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Siegleman Indicted!


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If they found all of this imagine if they kept digging how much more would they find. Remember at one point during Sieglemans term they accused Mrs. Siegleman of using state money to take personal vacations......

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Guest AuNuma1

And of all places to steal money from, he chooses the education budget...friggin criminal.

Don't vote for criminals people!! <_<

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I will say from a safe distance away, atop my lofty perch outside of the state :P - when it comes to electing politicians in Alabama, the voters always get what they pay for... nearly as bad as Louisiana in that respect. It cracked me up that Siegleman ran on funding education with a state lottery, and was elected - but then the voters voted down the idea of a state lottery!!! :P

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It cracked me up that Siegleman ran on funding education with a state lottery, and was elected - but then the voters voted down the idea of a state lottery!!! :P

And after the lottery was defeated, he had no other ideas, except business as usual.

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... the voters always get what they pay for... nearly as bad as Louisiana in that respect. ...

I can't remember where I read it but this political analyst wrote this piece about possible VP candidates for J-Fn-Kerry and actually mentioned a former LA governor as a "good fit" because he could bring in Southern votes: Edwin Edwards. I nearly fell off my chair laughing. This guy makes Bill Clinton look like an Eagle Scout. Edwards once said he could get reelected as long as he's not found in bed with a dead girl or a live boy. {Swear to God!}

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