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Auburn is #9 in AP and #10 in Coaches.

Both put USC above UGA. Apparently injuries are a reason to propel a team now a days? I think that's a load of crap because if UGA goes undefeated they will end up back at #1. So why vote them down now? Make them lose a game first. I know USC played well against UVA, but UGA didn't play well?

AP has Bama 13, coaches have them at # 17.

USA Today

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uat is not ranked #1? Surely this is an error that will quickly be "fixed".

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Explain this for me, in the AP poll bama jumps all the way to 13, and Clemson goes to unranked. Ok, I'm fine with that.

Then look at the Coaches poll. Here bama jumps to 17, yet Clemson remains ranked at 22. Duh? What?

You would think that the poll with bama ranked higher would be the one to keep Clemson ranked, not vise versa.

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Thanks for posting this PC, I was waiting on it!

Yeah, I think Bammer belongs at 13 more than 17. They played a very complete game and looked very good. Clemson deserves to be DROPPED! (I bet on Clemson and it really bit me in the azz)

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the now infamous taylor zarzour voted auburn at #22. UAT at #18. he also had USC and florida above uga.

his vote of auburn at #22 is the lowest of all the ap voters. the next lowest was auburn at #17. the highest auburn was ranked was #6 in matt mccoy's poll (sports director at wtvn, a news/talk radio station in columbus ohio).

adam van brimmer (savannah morning news) and jon wilner (san jose mercury news) have uat at #2 and one other voter has them at #3. :puke:

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Auburn is #9 in AP and #10 in Coaches.

Both put USC above UGA. Apparently injuries are a reason to propel a team now a days? I think that's a load of crap because if UGA goes undefeated they will end up back at #1. So why vote them down now? Make them lose a game first. I know USC played well against UVA, but UGA didn't play well?

AP has Bama 13, coaches have them at # 17.

USA Today

They obviously are not abiding by the "rules" of years ago (i.e. 2004) where if a team is ranked another team CANNOT jump them just b/c you think they are better, but only if the higher ranked team loses. I wonder how Herbie et. al. voted this week compared to last week??

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I personally would not vote Alabama #2 or #3, but it depends on the reason of logic for the person to vote. If you were to vote the top 25 based on Week 1 and Week 1 alone based on how impressive a team looked, I could very easily see why someone would rank them that high. That said, Bama could beat Tulane like 25-13 and drop them down to like #12 or so. But based on week 1, because only Bama and Missouri are the ones to play decent talent, I don't have a problem voting them that high based on Week 1 alone. Many teams looked good, but most did so against inferior competition. And at least USC defeated a BCS team (even if it was from the ACC). So dominance against a BCS team could be why they rank them that high today.

There are so many different reasons of voting a team - schedule, impressive, moving teams up / down, how you think they will finish, etc.

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I do think Bama played a great game, but I personally don't think TOO much can be said about 1 game - need two or three before I think you can really tell how good and consistent a team can be - polls shouldn't even come out until the 3rd or 4th week in my opinion.

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To me it shows the COMPLETE homerism toward USC as ALWAYS! If you win u stay where u are or move forward depending on who loses in front of u. It makes me want to barf to continuly realize that an SEC team gets jumped by a Pac 10, Big 10 whatever they are when the reality is UGA could probable stomp USC if they played tomorrow. I cannot stand USC and wonder why everyone else is in love with them.

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To me it shows the COMPLETE homerism toward USC as ALWAYS! If you win u stay where u are or move forward depending on who loses in front of u. It makes me want to barf to continuly realize that an SEC team gets jumped by a Pac 10, Big 10 whatever they are when the reality is UGA could probable stomp USC if they played tomorrow. I cannot stand USC and wonder why everyone else is in love with them.


Pure demographics-20+million>8+million=higher ratings.

A business that could draw 20 million people will cater to those 20 million. That business should not blow off that 20 million to cater to a market of 10 million, if maximized profits are the goal.

' Don't make it right, but its the way of the BCS.

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Regardless of how many points UGA gave up, I thought the pollsters had an unwritten rule that the don't remove a team from the top spot unless they lose. Oh, I'm sorry that only counts if it is USC. My bad.

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I do think Bama played a great game, but I personally don't think TOO much can be said about 1 game - need two or three before I think you can really tell how good and consistent a team can be - polls shouldn't even come out until the 3rd or 4th week in my opinion.

:thumbsup::cheer: I agree fully...If the polls didn't come out until the 1st week of October, maybe we wouldn't have to get over four weeks of confusion at the national level due to the paid talking-heads throwing darts while the local Swami's add in speculative "logic" like this:

I personally would not vote Alabama #2 or #3, but it depends on the reason of logic for the person to vote. If you were to vote the top 25 based on Week 1 and Week 1 alone based on how impressive a team looked, I could very easily see why someone would rank them that high. That said, Bama could beat Tulane like 25-13 and drop them down to like #12 or so. But based on week 1, because only Bama and Missouri are the ones to play decent talent, I don't have a problem voting them that high based on Week 1 alone. Many teams looked good, but most did so against inferior competition. And at least USC defeated a BCS team (even if it was from the ACC). So dominance against a BCS team could be why they rank them that high today.

There are so many different reasons of voting a team - schedule, impressive, moving teams up / down, how you think they will finish, etc.

I mean there's always a counter speculative logic right?? For instance-Why in the crap would how I think a team will finish effect how I rank them after a win or a loss in week 1?? Or...Did bama look impressive because they really are impressive or did they look impressive because Clemson really sucks and was over rated? What makes Missouri's win over Illinois any more impressive than UCLA's over Tennessee-maybe UT really sucks? Better yet, how does USC spanking a very crappy unranked BCS Virginia team rank as more impressive than Conf. USA's E. Carolina winning it's second straight against a ranked BCS Team (ECU beat #22 Boise in the Holiday Bowl) ECU didn't get any Week 1 love did they-why not? I mean none of the heads ranked Virginia so that means they thought UV sucked right? So then #3 ranked USC pounding them means what exactly? I would think that this logic in and of itself makes an ECU win that much more impressive!! How bout Bowling Green beating Pitt?? Why didn't those guys slip into the rankings??-I'll tell you why...The early rankings mean squa-douche because there hasn't been enough definitive action on the field yet.

Bottom line for making sense of the rankings from week 1 thru 3 is coming to the realization that it's the "best guestimate" system and that you, me, and the majority of the world out there(except PC of course.. ;) ) won't know anything that amounts to squat about who deserves to be where until the next couple of weeks play out-All talk about it between now and then should be taken for amusement purposes only as it's mainly fodder...

With that being said here's a little more fodder for you..7 of the this weeks top 10 will lose a game by 10-04...and 5 of those will probably be lost by 9/27...so we'll see how much sense this weeks rankings make by week 1 of October...

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Regardless of how many points UGA gave up, I thought the pollsters had an unwritten rule that the don't remove a team from the top spot unless they lose. Oh, I'm sorry that only counts if it is USC. My bad.


It also works for Notre Dame, Alabummer (if they can win) and sometimes OSU and Texas. :roflol:

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Why don't we just go ahead and call the season off... and have Alabama and USC play for the National Championship game.

Alabama deserves to be there... they beat a great great great Clemson team with no problem.

USC deserves to be there because they beat the powerhouse Virginia... We all know how great they have been the past few years.

It is a no brainer really. :(

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