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Utterly repellant


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I'll never understand those who can't figure out how to oppose someone's views or policies, even with heightened rhetoric, without resorting to utter hatred of the person. As long as it takes a swipe at the other guy, it's fair game, no matter how vile. Geez.

Utterly repellent

Posted on March 1, 2012 by Mark Shea

US District Judge Richard Cebull, doing what he can to make sure that the Thing That Used to Be Conservatism repels and revolts people for generations to come, sends the following email:

“Normally I don’t send or forward a lot of these, but even by my standards, it was a bit touching. I want all of my friends to feel what I felt when I read this. Hope it touches your heart like it did mine.

“A little boy said to his mother; ‘Mommy, how come I’m black and you’re white?’” the email joke reads. “His mother replied, ‘Don’t even go there Barack! From what I can remember about that party, you’re lucky you don’t bark!’”

It gets better. Here’s his disclaimer when the email goes public:

The judge acknowledged that the content of the email was racist, but said he does not consider himself racist. He said the email was intended to be a private communication.

“It was not intended by me in any way to become public,” Cebull said. “I apologize to anybody who is offended by it, and I can obviously understand why people would be offended.”

Cebull said his brother initially sent him the email, which he forwarded to six of his “old buddies” and acquaintances.

He admitted that he read the email and intended to send it to his friends.

“The only reason I can explain it to you is I am not a fan of our president, but this goes beyond not being a fan,” Cebull said. “I didn’t send it as racist, although that’s what it is. I sent it out because it’s anti-Obama.”

What he means by that, as near as I can tell, is, “I knew what I was doing and I regret getting caught. And I believe in doing evil that good may come of it. As long as it’s anti-Obama, I will endorse anything, even the most vile racism with “it touches my heart” so long as I can land a punch against a political enemy.”

News for hizzoner: if you compare inter-racial marriage to a gang bang with animals, you are a racist. If you indulge racism for the “good end” of protesting a bad politician you are a racist, just as if you murder in order to collect the “good end” of an insurance policy, you are a murderer. If racism “touches your heart” you are a racist. Judge Cebull, you are a racist.

It’s a classic example of sin making a person stupid. It’s also dangerously emblematic of the weird zeal some people have for hating Obama instead of defeating him.


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Idiots carry all types of banners.

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Two things bother me about this more:

1. This guy is a judge. Scary to think someone with that little actual judgment on display has any authority.

2. I don't concern myself as much with people who don't share banners with me. But while I may be disenchanted with the Republican party, I still largely identify as a conservative. I'd rather not be associated with idiots. Think about how we'd feel if Harvey Updyke were an Auburn fan. That's how I feel when a conservative spews this sort of abhorrent garbage.

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Who cares? It was funny as hell. Put on your big girl panties and carry on. The holier than thou crowd is killing the conservative party. Not judges who send off color jokes.

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Who cares? It was funny as hell. Put on your big girl panties and carry on. The holier than thou crowd is killing the conservative party. Not judges who send off color jokes.

It's not holier than thou to find that patently offensive. But thanks for the heads up on where you slot in the scheme of things.

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Who cares? It was funny as hell. Put on your big girl panties and carry on. The holier than thou crowd is killing the conservative party. Not judges who send off color jokes.

It's not holier than thou to find that patently offensive. But thanks for the heads up on where you slot in the scheme of things.

Of course you came back with exactly what I expected you too. Some of the biggest holier than thous are also the most judgmental.

Welcome to the real world. Blacks make jokes. Whites make jokes. Dims make jokes. Repubs make jokes.

It's the people who put their little hand over their mouth like a southern belle after a big fart that keeps the conservative movement held back. Like most religious groups, conservatives eat their own. You and those like you lead the charge. Hence one of the biggest reasons the GREAT ONE is on office today.

Sure, you don't have to like what the guy said or agree with it. But for goodness sake man, don't lead the charge every damn time something this petty comes along.

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Who cares? It was funny as hell. Put on your big girl panties and carry on. The holier than thou crowd is killing the conservative party. Not judges who send off color jokes.

It's not holier than thou to find that patently offensive. But thanks for the heads up on where you slot in the scheme of things.

Of course you came back with exactly what I expected you too. Some of the biggest holier than thous are also the most judgmental.

You judged yourself on this one.

Welcome to the real world. Blacks make jokes. Whites make jokes. Dims make jokes. Repubs make jokes.

And I'm not opposed to jokes. Even jokes that poke fun at some stereotypes about races. But equating interracial relationships with having sex with dogs, not to mention implying that the President's mother was a slut, is way over the line. Normal people get this.

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H-O-L-I-E-R T-H-A-N T-H-O-U !

Everybody who reads this GETS this.

You are one sanctimonious individual to spend so much time dissecting a freaking joke.

You and your kind are the reason we cannot get anyone decently strong to run for president as a conservative.

You tear them apart for any little thing and make mountains out of molehills.

Sometimes, like this time, things are just tasteless. But they are not ball-hanging offenses like you seem to get all giddy about.

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No one's proposing anyone be hanged in any fashion. Quit exaggerating.

But, called out publicly for showing such poor judgment and racist sentiments...especially when one serves as a judge? Absolutely and I make no apologies for it. It was an embarrassment.

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Just so CCTAU can stop having a hemorrhage that someone dared take a conservative to task for being repugnant, we have the purveyors of tolerance on the Left, on the death of conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart:

Slate’s Matt Yglesias (@mattyglesias), who tweeted: “Conventions around dead people are ridiculous. The world outlook is slightly improved with @AndrewBrietbart dead.”

AlmightyBob ‏ @AlmightyBoob : @AndrewBreitbart haha youre dead and in hell being a gay with hitler

Jeff Glasse ‏ @jeffglasse : Andrew Breitbart now enjoying afternoon tea with Hitler #goodriddanceyouhack

Kellie Allen @thirtyseven : Breitbart helped destroy the career of someone I know. Good riddance, scumraker.

Scott On Da Rox @ridinchillwaves : RT GOOD RIDDANCE..fascist prick @Gawker: Andrew Breitbart Dead? gawker.com/5889586/

Josh M ‏ @TheSocialest : Good riddance Breitbart. Hopefully they put James O’Keefe in your casket.

Nevermind that he leaves behind a wife and four children. He's a subhuman deserving only of one's contempt since he didn't sing from the approved sheet of music.

So there you go. I'm super holy because I find beastiality jokes about interracial relationships and unfeeling, uncaring jokes about a husband and father you disagree with burning in hell repugnant and have the audacity to say so publicly. Sue me.

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Im not sure who these people are whose tweets are quoted. They are distastful irregardless of your political views. Its one thing to be a private citizen making ugly comments about someone, but an elected or appointed official passing along "jokes" about our President is another.

I was not a fan of Briebarts. Shocking I know. These comments are tasteless, show a lack of deciency, and a lack of character.

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Im not sure who these people are whose tweets are quoted. They are distastful irregardless of your political views. Its one thing to be a private citizen making ugly comments about someone, but an elected or appointed official passing along "jokes" about our President is another.

I was not a fan of Briebarts. Shocking I know. These comments are tasteless, show a lack of deciency, and a lack of character.

I agree. The judge should be held to a higher standard that random folks in the general public. Though the first tweet is a writer for a nationally known publication (Slate).

No one's asking for perfection from any of these folks. Just decency. That's not that high a bar.

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Im not sure who these people are whose tweets are quoted. They are distastful irregardless of your political views. Its one thing to be a private citizen making ugly comments about someone, but an elected or appointed official passing along "jokes" about our President is another.

I was not a fan of Briebarts. Shocking I know. These comments are tasteless, show a lack of deciency, and a lack of character.

I agree. The judge should be held to a higher standard that random folks in the general public. Though the first tweet is a writer for a nationally known publication (Slate).

No one's asking for perfection from any of these folks. Just decency. That's not that high a bar.

Judges should do their job and leave the jokes at home. Just like Congress and the President. Our country is in deep these days.

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The judge is a complete moron for forwarding the e-mail. If he sent the e-mails from a work computer then I can see him facing punitive action. If they were sent from home then I just think he is an idiot who will get what he deserves.

Still, the e-mail was funny, even though it was tasteless and racist. Do you REALLY think that finding a racist (or sexist or homophobic or fat-related or religious etc.) joke funny means that you are racist or one of the other "ists"? The judge may or may not be racist, but he is definitely an idiot.

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I think there's a line between laughing at stereotypes that are funny, even if some people get bent about them and things that are patently offensive. I think this email falls into the latter category. It's not tasteless simply because it's crude or sexual, it's offensive and insulting on a broad scale. Finding that funny does make me question the person who thinks it's funny a bit.

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The judge is a complete moron for forwarding the e-mail. If he sent the e-mails from a work computer then I can see him facing punitive action. If they were sent from home then I just think he is an idiot who will get what he deserves.

Still, the e-mail was funny, even though it was tasteless and racist. Do you REALLY think that finding a racist (or sexist or homophobic or fat-related or religious etc.) joke funny means that you are racist or one of the other "ists"? The judge may or may not be racist, but he is definitely an idiot.

I think that finding this email funny and wanting to share it with others reflects some type of character flaw.

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The judge is a complete moron for forwarding the e-mail. If he sent the e-mails from a work computer then I can see him facing punitive action. If they were sent from home then I just think he is an idiot who will get what he deserves.

Still, the e-mail was funny, even though it was tasteless and racist. Do you REALLY think that finding a racist (or sexist or homophobic or fat-related or religious etc.) joke funny means that you are racist or one of the other "ists"? The judge may or may not be racist, but he is definitely an idiot.

I think that finding this email funny and wanting to share it with others reflects some type of character flaw.

If he sent it to people he works with or sent it from a work computer then he has an intelligence flaw. I think that Barack Hussein Obama forcing the Catholic Church to pay for its employees to have medically induced abortions refelcts some type of character flaw. It seems that character flaws in our leaders is rampant, huh?

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The judge is a complete moron for forwarding the e-mail. If he sent the e-mails from a work computer then I can see him facing punitive action. If they were sent from home then I just think he is an idiot who will get what he deserves.

Still, the e-mail was funny, even though it was tasteless and racist. Do you REALLY think that finding a racist (or sexist or homophobic or fat-related or religious etc.) joke funny means that you are racist or one of the other "ists"? The judge may or may not be racist, but he is definitely an idiot.

I think that finding this email funny and wanting to share it with others reflects some type of character flaw.

If he sent it to people he works with or sent it from a work computer then he has an intelligence flaw. I think that Barack Hussein Obama forcing the Catholic Church to pay for its employees to have medically induced abortions refelcts some type of character flaw. It seems that character flaws in our leaders is rampant, huh?

You posed a question. I mistakenly thought you were requesting a reply. My mistake.

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The judge is a complete moron for forwarding the e-mail. If he sent the e-mails from a work computer then I can see him facing punitive action. If they were sent from home then I just think he is an idiot who will get what he deserves.

Still, the e-mail was funny, even though it was tasteless and racist. Do you REALLY think that finding a racist (or sexist or homophobic or fat-related or religious etc.) joke funny means that you are racist or one of the other "ists"? The judge may or may not be racist, but he is definitely an idiot.

I think that finding this email funny and wanting to share it with others reflects some type of character flaw.

If he sent it to people he works with or sent it from a work computer then he has an intelligence flaw. I think that Barack Hussein Obama forcing the Catholic Church to pay for its employees to have medically induced abortions refelcts some type of character flaw. It seems that character flaws in our leaders is rampant, huh?

You posed a question. I mistakenly thought you were requesting a reply. My mistake.

Actually, I did request a reply because I do wonder if people think that thinking a racist joke is funny makes one a racist. I see now that you were just replying to my question. Thanks for your reply. You were not mistaken by your reply. I apologize for being an a$$. I just read the other thread and was being oversensitive, but that is not a good excuse. I will attempt to be more respectful in the future.

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The judge is a complete moron for forwarding the e-mail. If he sent the e-mails from a work computer then I can see him facing punitive action. If they were sent from home then I just think he is an idiot who will get what he deserves.

Still, the e-mail was funny, even though it was tasteless and racist. Do you REALLY think that finding a racist (or sexist or homophobic or fat-related or religious etc.) joke funny means that you are racist or one of the other "ists"? The judge may or may not be racist, but he is definitely an idiot.

I think that finding this email funny and wanting to share it with others reflects some type of character flaw.

If he sent it to people he works with or sent it from a work computer then he has an intelligence flaw. I think that Barack Hussein Obama forcing the Catholic Church to pay for its employees to have medically induced abortions refelcts some type of character flaw. It seems that character flaws in our leaders is rampant, huh?

You posed a question. I mistakenly thought you were requesting a reply. My mistake.

Actually, I did request a reply because I do wonder if people think that thinking a racist joke is funny makes one a racist. I see now that you were just replying to my question. Thanks for your reply. You were not mistaken by your reply. I apologize for being an a$$. I just read the other thread and was being oversensitive, but that is not a good excuse. I will attempt to be more respectful in the future.

No worries.

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