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Beyond Race and Gender?


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Victor Davis Hanson comments on the 'Orwellian Democratic message to the white male':

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Beyond Race and Gender?

Victor Davis Hanson

This is apparently the Orwellian Democratic message to the white male:

If you're African-American, then it's OK that you express racial solidarity and vote for Sen. Obama by margins approaching 90 percent — while at the same time white males must prove that they are not racialists by having the courage to 'do the right thing' by likewise voting for an African-American. That apparently would make Michelle Obama proud of her country for the first time in her life.

If you vote for Hillary, likewise you transcend your gender and do the right thing — and so join the legion of feminists for whom her shared womanhood was their signature issue.

But if you were to vote for John McCain? You would, of course, reveal a tribal mentality by forgoing principle and obviously allying yourself along comfortable racial and gender lines.

02/19 10:31 AM


Meanwhile, for the first time in her entire adult life, Michelle Obama--educated at a high-class Ivy league school and then Harvard for law school--finally has found something to be proud of in America.

The Democrats show to the world the blatant racism and sexism that underlies their multicultural ideology of victim hood; they hold up their perverted obsession with both race and sex as some sort of dystopian ideal-- and Michelle Obama is proud?

This is the kind of America that Obama can be proud of? This is the sort of America that we should hope for? The kind where everything is determined by identity politics and the only thing that really matters is race and gender? The kind where the content of one's character is always trumped by the color of one's skin or the absence of a "Y" chromosome?

Excuse me while I vomit.

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