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Rasmussen: 30% of Conservative Democrats Say They’ll Vote for McCain


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30% of Conservative Democrats Say They’ll Vote for McCain

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Thirty percent (30%) of conservative Democrats say they’re voting for John McCain. Rasmussen Reports data also shows the Republican hopeful picking up support from 19% of White Democrats and 15% of Democrats over the age of 50. These results are from national telephone survey interviews conducted with 14,000 Likely Voters during the two weeks ending July 24. The sample includes 5,074 Democratic voters.

The data shows that 43% of Democrats consider themselves politically liberal, 37% say they’re moderate, and 18% are conservative.

Forty-one percent (41%) of conservative Democrats have a favorable opinion of John McCain. Sixty-seven percent (67%) say the same about Obama.

Among liberal Democrats, just 23% have a positive opinion about McCain, but 90% give Obama favorable reviews.

Obama is supported by 78% of Democrats overall, a figure that includes 62% of conservative Democrats. He leads 84% to 13% among Democrats under 30. But, among those over 65, Obama earns just 74% of the vote while McCain is preferred by 16% of Democratic senior citizens. It is interesting to note that just 2% of Democrats under 30 hold back from selecting either Obama or McCain. That number grows to 9% among Democrats over 65. Full crosstabs are available for Premium Members.

While Obama is losing some Democratic voters, he begins with a significant advantage over McCain by virtue of the fact that there are far more Democrats in the country than Republicans.

Overall, there are twice as many uncommitted voters at this point in Election 2008 as there were four years ago. An analysis released yesterday showed that there are more Democrats than Republicans in the uncommitted category, but that they are leaning more towards McCain than Obama.

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll shows that the race between Obama and McCain remains competitive. Other key stats of Election 2008 are updated daily at Obama-McCain: By the Numbers.

Please sign up for the Rasmussen Reports daily e-mail update (it’s free)… let us keep you up to date with the latest public opinion news.

Rasmussen Reports is an electronic publishing firm specializing in the collection, publication, and distribution of public opinion polling information.

The Rasmussen Reports ElectionEdge™ Premium Service for Election 2008 offers the most comprehensive public opinion coverage ever provided for a Presidential election.

Scott Rasmussen, president of Rasmussen Reports, has been an independent pollster for more than a decade.


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This is shocking - I'd double check my sources if I was you.

I've become pretty convinced from watching Fox and listening to "conservative radio" that ALL DEMS are queer loving, USA bashing, baby killin', no gun totin', commie, tax and spend liberals! Can this be not true? Your article indicates less than 1/2 of all dems are even liberals - much less "queer loving, USA bashing, baby killin', no gun totin', commie, tax and spend liberals"!

Sure you can get more accurate info from Rush or Sean or Bill-O!! :no:

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This is shocking - I'd double check my sources if I was you.

I've become pretty convinced from watching Fox and listening to "conservative radio" that ALL DEMS are queer loving, USA bashing, baby killin', no gun totin', commie, tax and spend liberals! Can this be not true? Your article indicates less than 1/2 of all dems are even liberals - much less "queer loving, USA bashing, baby killin', no gun totin', commie, tax and spend liberals"!

Sure you can get more accurate info from Rush or Sean or Bill-O!! :no:

It seems to me that you listen to them more than I do. For that matter it seems most dims listen to those guys more than I do. <_<

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This is shocking - I'd double check my sources if I was you.

I've become pretty convinced from watching Fox and listening to "conservative radio" that ALL DEMS are queer loving, USA bashing, baby killin', no gun totin', commie, tax and spend liberals! Can this be not true? Your article indicates less than 1/2 of all dems are even liberals - much less "queer loving, USA bashing, baby killin', no gun totin', commie, tax and spend liberals"!

Sure you can get more accurate info from Rush or Sean or Bill-O!! :no:

I would also question the source if he really believes it's a fact that there are far more Democrats in the country than Republicans. We've been told here repeatedly that Dems are the minority and that the vast majority of the country believes just what they do on any subject.

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This is shocking - I'd double check my sources if I was you.

I've become pretty convinced from watching Fox and listening to "conservative radio" that ALL DEMS are queer loving, USA bashing, baby killin', no gun totin', commie, tax and spend liberals! Can this be not true? Your article indicates less than 1/2 of all dems are even liberals - much less "queer loving, USA bashing, baby killin', no gun totin', commie, tax and spend liberals"!

Sure you can get more accurate info from Rush or Sean or Bill-O!! :no:

Rasmussen releases its findings, and you go off on a tantrum against FOX , Rush, O'Reily and Sean, none of which had anything to do w/ the original article.

What's up w/ that ?


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This is shocking - I'd double check my sources if I was you.

I've become pretty convinced from watching Fox and listening to "conservative radio" that ALL DEMS are queer loving, USA bashing, baby killin', no gun totin', commie, tax and spend liberals! Can this be not true? Your article indicates less than 1/2 of all dems are even liberals - much less "queer loving, USA bashing, baby killin', no gun totin', commie, tax and spend liberals"!

Sure you can get more accurate info from Rush or Sean or Bill-O!! :no:

Rasmussen releases its findings, and you go off on a tantrum against FOX , Rush, O'Reily and Sean, none of which had anything to do w/ the original article.

What's up w/ that ?


Perhaps he's been watching you too long.

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This is shocking - I'd double check my sources if I was you.

I've become pretty convinced from watching Fox and listening to "conservative radio" that ALL DEMS are queer loving, USA bashing, baby killin', no gun totin', commie, tax and spend liberals! Can this be not true? Your article indicates less than 1/2 of all dems are even liberals - much less "queer loving, USA bashing, baby killin', no gun totin', commie, tax and spend liberals"!

Sure you can get more accurate info from Rush or Sean or Bill-O!! :no:

Rasmussen releases its findings, and you go off on a tantrum against FOX , Rush, O'Reily and Sean, none of which had anything to do w/ the original article.

What's up w/ that ?


Perhaps he's been watching you too long.

Another non responsive reply ? Par for the course for a lib.


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There are actually 2 points, neither was apparently sharp enough to trigger a cephalic response in you.

1. A Republican is forwarding for public consumption an article which acknowledges that all Dems are not liberals. (If he is not a Republican, my apology and congratulations.)

2. The article content is enlightening to expose the FACT that all Dems are not liberals.

And, I would add that not all Republicans are radical, crazed, right-wing nuts like those we find representing them so often.

Lastly, I would add that Obama may lose those votes described in the article, but should get all votes from queer loving, USA bashing, baby killin', no gun totin', commie, tax and spend liberals! :roflol::poke::roflol:

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There are actually 2 points, neither was apparently sharp enough to trigger a cephalic response in you.

1. A Republican is forwarding for public consumption an article which acknowledges that all Dems are not liberals. (If he is not a Republican, my apology and congratulations.)

2. The article content is enlightening to expose the FACT that all Dems are not liberals.

And, I would add that not all Republicans are radical, crazed, right-wing nuts like those we find representing them so often.

Lastly, I would add that Obama may lose those votes described in the article, but should get all votes from queer loving, USA bashing, baby killin', no gun totin', commie, tax and spend liberals! :roflol::poke::roflol:

Actually the findings of the poll were a surprise to me. I had thought for years that the last conservative had been kicked out of the dnc for not jumping when Howard, Nancy & Harry said jump. <_<

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Shouldn't this post be titled 5.4% of democrats say they'll vote for McCain?

Because that's what the statistics actually mean.

(30% of 18% of the party)

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no, the title should be what it is.

Its a joke.

Just my way of saying that it is some serious spin.

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Where is the balance here? :poke:

Where is an article tooting the horn about all of those Obamacans :cheer:

I mean, at least half of moderate Republicans have at least seen the light, which is now brighter and hotter do to global warming :roflol:

Or will Obamacans make up less than 5.4% of Republicans? :rolleyes:

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Where is the balance here? :poke:

Where is an article tooting the horn about all of those Obamacans :cheer:

I mean, at least half of moderate Republicans have at least seen the light, which is now brighter and hotter do to global warming :roflol:

Or will Obamacans make up less than 5.4% of Republicans? :rolleyes:

Its a well known fact that more moderates tend to register as democrats. It is also a well known fact that democrats always have a higher overall percentage of registered voters going into elections. 5.4%? I hope the number is that low. If it is, Obama wins.

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so ok, are we going by registered voters? or as i was saying.."moderate republicans"

if were going by the 5.4% number of democrats voting for McCain, that % means more democrats voting for McCain than republicans voting for Obama. Cause afterall, it's a well known fact that democrats always have a higher overall percentage of voters.

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I would agree. I very much expect more registered Democrats to vote for McCain, than registered Republicans vote for Obama.

If that is not the case, Obama has won in a landslide.

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Shouldn't this post be titled 5.4% of democrats say they'll vote for McCain?

I used Mr. Rasmussens title, talk to him.

no, the title should be what it is.

Its a joke.

Just my way of saying that it is some serious spin.

You mean spin like this?

This is shocking - I'd double check my sources if I was you.

I've become pretty convinced from watching Fox and listening to "conservative radio" that ALL DEMS are queer loving, USA bashing, baby killin', no gun totin', commie, tax and spend liberals! Can this be not true? Your article indicates less than 1/2 of all dems are even liberals - much less "queer loving, USA bashing, baby killin', no gun totin', commie, tax and spend liberals"!

Sure you can get more accurate info from Rush or Sean or Bill-O!! :no:

This is shocking - I'd double check my sources if I was you.

I've become pretty convinced from watching Fox and listening to "conservative radio" that ALL DEMS are queer loving, USA bashing, baby killin', no gun totin', commie, tax and spend liberals! Can this be not true? Your article indicates less than 1/2 of all dems are even liberals - much less "queer loving, USA bashing, baby killin', no gun totin', commie, tax and spend liberals"!

Sure you can get more accurate info from Rush or Sean or Bill-O!! :no:

I would also question the source if he really believes it's a fact that there are far more Democrats in the country than Republicans. We've been told here repeatedly that Dems are the minority and that the vast majority of the country believes just what they do on any subject.

Shouldn't this post be titled 5.4% of democrats say they'll vote for McCain?

Because that's what the statistics actually mean.

(30% of 18% of the party)


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Shouldn't this post be titled 5.4% of democrats say they'll vote for McCain?

I used Mr. Rasmussens title, talk to him.

no, the title should be what it is.

Its a joke.

Just my way of saying that it is some serious spin.

You mean spin like this?

This is shocking - I'd double check my sources if I was you.

I've become pretty convinced from watching Fox and listening to "conservative radio" that ALL DEMS are queer loving, USA bashing, baby killin', no gun totin', commie, tax and spend liberals! Can this be not true? Your article indicates less than 1/2 of all dems are even liberals - much less "queer loving, USA bashing, baby killin', no gun totin', commie, tax and spend liberals"!

Sure you can get more accurate info from Rush or Sean or Bill-O!! :no:

This is shocking - I'd double check my sources if I was you.

I've become pretty convinced from watching Fox and listening to "conservative radio" that ALL DEMS are queer loving, USA bashing, baby killin', no gun totin', commie, tax and spend liberals! Can this be not true? Your article indicates less than 1/2 of all dems are even liberals - much less "queer loving, USA bashing, baby killin', no gun totin', commie, tax and spend liberals"!

Sure you can get more accurate info from Rush or Sean or Bill-O!! :no:

I would also question the source if he really believes it's a fact that there are far more Democrats in the country than Republicans. We've been told here repeatedly that Dems are the minority and that the vast majority of the country believes just what they do on any subject.

Shouldn't this post be titled 5.4% of democrats say they'll vote for McCain?

Because that's what the statistics actually mean.

(30% of 18% of the party)


hey and we should also keep him consistant with this... "link please" :P

Its a well known fact that more moderates tend to register as democrats. It is also a well known fact that democrats always have a higher overall percentage of registered voters going into elections.
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I think ya'll need to wait until October before getting all bent over polls.

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I think ya'll need to wait until October before getting all bent over polls.

I agree, all it takes is one bad day and a candidate can snap or it takes one small slip up and it can change opinion. There is still plenty of time between now and then for one of them to lose their cool.

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