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Offensive Gameplan


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I think 7-5 would be reflective of a good coaching job given our situation.

Being "blown out" by several teams is not something I expected. Vandy did not get blown out by UGA and could have beaten Ark, MSU did not get blown out by Bama or LSU.

I expected AU to be competitive in every game. I don't know what the problem has been in the beat down losses, suspect it begins on the O-line. We have had several players highly recruited not pan out that could have made a difference this year. The coaches know the expectations of the job, they know the consequences of failure. Remember it was CMR recieving the heat earlier this year re performance.

The coaches need to work the problem and not hear us whine about results. Winning takes care of everything, losing badly will take care of itself.

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I think all the complaints about the offense result from an o-line that does not block. That changes the plays you can call and when the defense realizes what plays we are limited to calling, we start looking really bad.

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What's disturbing to me is that the team appears to be getting worse as the season progresses, not better. If the problem were youth, it would seem that the team should improve as the season goes along. That's not happening.

Yes, thi is disturbing. I got the feeling today that our kids went into this game having fully learned the lesson our coaches have been teaching them; that they are incapableo f even staying on the field with any decent SEC team. The lesson they're learning this year will be very hard to unlearn.

2009's team came within a hair of winning several games. this team has done just the opposite; come within a hair of losing to bad teams and gotten blown out by every good team they've played. They're not learning how to win, theyr'e learning how to lose.

and frankly I'm tired of hearing about how they were supposed to win only 3 or 4 games. Only the most ardent Auburn haters were saying that. Most people were sying this team should win 8 to 10 games. Even Sheridan said they should win 9. And that was within reach, based on the talent level.

I'm sorry but this season has turned into a debacle. And it's the fault of the coaching staff and their failures go back to the spring and extend through summer and up until now. It's not just the play calling, it's the fact that these coaches wasted spring and summer practice and horribly failed to prepared this team for the season.

Please tell us how you know what the coaches were doing during spring and summer practice. I agree that our coaching has been sub-par in several games and I am disappointed with that, but I have a hard time believing that the coaches don't know how to practice the players. We won as the underdog vs. MSU, SCar, and UF (I think). I would love to hear more about the way our coaches practice the players.

I know by the results. Istn't that obvious? These are 2 top 5 recruiting classes that don't know how to tackle or cover a pass. You tell me what a wonderful job these coaches have done with them. After summer camp they had no idea how to even slow down Utah St. How does any coach NOT take notice of that other than by not paying attention?

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Who ever calls those quick passes out on the flats, is a moron. An absolute moron. When Auburn does it, there's no cushion, no room for the blockers to push back and make any lanes for the receiver to get down field. The D is ALWAYS right there, crowding the line.

Meanwhile, when other teams call the same plays on our D, our guys are 10 yards off the line. There's no one near the receiver when he makes the catch, and they always seem to have decent success.

It's a wasted play, one that gets only a few yards, or often a loss of yards, and we continue to do this game after game, year after year.

Count me in the group that has complained about the quick screens all year. We run so many wasted plays on offense that it is unreal. We see that these plays aren't working, but yet we continue to call them.

We have so many problems right now throughout the entire team that it's not even funny. Offense and defense are so bad now that even if our special teams was still good we wouldn't know it.

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I don't think many ppl are complaining about our RECORD as a team…It's the LACK of effort, fundamentals, intensity, & no FIRE this team does not play with against the top echelon teams in the SEC. At least put up a fight! We are the 2010 NC after all! That combined with our sub-par coaching staff and play calling week after week has been my MAIN problem! Not our RECORD!

Heck even as bad as Florida has been this year…they have FOUGHT hard in those games! They came closer to beating UGA than we did and don't have near the talent they would like to have! If I saw more play like El Toro Freeman from most of our players each week…I wouldn't be gripping but our players act like they are playing a Spring Touch Football Game! If we get kicked in the mouth by teams…we just give up and chalk it up to being "young" "inexperienced""no depth""the other team has this and that"…

ALL EXCUSES! EVERY WEEK..IT'S EXCUSES! One thing I can respect about our rival enemies is that you don't hear ALL the excuses from the coaching staff: LSU, BAMA, Ok., Oregon, Arky, and a couple other teams EXPECT to contend EVERY year for a Championship and willing to fight like heck to get it or not go down without a fight! That's my issue with this team and coaches!!!!!!!!!

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I think all the complaints about the offense result from an o-line that does not block. That changes the plays you can call and when the defense realizes what plays we are limited to calling, we start looking really bad.

That is partially true in my opinion...the O-line is not that good BUT my thing is that with Gus's offense and play calling that consists too much of gimmicks or not utilizing the right players with the calls he does make and not taking advantage of certain players abilities...some of his plays takes too long to develop and we don't have the O-line to execute those plays at this point, nor do we have the good blocking of WRs, and a very mobile QB to allow those plays to work like last year. Therefore, why not adjust you play calling accordingly! You see it's not working week after week but still call it!

>>Why not any 3 or 5 step drops for the QB? Help him to get the ball our as quick as possible!

>>Why not roll him out of the pocket away from the pressure?

>>Why no 10-15 yrd routes for the WRs and to get the ball out of the QBs hand quickly?

I mean this is offense 101 people! If it AIN'T working...why stick with it??!! Ok..we know the O-line is not great...so why not call plays to get our play makers in space..Heck a 5 yard pass to Reed, Lutzie, Dyer, or Blake can turn into a first down or 12-15 yrd gain with their skills! Lutzie did it on a play Sat. against UGA! Anybody think of that!

Point is that it is the coaches job to HIDE or disguise deffencies of a team...we have MANY for sure but after the first 3 games...that stuff should have been cleaned up! But now...it's far too late as EVERY team has figured us out!

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UGA played better against us for an entire game than against any other team so far this year IMO. Add to that our play against UGA after 7-7 was a game-long parade of horribles. Okay, got that.

Not drinking kool-aid, I said in August we'd lose 5 this season and our 2012 team would be top 5. NOBODY will have us circled on their 2012 schedule and we'll still be a young team w/out a personality going into next year. But even though we took 2 steps back against LSU & UGA, we get a terrific transfer addition to our OL next year and I believe our talented coaches will learn from their mistakes just like our talented players. Lots to learn from this year and it will pay dividends next year, assuming we get a quality game day DC that can recruit as well as Roof and assuming another great recruiting crop in Feb. of guys almost ready for prime time, for some November depth.

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I'd just like to add that this is not high school ball anymore, our QBs should have MORE leeway to change plays at the LOS. Defenses are showing us "false looks" and baiting us into negative plays.

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I'd just like to add that this is not high school ball anymore, our QBs should have MORE leeway to change plays at the LOS. Defenses are showing us "false looks" and baiting us into negative plays.

I was shocked last week when it came out that Auburn QB's are not permitted to check into or out of a play. Not good!

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I was wondering the same thing about the game plan. I think Dyer had five rushes in the first half. The quick screen needs to be ripped out of the playbook this year. The wrap around draw has not worked since Utah St. We have become extremely predictable on what we run and what formations we are running out of. I have been most displeased with Gus this year but I really do not think it is his fault completely.

Our QB's are absolutely horrible. I think Fraizer could have been much further along if they will take the dang training wheels off. I do not have a problem with the coaches easing him into the game....this is game 11. He should be ready.

The offensive line is absolutely horrible.There are no holes for our backs to run in. Pass blocking...is a joke. Why is Grimes not getting into these guys faces and telling them in football terms what they look like and how they are playing. Dismukes has played well. I know he has gotten beat a few times, but he is going to be a big time player. The other four...well, I hope they picked a good major. We need several big timers to sign.

We have one good receiver in Blake period. He is the only threat. Man, I miss Darvin. Reed Needs to break out of his shell big time. I know he is much better than what he has shown. We need to get several special receivers in this years recruiting class.

Our defense has been the laughing stock in college football the last three years. There lies our biggest problem. Roof and Lolley need to be fired. Sorry I know this is about the offense.

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Gus Malzahn can see the defense just as well and is better qualified than our current QBs to determine the necessity of changing calls. Thus the meerkat.

I think Statiger wisely went into hibernation until things calm down here a bit.

edit: ah, I see he posted yesterday. Boldly done sir.

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Gus Malzahn can see the defense just as well and is better qualified than our current QBs to determine the necessity of changing calls. Thus the meerkat.

I think Statiger wisely went into hibernation until things calm down here a bit.

edit: ah, I see he posted yesterday. Boldly done sir.

I'm not talking about making "Peyton Manning-wholesale" changes at the line. We do need some simply audibles to get our offense out of bad situations. CGM cannot make every adjustment from the sidelines. You can't do the "check with me" more than once, the play clock won't allow it.

There are a lot of people that feel that defensive coaches have caught up to what CGM's offense. I merely pointed out one way that defenses are adjusting to CGM, since we aren't exactly running tempo anymore.

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