I have sirius and it is awesome I get the game without interuption.========================


Are you sure? These are the comments on their site about the trial and I don't see anything about listening to streaming broadcasts of whole presentations. Using this trial can you switch channels and everything?





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Certainly not a plug but I have Sirius also. I have had it for a few months. Sirius currently has a lifetime subscription deal for $500.00. Also Sirius has SEC while XM does not.

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Sirius only offers a limited number of channels on the trial offer. I don't think football is included. You may not want to count on that. I think we should storm 680 the fan and then take it on over to the AD office at UA.

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Sirius Link

Go to Sirius link on the web and click listen ..  3 day trial membership.

I recommend it in general but if you are hard up to get the game and want it for free in Atlanta this might be the best option.  Go buy some cheap speakers for your PC.. and Listen away.

I don't listen to 680 I have sirius and it is awesome I get the game without interuption.========================


Gang, you will not be able to listen to the game via Sirius on your PC, whether you have a trial or even a full membership. Listening to Sirius over the internet only works for the music channels, it does not work for any of the news, talk or sports channels. I know this because I listen to the music channels at work and I have tried the news/ sports channels and all you get is Sirius ads. So the only way is to shell out the bucks for the receiver (about $100) and pay for the subscription $13 a month. I dont own Sirius stock but I can tell you that once you have it you will never be able to live without i t. Sorry for the advertisement, but I didnt want anyone in Atl to think they could log on Saturday night and then be disappointed. :au:

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This is my first post.  I have been a long time lurker/ laugher.  You guys crack me up sometimes. 

I have spent way too much time today talking and emailing with 680 The Fan today.  They advertise themselves as "The Voice of the Auburn Tigers" here in Atlanta.  But the two time I have NEEDED to listen to Auburn on the radio they have not been broadcast.  Last year the Braves were on (as well as on TV) and now this.  The word I got is that 680 is contractually obligated to  The Thrashers (and I can understand that) but they have a sister station, 1230, that could carry Auburn but that is an ESPN station and is obligated to them (MLB). 

I received a phone call from the marketing manager and an email from Jimmy Powers (jimmypowers@680thefan.com) program director.  I responded to Mr. Powers' email with a very lengthy rant.  I let him know that I would never listen to 680 again and I would try to influence every Auburn fan I can speak to to do the same.  I will also be contacting the AU Athletic Dept to be sure they realize that this station, who carries sound bites from CTB and I believe he often has a talk show on 680, will not carry the the game when there is anything else on.  It's almost like The AJC owns this station.

Anyway, above is Mr Powers' email address and here is the telephone number to the station (404-688-0068).  Please feel free email or call him and let him know what Auburn thinks of 680 The Fan.


Here was my exchange with him...

Unfortunately, it is some what true.. However, we will be carrying the Atlanta Thrashers game. We are contractually committed to the Thrashers.


Jimmy Powers

-----Original Message-----

From: Jay Wilson [mailto:jaywilson@bellsouth.net]

Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2005 8:05 PM

To: jimmypowers@680thefan.com

Subject: Broadcast Saturday Evening

I heard a miserable rumor that 680 The Fan, "The Voice of the Auburn Tigers," was not going to carry the AU vs. UA game Saturday night. Instead, they're going to carry an out-of-town MLB match up. I sure hope that's not true, please tell me it isn't.


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Internet broadcast is available for a fee. you can read about it HERE


On the $6.95 per month All Acess. Could I join today just for thirty days and hear the game tomorrow?

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