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Letter to the NYT from Rev. Wright


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Read the whole thing. It is kind of long.

In March 2007, New York Times reporter Jodi Kantor published a brief story about how Rev. Jeremiah Wright had been uninvited from delivering the invocation before Barack Obama's official presidential announcement.

Wright responded by writing the following letter:

March 11, 2007

Jodi Kantor

The New York Times

9 West 43rd Street

New York,

New York 10036-3959

Dear Jodi:

Thank you for engaging in one of the biggest misrepresentations of the truth I have ever seen in sixty-five years. You sat and shared with me for two hours. You told me you were doing a "Spiritual Biography" of Senator Barack Obama. For two hours, I shared with you how I thought he was the most principled individual in public service that I have ever met.

For two hours, I talked with you about how idealistic he was. For two hours I shared with you what a genuine human being he was. I told you how incredible he was as a man who was an African American in public service, and as a man who refused to announce his candidacy for President until Carol Moseley Braun indicated one way or the other whether or not she was going to run.

I told you what a dreamer he was. I told you how idealistic he was. We talked about how refreshing it would be for someone who knew about Islam to be in the Oval Office. Your own question to me was, Didn't I think it would be incredible to have somebody in the Oval Office who not only knew about Muslims, but had living and breathing Muslims in his own family? I told you how important it would be to have a man who not only knew the difference between Shiites and Sunnis prior to 9/11/01 in the Oval Office, but also how important it would be to have a man who knew what Sufism was; a man who understood that there were different branches of Judaism; a man who knew the difference between Hasidic Jews, Orthodox Jews, Conservative Jews and Reformed Jews; and a man who was a devout Christian, but who did not prejudge others because they believed something other than what he believed.

I talked about how rare it was to meet a man whose Christianity was not just "in word only." I talked about Barack being a person who lived his faith and did not argue his faith. I talked about Barack as a person who did not draw doctrinal lines in the sand nor consign other people to hell if they did not believe what he believed.

Out of a two-hour conversation with you about Barack's spiritual journey and my protesting to you that I had not shaped him nor formed him, that I had not mentored him or made him the man he was, even though I would love to take that credit, you did not print any of that. When I told you, using one of your own Jewish stories from the Hebrew Bible as to how God asked Moses, "What is that in your hand?," that Barack was like that when I met him. Barack had it "in his hand." Barack had in his grasp a uniqueness in terms of his spiritual development that one is hard put to find in the 21st century, and you did not print that.

As I was just starting to say a moment ago, Jodi, out of two hours of conversation I spent approximately five to seven minutes on Barack's taking advice from one of his trusted campaign people and deeming it unwise to make me the media spotlight on the day of his announcing his candidacy for the Presidency and what do you print? You and your editor proceeded to present to the general public a snippet, a printed "sound byte" and a titillating and tantalizing article about his disinviting me to the Invocation on the day of his announcing his candidacy.

I have never been exposed to that kind of duplicitous behavior before, and I want to write you publicly to let you know that I do not approve of it and will not be party to any further smearing of the name, the reputation, the integrity or the character of perhaps this nation's first (and maybe even only) honest candidate offering himself for public service as the person to occupy the Oval Office.

Your editor is a sensationalist. For you to even mention that makes me doubt your credibility, and I am looking forward to see how you are going to butcher what else I had to say concerning Senator Obama's "Spiritual Biography." Our Conference Minister, the Reverend Jane Fisler Hoffman, a white woman who belongs to a Black church that Hannity of "Hannity and Colmes" is trying to trash, set the record straight for you in terms of who I am and in terms of who we are as the church to which Barack has belonged for over twenty years.

The president of our denomination, the Reverend John Thomas, has offered to try to help you clarify in your confused head what Trinity Church is even though you spent the entire weekend with us setting me up to interview me for what turned out to be a smear of the Senator; and yet The New York Times continues to roll on making the truth what it wants to be the truth. I do not remember reading in your article that Barack had apologized for listening to that bad information and bad advice. Did I miss it? Or did your editor cut it out? Either way, you do not have to worry about hearing anything else from me for you to edit or "spin" because you are more interested in journalism than in truth.

Forgive me for having a momentary lapse. I forgot that The New York Times was leading the bandwagon in trumpeting why it is we should have gone into an illegal war. The New York Times became George Bush and the Republican Party's national "blog." The New York Times played a role in the outing of Valerie Plame. I do not know why I thought The New York Times had actually repented and was going to exhibit a different kind of behavior.

Maybe it was my faith in the Jewish Holy Day of Roshashana. Maybe it was my being caught up in the euphoria of the Season of Lent; but whatever it is or was, I was sadly mistaken. There is no repentance on the part of The New York Times. There is no integrity when it comes to The Times. You should do well with that paper, Jodi. You looked me straight in my face and told me a lie!

Sincerely and respectfully yours,

Reverend Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr., Senior Pastor

Trinity United Church of Christ

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Very glad to see the complete picture evolving. Good article, thanks for posting.

He may have good reason to be angry with the NYT but that still doesn't excuse his hate speech.

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When the Right Reverend Wright gives a 15-30 minute question and answer session on tape to a real journalist, then I will listen. The deafening silence of Rev Wright is doing far more talking than anything he is filtering through a letter etc.

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WHAT COMPLETE PICTURE????? Have you not listened to this man the last few weeks about how America and "whitey" is to blame for all that's wrong with the U.S. in the world???? Good Grief.

Here's my biggest gripe about all this. If Obama is such a "man of the highest judgment and integrity", then why did he continue to go to a church that preaches segregation and "Black Value System" instead of ONE NATION, UNDER GOD for 20 years? All he had to do is get up and walk away. That's what most of us low lifes would do in that situation.

The racial divide in this nation will never heal until these movements of black, white, hispanic, etc. go away. WE ARE AMERICANS!!!! Nothing more, nothing less. We are not African Americans, Irish Americans, Mexican Americans, German Americans......we are U.S. Citizens who should be considered ONE!

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This article shows Obama to be a bigger liar than I had feared. When he was on The View, Obama inferred that J. Wright had apologized for ALL his hateful remarks , which were so often aired IN CONTEXT, despite what others may say.

'Had the reverend not retired, and had he not acknowledged that what he had said had deeply offended people and were inappropriate and mischaracterized what I believe is the greatness of this country -- for all its flaws -- then I wouldn't have felt comfortable staying there at the church."


J. Wright has never apologized for his hate filled sermons, in public, or in private. And Obama is no more a 'new kind of politician' than what we've already seen.

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This article shows Obama to be a bigger liar than I had feared. When he was on The View, Obama inferred that J. Wright had apologized for ALL his hateful remarks , which were so often aired IN CONTEXT, despite what others may say.

'Had the reverend not retired, and had he not acknowledged that what he had said had deeply offended people and were inappropriate and mischaracterized what I believe is the greatness of this country -- for all its flaws -- then I wouldn't have felt comfortable staying there at the church."


J. Wright has never apologized for his hate filled sermons, in public, or in private. And Obama is no more a 'new kind of politician' than what we've already seen.

You're so hate-filled you can't even read correctly. He was given a hypothetical-- he was asked if he would have quit the church if the Rev. had not retired. He said if Wright hadn't retired, if Wright was still the pastor, but refused to acknowledge the offensiveness and inappropriateness of the statements, Obama wouldn't have felt comfortable in the church.

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You're so hate-filled you can't even read correctly. He was given a hypothetical-- he was asked if he would have quit the church if the Rev. had not retired. He said if Wright hadn't retired, if Wright was still the pastor, but refused to acknowledge the offensiveness and inappropriateness of the statements, Obama wouldn't have felt comfortable in the church.

I'm not so filled w/ hatred that I can't read or hear what the man said. He wasn't given a " hypothectical " He knew all along how Wright felt, and knew what he said. Then Obama parses the answer by setting up a false scenario in which he basically lies to the audience

" Had the reverend not retired, ( which he did ) and had he not acknowledged that what he had said had deeply offended people and were inappropriate and mischaracterized what I believe is the greatness of this country -- ( Wright has yet to do any of those things ) for all its flaws -- then I wouldn't have felt comfortable staying there at the church."

Obama is setting up a false scenario in which Wright has both retired AND acknowledged he deeply offended people w /his comments. We all know he's done the former, but no one can verify that Wright has in any way retracted or apologized for his hate speech. Just look at what Obama says! Notice how there's no mention of Wright ever apologizing for his remarks, but that Obama is the one who says the comments were " inappropriate and mischaracterized.... " with what OBAMA believes is the greatness of this country . Wow! even Clinton would be proud of that switch-a-roo !!!

Wright made those comments in public, behind a podium, and even has those very sermons on audio for sale for anyone to buy ( or he did, unless they've pulled those off the shelves by now ) These remarks weren't "gaffs" and they weren't made in private,nor were they taken out of context in any form or fashion. If he truly is sorry for saying those things, let him get up , in public, behind a podium and apologize to the public in just the manner he originally gave his views the first time. Allowing Obama to casually infer, but not state, that he's apologized for his remarks in private isn't gonna cut it. Not by a long shot.

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You're so hate-filled you can't even read correctly. He was given a hypothetical-- he was asked if he would have quit the church if the Rev. had not retired. He said if Wright hadn't retired, if Wright was still the pastor, but refused to acknowledge the offensiveness and inappropriateness of the statements, Obama wouldn't have felt comfortable in the church.

I'm not so filled w/ hatred that I can't read or hear what the man said. He wasn't given a " hypothectical " He knew all along how Wright felt, and knew what he said. Then Obama parses the answer by setting up a false scenario in which he basically lies to the audience

" Had the reverend not retired, ( which he did ) and had he not acknowledged that what he had said had deeply offended people and were inappropriate and mischaracterized what I believe is the greatness of this country -- ( Wright has yet to do any of those things ) for all its flaws -- then I wouldn't have felt comfortable staying there at the church."

Obama is setting up a false scenario in which Wright has both retired AND acknowledged he deeply offended people w /his comments. We all know he's done the former, but no one can verify that Wright has in any way retracted or apologized for his hate speech. Just look at what Obama says! Notice how there's no mention of Wright ever apologizing for his remarks, but that Obama is the one who says the comments were " inappropriate and mischaracterized.... " with what OBAMA believes is the greatness of this country . Wow! even Clinton would be proud of that switch-a-roo !!!

Wright made those comments in public, behind a podium, and even has those very sermons on audio for sale for anyone to buy ( or he did, unless they've pulled those off the shelves by now ) These remarks weren't "gaffs" and they weren't made in private,nor were they taken out of context in any form or fashion. If he truly is sorry for saying those things, let him get up , in public, behind a podium and apologize to the public in just the manner he originally gave his views the first time. Allowing Obama to casually infer, but not state, that he's apologized for his remarks in private isn't gonna cut it. Not by a long shot.

Perhaps you don't know what the word "hypothetical" means. Here is an illustration of one:

Barbara Walters: "Had the reverend not retired would you have left the church?"

Obama: "Had the reverend not retired, and had he not acknowledged that what he had said had deeply offended people and were inappropriate and mischaracterized what I believe is the greatness of this country, for all its flaws, then I wouldn't have felt comfortable staying at the church."


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Dumbass, it's a moot point in asking Obama IF he'd leave the church, when the answer is clearly NO! Why ? Because he DIDN'T leave the church after all these years.

The only caveat would be that during his run for Presidency, would he have left the Church if Wright didn't step down. But he doesn't say that, and for good reason. What's good for the previous 20 yrs clearly wouldn't have worked for Presidential politics. Not only was Obama still attending the church, he had Wright on one of his election committees, so closely was he affiliated to the Reverend of Hate.

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"Dumbass?" Project much? Just can't admit you're wrong, heh?

He wasn't given a " hypothectical "


Dumbass, it's a moot point in asking Obama IF he'd leave the church, when the answer is clearly NO!

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A good friend of mine pointed me to these two interesting YouTube clips the other day. It is a 2004 debate between Alan Keyes and Barack Obama. Keyes really challenges Obama on how he compromises his Christian beliefs.

Religion and Gay Marriage

Death Penalty and Abortion

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Nowhere have I seen Obama say he would leave the church under ANY conditions. He said if Wright had stayed he would have been uncomfortable but he DID NOT say he would leave.

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This article shows Obama to be a bigger liar than I had feared. When he was on The View, Obama inferred that J. Wright had apologized for ALL his hateful remarks , which were so often aired IN CONTEXT, despite what others may say.

'Had the reverend not retired, and had he not acknowledged that what he had said had deeply offended people and were inappropriate and mischaracterized what I believe is the greatness of this country -- for all its flaws -- then I wouldn't have felt comfortable staying there at the church."


J. Wright has never apologized for his hate filled sermons, in public, or in private. And Obama is no more a 'new kind of politician' than what we've already seen.

You're so hate-filled you can't even read correctly. He was given a hypothetical-- he was asked if he would have quit the church if the Rev. had not retired. He said if Wright hadn't retired, if Wright was still the pastor, but refused to acknowledge the offensiveness and inappropriateness of the statements, Obama wouldn't have felt comfortable in the church.

It's not hypothetical Tex. Obama did stay in the church for 20+ years. The only hypothetical is if Obama would have come out against what Wright was saying and preaching if it had not been made public. The answer seems to be absolutely no he would not. I say that since over a year ago, Wright told Obama that he might have to "distance" himself from Wright. Obama didn't then and he hasn't now.

Obama Defends Wright on ABC's 'The View'

Obama described Wright as a "brilliant man who was still stuck in a time warp."

"I think he's saddened by what's happened, and I told him I feel badly that he has been characterized just in this one way, and people haven't seen this broader aspect of him," Obama said.


I'm going to say this, many people get it and it's Obama that doesn't get it. Obama said he wants us to have an epiphany and vote for him. Well, I've had one about him and it’s that he has a major deficiency in the realm of moral courage.

Here is an article from Newsweek concerning affirmative action and if or when Obama will be forced to take a stance. Something he has tried to avoid since he first got into politics.


Back in June 25, 2007 there was a piece titled "Obama and Moral Courage" which blasts Obama for not taking an earlier and clearer stand against his church and its pastor, specifically on their anti-Israel rhetoric and official resolutions.

What did Obama finally say, when pressed? That he “strongly disagrees with the portrayal of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict presented by individual members of the church.”

Mr. Lasky goes on to point out that Obama’s “statement” was followed by weekend speeches to his church, but he never used them to address the issue in any way. He was utterly silent on the matter in that forum. Why am I not surprised?

Obama says he "never heard" any of the many racist, anti American and anti Semitic statements by Wright. I don't buy it and I really don't think you do either.

Contrary to liberal apologists who insist “leaving a church is never a simple transaction,” I say it is exceedingly easy – you just stand up and go. And if you are a man you look the pastor in the eye on the way out and tell him why you are leaving.

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A good friend of mine pointed me to these two interesting YouTube clips the other day. It is a 2004 debate between Alan Keyes and Barack Obama. Keyes really challenges Obama on how he compromises his Christian beliefs.

Religion and Gay Marriage

Death Penalty and Abortion

Mr. Keyes is a very intelligent man. I love how he related a slave holder to a woman choosing to abort a child. Whatever happened to Keyes? Keyes for president!!

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Raptor claimed

This article shows Obama to be a bigger liar than I had feared. When he was on The View, Obama inferred that J. Wright had apologized for ALL his hateful remarks...

I pointed out that he did no such thing. He was responding to a hypothetical question:

Barbara Walters: "Had the reverend not retired would you have left the church?"

Obama: "Had the reverend not retired, and had he not acknowledged that what he had said had deeply offended people and were inappropriate and mischaracterized what I believe is the greatness of this country, for all its flaws, then I wouldn't have felt comfortable staying at the church."

Obama said: Had Wright not retired, "AND had he not acknowledged that what he had said had deeply offended people and were inappropriate and mischaracterized what I believe is the greatness of this country, for all its flaws, then I wouldn't have felt comfortable staying at the church."

Wright did retire. Walters was asking what he would have done IF he had not retired. That is a hypothetical. Obama never claimed Wright had apologized for anything.

This article shows Obama to be a bigger liar than I had feared. When he was on The View, Obama inferred that J. Wright had apologized for ALL his hateful remarks , which were so often aired IN CONTEXT, despite what others may say.

'Had the reverend not retired, and had he not acknowledged that what he had said had deeply offended people and were inappropriate and mischaracterized what I believe is the greatness of this country -- for all its flaws -- then I wouldn't have felt comfortable staying there at the church."


J. Wright has never apologized for his hate filled sermons, in public, or in private. And Obama is no more a 'new kind of politician' than what we've already seen.

You're so hate-filled you can't even read correctly. He was given a hypothetical-- he was asked if he would have quit the church if the Rev. had not retired. He said if Wright hadn't retired, if Wright was still the pastor, but refused to acknowledge the offensiveness and inappropriateness of the statements, Obama wouldn't have felt comfortable in the church.

It's not hypothetical Tex. Obama did stay in the church for 20+ years. The only hypothetical is if Obama would have come out against what Wright was saying and preaching if it had not been made public. The answer seems to be absolutely no he would not. I say that since over a year ago, Wright told Obama that he might have to "distance" himself from Wright. Obama didn't then and he hasn't now.

Obama Defends Wright on ABC's 'The View'

Obama described Wright as a "brilliant man who was still stuck in a time warp."

"I think he's saddened by what's happened, and I told him I feel badly that he has been characterized just in this one way, and people haven't seen this broader aspect of him," Obama said.


I'm going to say this, many people get it and it's Obama that doesn't get it. Obama said he wants us to have an epiphany and vote for him. Well, I've had one about him and it’s that he has a major deficiency in the realm of moral courage.

Here is an article from Newsweek concerning affirmative action and if or when Obama will be forced to take a stance. Something he has tried to avoid since he first got into politics.


Back in June 25, 2007 there was a piece titled "Obama and Moral Courage" which blasts Obama for not taking an earlier and clearer stand against his church and its pastor, specifically on their anti-Israel rhetoric and official resolutions.

What did Obama finally say, when pressed? That he “strongly disagrees with the portrayal of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict presented by individual members of the church.”

Mr. Lasky goes on to point out that Obama’s “statement” was followed by weekend speeches to his church, but he never used them to address the issue in any way. He was utterly silent on the matter in that forum. Why am I not surprised?

Obama says he "never heard" any of the many racist, anti American and anti Semitic statements by Wright. I don't buy it and I really don't think you do either.

Contrary to liberal apologists who insist “leaving a church is never a simple transaction,” I say it is exceedingly easy – you just stand up and go. And if you are a man you look the pastor in the eye on the way out and tell him why you are leaving.

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Raptor claimed

This article shows Obama to be a bigger liar than I had feared. When he was on The View, Obama inferred that J. Wright had apologized for ALL his hateful remarks...

I pointed out that he did no such thing. He was responding to a hypothetical question:

Barbara Walters: "Had the reverend not retired would you have left the church?"

Obama: "Had the reverend not retired, and had he not acknowledged that what he had said had deeply offended people and were inappropriate and mischaracterized what I believe is the greatness of this country, for all its flaws, then I wouldn't have felt comfortable staying at the church."

Obama said: Had Wright not retired, "AND had he not acknowledged that what he had said had deeply offended people and were inappropriate and mischaracterized what I believe is the greatness of this country, for all its flaws, then I wouldn't have felt comfortable staying at the church."

Wright did retire. Walters was asking what he would have done IF he had not retired. That is a hypothetical. Obama never claimed Wright had apologized for anything.

Obama clearly did indicate that Rev. Wright had apologized. He wasn't given a " hypothetical " , as you claim. He was asked directly, had the Wright NOT retired, meaning if he was still at the Church, would you have left ? But Wright HAD left, via retirement, so asking Obama if he'd leave AFTER his preacher was no longer employed by the church would be stupid. And since he's left, Barbara had to ask, if he were still on the job, would Obama have stayed. HE DID STAY, which makes the question all the more ridiculous and meaningless. It's not a hypothetical as you claim, and yes, he did suggest that Wright had apologized.

Man, you're blinded completely. I don't see how you're not getting this, TT. It's clear to anyone who reads the text or saw the video. It was clear to Michael Medved, who first clued me in to this issue when he aired the audio of the View. It's clear to me, it's clear to Tigermike......there simply isn't an issue here, and yet you're still trying to defend the indefensible. Amazing.

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A good friend of mine pointed me to these two interesting YouTube clips the other day. It is a 2004 debate between Alan Keyes and Barack Obama. Keyes really challenges Obama on how he compromises his Christian beliefs.

Religion and Gay Marriage

Death Penalty and Abortion

Mr. Keyes is a very intelligent man. I love how he related a slave holder to a woman choosing to abort a child. Whatever happened to Keyes? Keyes for president!!

My guess is that Keyes is very quietly becoming very well off. Why? He has perfect cover to launch any negative assaults for McCain. Will he join the McCain Campaign? Doubt it. He could do far more damage just on his own, or maybe hired by Fox News.

And I seriously doubt that those clips arent being focus grouped and trial ballooned too. Image what else they have already in their hip pocket waiting on the general election...Obama beat Keyes for the Senate. Sometimes paybacks are hell.

BTW, been a Keyes supporter for years.

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Thanks for giving me insight into why so many Republicans vote like they do. Your mind is simply not functioning.


Raptor claimed

This article shows Obama to be a bigger liar than I had feared. When he was on The View, Obama inferred that J. Wright had apologized for ALL his hateful remarks...

I pointed out that he did no such thing. He was responding to a hypothetical question:

Barbara Walters: "Had the reverend not retired would you have left the church?"

Obama: "Had the reverend not retired, and had he not acknowledged that what he had said had deeply offended people and were inappropriate and mischaracterized what I believe is the greatness of this country, for all its flaws, then I wouldn't have felt comfortable staying at the church."

Obama said: Had Wright not retired, "AND had he not acknowledged that what he had said had deeply offended people and were inappropriate and mischaracterized what I believe is the greatness of this country, for all its flaws, then I wouldn't have felt comfortable staying at the church."

Wright did retire. Walters was asking what he would have done IF he had not retired. That is a hypothetical. Obama never claimed Wright had apologized for anything.

Obama clearly did indicate that Rev. Wright had apologized. He wasn't given a " hypothetical " , as you claim. He was asked directly, had the Wright NOT retired, meaning if he was still at the Church, would you have left ? But Wright HAD left, via retirement, so asking Obama if he'd leave AFTER his preacher was no longer employed by the church would be stupid. And since he's left, Barbara had to ask, if he were still on the job, would Obama have stayed. HE DID STAY, which makes the question all the more ridiculous and meaningless. It's not a hypothetical as you claim, and yes, he did suggest that Wright had apologized.

Man, you're blinded completely. I don't see how you're not getting this, TT. It's clear to anyone who reads the text or saw the video. It was clear to Michael Medved, who first clued me in to this issue when he aired the audio of the View. It's clear to me, it's clear to Tigermike......there simply isn't an issue here, and yet you're still trying to defend the indefensible. Amazing.

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Thanks for giving me insight into why so many Republicans vote like they do. Your mind is simply not functioning.


So, when everyone else agrees except you, OUR minds are simply not working ? Spoken like a true myrmidon.

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Thanks for giving me insight into why so many Republicans vote like they do. Your mind is simply not functioning.


So, when everyone else agrees except you, OUR minds are simply not working ? Spoken like a true myrmidon.

So you, Medved and Tigermike are everyone else, now? Spoken like the truly clueless.

BTW, I don't know if Tigermike follows my clarification to his post yet or not.

You can think what you want about Obama, Wright, what Obama knew, should have known, etc. But he wasn't saying, like you assert, that Wright HAS apologized.

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So, when everyone else agrees except you, OUR minds are simply not working ? Spoken like a true myrmidon.

So you, Medved and Tigermike are everyone else, now? Spoken like the truly clueless.

BTW, I don't know if Tigermike follows my clarification to his post yet or not.

You can think what you want about Obama, Wright, what Obama knew, should have known, etc. But he wasn't saying, like you assert, that Wright HAS apologized.

Yes he was. In pure Clintonian form. Which is why you buy it, hook, line and sinker, and everyone else is immune from his lies.

And when it comes to deciphering what Obama was saying, I'll take the opinion of a nationally syndicated radio host, Tigermike's and my own senses over your confused thought processes every damn day.

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WHAT COMPLETE PICTURE????? Have you not listened to this man the last few weeks about how America and "whitey" is to blame for all that's wrong with the U.S. in the world???? Good Grief.

Here's my biggest gripe about all this. If Obama is such a "man of the highest judgment and integrity", then why did he continue to go to a church that preaches segregation and "Black Value System" instead of ONE NATION, UNDER GOD for 20 years? All he had to do is get up and walk away. That's what most of us low lifes would do in that situation.

The racial divide in this nation will never heal until these movements of black, white, hispanic, etc. go away. WE ARE AMERICANS!!!! Nothing more, nothing less. We are not African Americans, Irish Americans, Mexican Americans, German Americans......we are U.S. Citizens who should be considered ONE!

Do not agree with some of the things the good reverned said,but starting from 1600-1965 "whitey" has not been very good to blacks in America for over 300 years.

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He wasn't given a " hypothetical " , as you claim. He was asked directly, had the Wright NOT retired, meaning if he was still at the Church, would you have left

First of, wow. Second, here is the definition of a hypothetical question:

An imaginary situation, incorporating facts previously admitted into evidence, upon which an expert witness is permitted to give an opinion as to a condition resulting from the situation.

So let's break it down. The imaginary situation is that Wright has not retired and did not apologize, the facts that are already evidence is that he made extremely hateful and offensive statements that were against what Obama has been preaching, and the expert witness is Obama, since it is his opinion that Walters was looking for. And the condition resulting from the imaginary situation(see beginning) was whether he would leave the church or not.

So can we all just admit it was a hypothetical? TM, I know you haven't said that it wasn't a hypothetical so just throw your like/less minded republican a line here and let him that it is indeed a hypothetical question.

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The only hypothetical is would Obama have distanced himself from Wright if Wright's anti American, anti-Semitic racist rants had not become public knowledge? Rants that it appears the entire church (Obama included) had no problem with then or now.

That can be answered with a resounding NO. Since Obama has not even now denounced Wright for the racist bigot he is.

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