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TigerAl is a closet Republican

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When asked on another thread how Democrats and John Kerry would create jobs, TigerAl cam up with the following.....

"How about contracting private companies to repair existing public schools or building new ones? Surely there are some roads and bridges that need repair. This just scratches the surface. See, the trick to creating jobs is to actually do something to create jobs."

I think he forgot to read his democrat talking points because this sounds awful republican. I've never known a true democrat that actually thought the private sector of our economy was good for anything. After all, how can TigerAl and all the democrats scream "corporate greed" while Bush is in office and then turn around and suggest that these same corporations will be how John Kerry creates "new jobs"

At least we now know that TigerAl knows what part of our economy is responsible for creating jobs. Therefore, if the private sector creates jobs, would it not make sense to lessen their tax burden, so as to allow them to free up more capital for reinvestment and job creation.

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Well, that's exactly what Bill Clinton did in the 90's. Remember all of that work that was, and is, being done to the interstates? That's right!!! Federal contracts did that.

But, unfortunately, as many of my friends on the right believe, the private sector can and will handle all problems. There are many things that only the government, with its' vast resources, is equipped to handle.

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Well, that's exactly what Bill Clinton did in the 90's. Remember all of that work that was, and is, being done to the interstates? That's right!!! Federal contracts did that.

But, unfortunately, as many of my friends on the right believe, the private sector can and will handle all problems. There are many things that only the government, with its' vast resources, is equipped to handle.

Like What?

I will be willing to bet that anything you come up with, I can show you a private sector firm that can do it cheaper, more efficiently, with higher quality, and with less beurocracy.

Major exception might be the military.

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Yes, military. How about the entire legal system from cops to courts to prisons? Any and all social programs like WIC, Medicare, Medicaid, publicly assisted housing, etc. Anything that doesn't generate money but are morally and ethically necessary.

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Yes, military. How about the entire legal system from cops to courts to prisons? Any and all social programs like WIC, Medicare, Medicaid, publicly assisted housing, etc. Anything that doesn't generate money but are morally and ethically necessary.

Is it moral or ethical to breed a portion of society that sponges off the success of others. At what point is it unethical for families to continue to live off the public trough. When do we quit rewarding poor families for having additional children, when do we require a perfectly able citizen to contribute some sort of work?

I in fact do believe there could be a way for the private sector to run and manage programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, public housing, etc. It will never happen, but if it did we would save a great deal of wasteful spending.

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Yes, military. How about the entire legal system from cops to courts to prisons? Any and all social programs like WIC, Medicare, Medicaid, publicly assisted housing, etc. Anything that doesn't generate money but are morally and ethically necessary.

Is it moral or ethical to breed a portion of society that sponges off the success of others. At what point is it unethical for families to continue to live off the public trough. When do we quit rewarding poor families for having additional children, when do we require a perfectly able citizen to contribute some sort of work?

I in fact do believe there could be a way for the private sector to run and manage programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, public housing, etc. It will never happen, but if it did we would save a great deal of wasteful spending.

Do you believe that all poor people 'sponge' from others by choice?

Maybe you like this idea better:


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Yes, military. How about the entire legal system from cops to courts to prisons? Any and all social programs like WIC, Medicare, Medicaid, publicly assisted housing, etc. Anything that doesn't generate money but are morally and ethically necessary.

Is it moral or ethical to breed a portion of society that sponges off the success of others. At what point is it unethical for families to continue to live off the public trough. When do we quit rewarding poor families for having additional children, when do we require a perfectly able citizen to contribute some sort of work?

I in fact do believe there could be a way for the private sector to run and manage programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, public housing, etc. It will never happen, but if it did we would save a great deal of wasteful spending.

Do you believe that all poor people 'sponge' from others by choice?

Maybe you like this idea better:


You my friend are a complete moron!!!!!

The democrats must be proud to call you one of their own.

And yes there are plenty of poor mothers and fathers who are happy to sponge off of the rest of us. How else do you explain someone staying on public assistance for an entire lifetime. Many of these people settle for less money in welfare than they could make at the local McDonalds, but because that would be demeaning they choose welfare instead.


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Re-read my question. Do you believe that ALL poor people 'sponge' from others by choice?

I would say a small pecentage actually are willing to do whatever it takes to better themselves, and for those I am willing to help. However the greater majority find it easier to sponge off the tax paying public. If this were not true we would not have the ungodly numbers of lifetime welfare recipients.

With public education and pell grants, each and every person in this country has equal opportunity to make something of themselves. Some take advantage of the opportunity, others turn into needy democrats

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So you really have no constructive ideas other than to try to degrade and demean at every opportunity? I am not your enemy.

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So you really have no constructive ideas other than to try to degrade and demean at every opportunity? I am not your enemy.

Let me give you some ideas on curbing poverty.

1. Go get a job.... Any job (will breed self respect)

2. Quit having illegitimate children that you cannot afford

3. Quit having legitimate children that you cannot afford

4. Take an interest in your childs FREE public education

5. Take advantage of the many government programs to help get you off of welfare

6. Apply yourself in grammar school and take advantage of the many scholarship opportunities afforded to low income children

7. Graduate from high school, it's not that hard

8. Teach your kids that it is not morally acceptable to live off the public trough

9. Quit expecting someone else to take care of you when you are not willing to do for yourself

In short Quit Bit*hing and start working!!!!!!

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here's another somewhat uncommon viewpoint from someone on the left.

Which president comes to mind when you read this?

The problem now, as I see it, is that when confronted with his past his tendency has been to lie... he was asked about some <insert bad behavior>. At first he denied it. It never happened. Then, when it wouldn't go away, he admitted that he'd gotten some. ...

So, here's why I don't think it's a moot point at all. He promised to bring honor and integrity back to the White House because he thought it was missing. When did lying become honorable? Where's the integrity in going on national television and denying things you know to be true? If this is 100% true, then haven't we traded one form of dishonor for another? If America is supposed to trust him, how can we if he's more worried about his image than being honest?

<emphasis added>

Link to Full Thread on Vindicating George Bush

ok...ok...so clinton never promised to bring honor & integrity back to the White House, but otherwise, the similiarity is striking between TA's take on W and most pub's take on clinton's behavior in the White House.

Yet, I am sure TA would never vote for Clinton again after his Monica-gate fiasco...

There's one more TA quote that leads me to believe there's still a chance for him...lemme go see if i can find it ;)


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here's another somewhat uncommon viewpoint from someone on the left.

Which president comes to mind when you read this?

The problem now, as I see it, is that when confronted with his past his tendency has been to lie... he was asked about some <insert bad behavior>. At first he denied it. It never happened. Then, when it wouldn't go away, he admitted that he'd gotten some. ...

So, here's why I don't think it's a moot point at all. He promised to bring honor and integrity back to the White House because he thought it was missing. When did lying become honorable? Where's the integrity in going on national television and denying things you know to be true? If this is 100% true, then haven't we traded one form of dishonor for another? If America is supposed to trust him, how can we if he's more worried about his image than being honest?

<emphasis added>

Link to Full Thread on Vindicating George Bush

ok...ok...so clinton never promised to bring honor & integrity back to the White House, but otherwise, the similiarity is striking between TA's take on W and most pub's take on clinton's behavior in the White House.

Yet, I am sure TA would never vote for Clinton again after his Monica-gate fiasco...

There's one more TA quote that leads me to believe there's still a chance for him...lemme go see if i can find it ;)


It was intentionally written that way, CT. It was written to say that if you thought that Clinton had rid the White House of honor and integrity because of what he did, then how could you not help but think that the current squatter had slammed the door in honor and integrity's face now. Different kinds of dishonesty, for sure, but to someone who wants honesty in gov't. it should be no difference.

While I don't agree with what Clinton did, I don't think he should've ever been asked under oath about Lewinsky. Unless it was under oath by Hillary's divorce attorney. I really don't care about those kinds of dalliances that much.

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if you thought that Clinton had rid the White House of honor and integrity because of what he did, then how could you not help but think that the current squatter had slammed the door in honor and integrity's face now.

this is certainly not the point of my post, and this is merely a question, not a retort, but is it widely accepted by both circles (dems & pubs) that bush has lied? or is this merely speculation that bush lied about whatever it is you're talking about?

Different kinds of dishonesty, for sure, but to someone who wants honesty in gov't. it should be no difference.

do you want honesty in government, TA? were clinton's lies & obfuscation enough for you to state that you wouldn't vote for him and wish that you hadn't in the first place?

if so, then great! we agree.

if not, then why are you on bush so much for what you perceive to be lies about some things you yourself have said don't really matter today?

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Al. I swear its not me. I was tired of arguing with you on the welfare stuff a long time ago. I know they are your buddies, so I just leave it alone.

But I do enjoy seeing someone with much ferver taking you to task!

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Al. I swear its not me. I was tired of arguing with you on the welfare stuff a long time ago. I know they are your buddies, so I just leave it alone.

But I do enjoy seeing someone with much ferver taking you to task!

I will be more than happy to refute any of TigerAl's weak positions any time he would like to try. As good conservatives, we should never tire of exposing the other side's inept arguements.

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So you really have no constructive ideas other than to try to degrade and demean at every opportunity? I am not your enemy.

Let me give you some ideas on curbing poverty.

1. Go get a job.... Any job (will breed self respect)

2. Quit having illegitimate children that you cannot afford

3. Quit having legitimate children that you cannot afford

4. Take an interest in your childs FREE public education

5. Take advantage of the many government programs to help get you off of welfare

6. Apply yourself in grammar school and take advantage of the many scholarship opportunities afforded to low income children

7. Graduate from high school, it's not that hard

8. Teach your kids that it is not morally acceptable to live off the public trough

9. Quit expecting someone else to take care of you when you are not willing to do for yourself

In short Quit Bit*hing and start working!!!!!!

TigerAl, I'm still waiting for your response. You asked for ideas and I am still waiting for you to respond

TigerAl, where are You?????????????

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not a retort, but is it widely accepted by both circles (dems & pubs) that bush has lied? or is this merely speculation that bush lied about whatever it is you're talking about?

I think I've hashed out my position on most things Bush has been less than honest about. Primarily, though, it has been Iraq, tax cuts, National Guard, etc. Is it widely accepted? It seems to be by most people who didn't vote for him! It is also believed by many (probably not most) who did vote for him.

Different kinds of dishonesty, for sure, but to someone who wants honesty in gov't. it should be no difference.

do you want honesty in government, TA? were clinton's lies & obfuscation enough for you to state that you wouldn't vote for him and wish that you hadn't in the first place?

if so, then great! we agree.

if not, then why are you on bush so much for what you perceive to be lies about some things you yourself have said don't really matter today?

In Utopia, politicians would never be dishonest. I'd like some semblence of honesty, though.

If Clinton could've run again, you bet I would've voted for him. Clinton lied and Bush lied so that makes me a hypocrite, right? If you view it as simply black or white, truth or lie, then I guess it does make me one. My opinion is that Clinton's affair with Lewinsky did not affect my life in any way. It wasn't a subject that needed investigation. As a result, a man lies about having an affair. So what? The lies Bush has told have had a significant impact, not only on my life, but on many others as well. People have died as a result of his lies about Iraq.

The lies the two have told amount to me telling a co-worker she looks nice when I really don't think she does compared with telling her boss she's stealing from the company and getting her fired. There is a qualitative difference.

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Well, that's exactly what Bill Clinton did in the 90's. Remember all of that work that was, and is, being done to the interstates? That's right!!! Federal contracts did that.

But, unfortunately, as many of my friends on the right believe, the private sector can and will handle all problems. There are many things that only the government, with its' vast resources, is equipped to handle.

Sad to say but history has shown us that the government does NOT solve problems. It simply puts more taxes on the population than WE can afford.

As President Reagen stated: "Government is not the sollution to our problems,

government IS THE PROBLEM."

p.s. Vote republican early and often, especially in Florida ! ! ! !

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Re-read my question. Do you believe that ALL poor people 'sponge' from others by choice?

Maybe not ALL...But MOST.

There are many-many-many jobs available.

Some would rather suckle on the government than work for a living.

That, my friend, is a FACT. :D

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I think I've hashed out my position on most things Bush has been less than honest about. Primarily, though, it has been Iraq, tax cuts, National Guard, etc. Is it widely accepted? It seems to be by most people who didn't vote for him! It is also believed by many (probably not most) who did vote for him.


In Utopia, politicians would never be dishonest. I'd like some semblence of honesty, though.

If Clinton could've run again, you bet I would've voted for him. Clinton lied and Bush lied so that makes me a hypocrite, right? If you view it as simply black or white, truth or lie, then I guess it does make me one. My opinion is that Clinton's affair with Lewinsky did not affect my life in any way. It wasn't a subject that needed investigation. As a result, a man lies about having an affair. So what? The lies Bush has told have had a significant impact, not only on my life, but on many others as well. People have died as a result of his lies about Iraq.

a convenient & expected response, TA, yet disappointing nonetheless.

it took you longer to get to the "clinton's lie didn't matter" stance than i thought, though. that's what i found was so surprising about your original response in the other thread... at first it was 'honor...integrity...trust...' and now it's 'clinton's lie was inconsequential', bush's isn't ... :roll:

just as you believe bush has lied and his lie 'mattered', there are many who believe clinton bombed an aspirin factory just to draw attention away from his lewinsky problem....

alas, we could go around & around and still end up nowhere but firmly ensconced safely in our own ideological worlds.

as usual, it's been interesting, but this one has left me feeling a bit down in the dumps for some reason.

i close w/ this:

Different kinds of dishonesty, for sure, but to someone who wants honesty in gov't. it should be no difference.
emphasis added
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Well, that's exactly what Bill Clinton did in the 90's. Remember all of that work that was, and is, being done to the interstates? That's right!!! Federal contracts did that.

But, unfortunately, as many of my friends on the right believe, the private sector can and will handle all problems. There are many things that only the government, with its' vast resources, is equipped to handle.

Sad to say but history has shown us that the government does NOT solve problems. It simply puts more taxes on the population than WE can afford.

As President Reagen stated: "Government is not the sollution to our problems,

government IS THE PROBLEM."

p.s. Vote republican early and often, especially in Florida ! ! ! !

The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.

J.K. Galbraith

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I think I've hashed out my position on most things Bush has been less than honest about. Primarily, though, it has been Iraq, tax cuts, National Guard, etc. Is it widely accepted? It seems to be by most people who didn't vote for him! It is also believed by many (probably not most) who did vote for him.


In Utopia, politicians would never be dishonest. I'd like some semblence of honesty, though.

If Clinton could've run again, you bet I would've voted for him. Clinton lied and Bush lied so that makes me a hypocrite, right? If you view it as simply black or white, truth or lie, then I guess it does make me one. My opinion is that Clinton's affair with Lewinsky did not affect my life in any way. It wasn't a subject that needed investigation. As a result, a man lies about having an affair. So what? The lies Bush has told have had a significant impact, not only on my life, but on many others as well. People have died as a result of his lies about Iraq.

a convenient & expected response, TA, yet disappointing nonetheless.

it took you longer to get to the "clinton's lie didn't matter" stance than i thought, though. that's what i found was so surprising about your original response in the other thread... at first it was 'honor...integrity...trust...' and now it's 'clinton's lie was inconsequential', bush's isn't ... :roll:

just as you believe bush has lied and his lie 'mattered', there are many who believe clinton bombed an aspirin factory just to draw attention away from his lewinsky problem....

alas, we could go around & around and still end up nowhere but firmly ensconced safely in our own ideological worlds.

as usual, it's been interesting, but this one has left me feeling a bit down in the dumps for some reason.

i close w/ this:

Different kinds of dishonesty, for sure, but to someone who wants honesty in gov't. it should be no difference.
emphasis added

Do you not think there's a difference or do you believe that any lie is as bad as any other?

If you came home late and your wife asked you where you were and you lied by saying you were at the office, which truth would be worse, that you were late because you were having an affair or because you were planning her surprise birthday party? Or, would there be no difference because, either way, you lied? I realize that Clinton wasn't planning a party, but the punishment hardly fit the "crime."

Was it "OK" that Clinton lied? No. I wish that he would've never had an affair to begin with, then he would've had nothing to lie about. But, it was stupid to go around and around about it with the mindless investigation that followed. It was a non-issue except where his family was concerned.

This is not a partisan stance I'm taking, either. I care just as little about it when republicans do it. Maybe extramarital affairs should send me through the roof but they don't.

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TigerAl, I'm still waiting for your response as it concerns to:

QUOTE (AU Tailgating Rules @ Feb 23 2004, 01:20 AM)

QUOTE (Tiger Al @ Feb 23 2004, 12:32 AM)

So you really have no constructive ideas other than to try to degrade and demean at every opportunity? I am not your enemy.

Let me give you some ideas on curbing poverty.

1. Go get a job.... Any job (will breed self respect)

2. Quit having illegitimate children that you cannot afford

3. Quit having legitimate children that you cannot afford

4. Take an interest in your childs FREE public education

5. Take advantage of the many government programs to help get you off of welfare

6. Apply yourself in grammar school and take advantage of the many scholarship opportunities afforded to low income children

7. Graduate from high school, it's not that hard

8. Teach your kids that it is not morally acceptable to live off the public trough

9. Quit expecting someone else to take care of you when you are not willing to do for yourself

In short Quit Bit*hing and start working!!!!!!

Quit trying to spin this thred and reply to this reponse

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not a retort, but is it widely accepted by both circles (dems & pubs) that bush has lied? or is this merely speculation that bush lied about whatever it is you're talking about?

I think I've hashed out my position on most things Bush has been less than honest about. Primarily, though, it has been Iraq, tax cuts, National Guard, etc. Is it widely accepted? It seems to be by most people who didn't vote for him! It is also believed by many (probably not most) who did vote for him.

Different kinds of dishonesty, for sure, but to someone who wants honesty in gov't. it should be no difference.

do you want honesty in government, TA? were clinton's lies & obfuscation enough for you to state that you wouldn't vote for him and wish that you hadn't in the first place?

if so, then great! we agree.

if not, then why are you on bush so much for what you perceive to be lies about some things you yourself have said don't really matter today?

In Utopia, politicians would never be dishonest. I'd like some semblence of honesty, though.

If Clinton could've run again, you bet I would've voted for him. Clinton lied and Bush lied so that makes me a hypocrite, right? If you view it as simply black or white, truth or lie, then I guess it does make me one. My opinion is that Clinton's affair with Lewinsky did not affect my life in any way. It wasn't a subject that needed investigation. As a result, a man lies about having an affair. So what? The lies Bush has told have had a significant impact, not only on my life, but on many others as well. People have died as a result of his lies about Iraq.

The lies the two have told amount to me telling a co-worker she looks nice when I really don't think she does compared with telling her boss she's stealing from the company and getting her fired. There is a qualitative difference.

I personally don't think that Bush lied about the intelligence that led up to the war on Iraq. i believe he took the best information available and made a decision to do what was in the best interest of the american people. If you have a problem with the holes in the intelligence, why don't you ask mr. kerry why he has voted to cut so much money from our intelligence budget over the past 20 years.

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