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Lou Holtzthhhh


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They at least deserve some consideration. They have Jasper Brinkley who will be one of the best LBs in the SEC and Captain Munnerlyn, one of the best DBs.

They were also the worst in the SEC against the run in '07 (nearly 210 YPG). Even though they did lead the conference in passing D, we all know you can't win if you can't stop the run.

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Maybe he meant pass defense... they led the conference in that category last year. Then again they were dead last in rush defense, 9th in total defense, and 7th in scoring defense. No, I'm guessing Lou just didn't take his meds today.

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i believe yesterday he said notre dame would win at least 10 games. clearly he needs a psychological evaluation, and then regardless of the results he needs to be put in a padded room far away from any channel i might tune in to

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i believe yesterday he said notre dame would win at least 10 games. clearly he needs a psychological evaluation, and then regardless of the results he needs to be put in a padded room far away from any channel i might tune in to

He said the same last year. I almost feel bad for the guy at this point.

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You guys do realize this is why he is on there, right? He is not on there because of his brilliant commentary and analysis. He is on there because he says ridiculous and outrageous things and then everybody goes on message boards and says "Can you believe what Lou Holtz said?"

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He said that ND would win 11 games this season.

He also said that when he coached at ND they called him an "idiot."

It seems the fans know more about football than he does! :roflol:

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The Senator is only good at his motivational speeches...

Not if you can't understand him through the spitting

That's because he always has his penith in his mouth, er., I mean his foot.

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that South Carolina has the best defense in the SEC.

For real?

Put him to sleep soon, please.

They possibly could have a pretty good D. They are returning like 9 or 10 starters. They were horrible against the run last year, so any improvement by the front 7 against the run they should be pretty tough. Yes Holtz is an idiot. He picked Oklahoma over USC in MNC, i think. I don't remember who he chose to win the SECCG....?

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Holthzz ith a senile penith! Put him to sleep! :P

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