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New Indoor Facility


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Coming along. Expected completion by July...


While the Tigers are on the field for spring practice No. 9, the new indoor facility continues to take shape. twitpic.com/4hlmpu


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No pics to share but I usually run by it every evening after I get back from my internship. It's looking pretty cool. I'm amazed at how fast a building of that size can be built when a rush-order is put on it.

Most of the walls are up, except for the wall that would face Biggio and Wire road, which is only halfway completed. The brickwork looks pretty good and all of the insulation for the ceiling is in place. The final metal strips that will cover it are in place and only need to be arranged. The only other areas on the outside that need to be finished look to be the windows and doors and the roof on the extension area facing Samford Ave. When I went by last night, it looked like they were getting the floor smoothed out in preparation for some indoor work.

Of course, if the building is completed by July, it will probably still be some time before the outdoor practice fields are finished. Right now, they're a mess of dirt and scraps though I'm sure that when the indoor work is going full-time, they'll be fixing up the outdoor fields.


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Where is it? Based on Ryans post I can see its close to the softball park - but where exactly?

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Where is it? Based on Ryans post I can see its close to the softball park - but where exactly?

Behind the Athletics complex -- corner of Donahue and Samford.






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I'll go by and get you some up to date ones.

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Here you go! I couldn't get into the facility due to the work going on inside, along with the outdoor field prep going on.






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For some reason I can't view any attachments.

The facility is coming along nicely though, I drive by it often and am surprised at how quickly it is being completed.

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Here you go! I couldn't get into the facility due to the work going on inside, along with the outdoor field prep going on.


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From the looks of how the buildings are arranged, both inside and outside practice fields will be very private. Should help help keep the spies away.

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  • 1 month later...

Goldberg has video...

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WOW! That is going to be a really nice facility! Of course, being on campus at AU makes it a nice facility.

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