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November prediction thread


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One could only hope for a change in the houses. With Bush attempting to change the laws retroactively, insuring his innocence regarding war crimes, now is the time to prosecute and jail these clowns.

Turn down the volume, Steve Forbes running his mouth.


If there were no war crimes commited, then why the need for retroactive legislation protecting the guilty.

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One could only hope for a change in the houses. With Bush attempting to change the laws retroactively, insuring his innocence regarding war crimes, now is the time to prosecute and jail these clowns.

Turn down the volume, Steve Forbes running his mouth.


If there were no war crimes commited, then why the need for retroactive legislation protecting the guilty.

Name one law that Bush is trying to change, retroactively. Please. Fact is, he IS innocent of any war crimes, regardless of who's in the House & Senate. The Dems have stated even before the war that they were going to try to 'get even' w/ the GOP by tearing the country apart and impeach Bush. The Dems don't give a rat's a$$ about the law, all THEY care about is getting back in power and playing quid pro quo over Clinton's impeachment trial.

As for the elections, I can't say . Off year elections have traditionally gone against the party in the White House, even though the GOP was able to GAIN seats in the House/Senate in the '02 election. The Dems simply aren't offering any solutions, only hatred and division, and any gains by them will be minimal, at best.

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The Republicans have betrayed their ideals. That's why, barring a Democratic meltdown, we will be flogged at the polls.

Why? Because we Republicans have squandered a historic opportunity to reshape the face of government. Instead we have spent money like a pimp with a week to live and broadly expanded government, even adding a brand new entitlement program to the mix. Oh, and after billions spent on the Department of Homeland Security, we couldn't even provide any kind of relief for New Orleans after it was hit by a middling Class 3 hurricane (Yes, the City of New Orleans and State of Louisiana were equally culpable, but FEMA's lack of understanding of the crisis' magnitude and slow response were nothing short of breathtaking). And quite frankly, our president cannot coherently articulate a strategy in the Middle East that's apparently going up in flames. None of these bolster public confidence in this administration.

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Guest Tigrinum Major

otter, we need to do lunch sometime. You are one of the few that presents something of substance on here. I don't always agree with you, but I always read.

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Hey Mods/Admins. Can we bump this up?

My picks at this time: Dems pick up 25 House seats, 5 Senate seats.

You are right in line with dear ol' Harry Reid. He predicts the same thing.

Reid backs Lamont in Conn.; predicts 5 Dem gains in Senate



RENO, Nev. (AP) - Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid said Wednesday he expects the Democrat who knocked off Sen. Joe Lieberman in Connecticut's Democratic primary to win in November and remains convinced his party will gain at least five Senate seats in the fall elections.

Reid, D-Nev., threw his support behind Ned Lamont, who defeated Lieberman Tuesday night in their Democratic primary.

"He's going to be pretty hard to beat right now. He's the person to beat," said Reid, who said he would not try to persuade Lieberman to drop plans to run as an independent candidate.

"I don't think it is fair for me to judge what he (Lieberman) should or shouldn't do. He has told me what he was going to do. He told me that before the election. I think his decision has been made," Reid said in an interview with The Associated Press.

Reid said backing Lamont was a difficult decision.

"I love Joe Lieberman. Joe and I have campaigned together, legislated together. But it is pretty simple when you're Democratic leader and somebody wins a Democratic primary," Reid said. He said he considered holding out for Lieberman, "but I think I'd be subject to a lot of criticism."

Reid said he told Lamont by telephone late Tuesday night he had his support.

Lamont "said he'd always been part of the Reid team and will continue to be. He also said he'd never said anything negative about Sen. Lieberman and I said I appreciated that," Reid said.

Reid and New York Sen. Chuck Schumer, chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee said in a joint statement that Lieberman "has been an effective Democratic senator for Connecticut and for America."

"But the perception was that he was too close to George Bush and this election was, in many respects, a referendum on the President more than anything else. The results bode well for Democratic victories in November and our efforts to take the country in a new direction," they said.


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Hey Mods/Admins. Can we bump this up?

My picks at this time: Dems pick up 25 House seats, 5 Senate seats.

You are right in line with dear ol' Harry Reid. He predicts the same thing.

Reid backs Lamont in Conn.; predicts 5 Dem gains in Senate



RENO, Nev. (AP) - Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid said Wednesday he expects the Democrat who knocked off Sen. Joe Lieberman in Connecticut's Democratic primary to win in November and remains convinced his party will gain at least five Senate seats in the fall elections.

Reid, D-Nev., threw his support behind Ned Lamont, who defeated Lieberman Tuesday night in their Democratic primary.

"He's going to be pretty hard to beat right now. He's the person to beat," said Reid, who said he would not try to persuade Lieberman to drop plans to run as an independent candidate.

"I don't think it is fair for me to judge what he (Lieberman) should or shouldn't do. He has told me what he was going to do. He told me that before the election. I think his decision has been made," Reid said in an interview with The Associated Press.

Reid said backing Lamont was a difficult decision.

"I love Joe Lieberman. Joe and I have campaigned together, legislated together. But it is pretty simple when you're Democratic leader and somebody wins a Democratic primary," Reid said. He said he considered holding out for Lieberman, "but I think I'd be subject to a lot of criticism."

Reid said he told Lamont by telephone late Tuesday night he had his support.

Lamont "said he'd always been part of the Reid team and will continue to be. He also said he'd never said anything negative about Sen. Lieberman and I said I appreciated that," Reid said.

Reid and New York Sen. Chuck Schumer, chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee said in a joint statement that Lieberman "has been an effective Democratic senator for Connecticut and for America."

"But the perception was that he was too close to George Bush and this election was, in many respects, a referendum on the President more than anything else. The results bode well for Democratic victories in November and our efforts to take the country in a new direction," they said.


It seems I have heard it before that Tex toes the party line and sticks with their talking points. ;)

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otter, we need to do lunch sometime. You are one of the few that presents something of substance on here. I don't always agree with you, but I always read.

I don't do lunch that often. Beer, however, is pretty much a daily occurance. LOL

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Guest Tigrinum Major

otter, we need to do lunch sometime. You are one of the few that presents something of substance on here. I don't always agree with you, but I always read.

I don't do lunch that often. Beer, however, is pretty much a daily occurance. LOL

PM me with a time and place and I'll buy you one on my way home one evening.

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Predict modest moves in iether direction in both houses. I feel that the real question here is who wil run the worst elections. IMHO, since 1994 the Democrats have run very poor elections at the Congressional level. I do not see anything that changes that with the clowns they have running the DNC as of right now.

Louis Black is right... the Republicans Suck and the Democrats Blow.

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Hey Mods/Admins. Can we bump this up?

My picks at this time: Dems pick up 25 House seats, 5 Senate seats.

If this happens, lock yourself in your house, because the Democrats and the Islamic Fascists are going to be celebrating victory after victory over the free, Western, civilized world....

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