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My favorite ad of the political season so far...


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I've seen much better Obama ads. But, by witnessing your man crush on Obama I have come to the conclusion that you just like the part with two men hugging. (I believe you even had that as a signature.)

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Of the two, CCTAU's entry hit to the heart of the candidate and his followers.

Here is a good ad:

Hillary didn’t attack Obama on policy, primarily because there wasn’t much difference between them in that sense. She attacked his readiness for the office and his experience — even though there wasn’t really all that much difference between them in those areas, either.

Whether Hillary wants to see herself starring in these ads or not, her statements speak on the record to the unreadiness of Obama to assume this office. McCain can make these statements directly with some impact, but undoubtedly Hillary’s statements will have more, because it’s a statement now against interests. Even when made against Obama as an opponent, it resonated sharply enough with Democrats that Obama only won a handful of the final 20 or so contests in the primary and barely made it to the convention with a lead.

While we are on the subject of ads. I have to ask, is this a smart strategy?

On the one hand you have the Obama campaign pulling out all the stops to have a 527 ad prevented from airing. The ad, by the American Issues Project, links Barack Obama with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers.

I can understand them wanting to quash that sort of a linkage. But Obama and Ayers are friends aren't they?

But then they run an ad of their own to counter it?

Doesn't that now open the door for the McCain campaign to pick up on the theme (obviously it bothers the Obama campaign) and hammer it for quite some time?

There is no question as to who Ayers is or that he is an unrepentant domestic terrorist. None whatsoever. Why in the world would you draw further attention to an association with him by running your own ad on the matter? It is like handing the issue to your opponent on a golden platter. Thanks Obama.

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Insert TM's response clip...wait for it...wait for it...

That's funny, but it doesn't matter because somehow this election has been effectively made about Barack Obama and not Bush or even McCain. People will decide whether Obama is up to the job and if not will vote for McCain. So, the attacks on McCain don't matter too much.

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Awwww. Looky here. Slurp is all upset that achmed has a Moses stick and all slurp has is achmed's....

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