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The Road We've Traveled


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I shudder to think that people think this propoganda piece is truth and will consider voting for this lying marxist again.


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And then you look at the Republimbaugh's candidates and you shudder




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And then you look at the Republimbaugh's candidates and you shudder




Kinda like Mahercrats?

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And then you look at the Republimbaugh's candidates and you shudder




Should have put the limbaugh first shouldn't I

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And then you look at the Republimbaugh's candidates and you shudder




Should have put the limbaugh first shouldn't I

The Left's obsession w/ him is priceless.

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It's just typical slickly produced political dreck that only tells about half the story. Nice production values though.

1) Isn't that what these things are supposed to be?

2) What "half" would you like to see?

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It's just typical slickly produced political dreck that only tells about half the story. Nice production values though.

1) Isn't that what these things are supposed to be?

2) What "half" would you like to see?

Then don't call it a documentary.

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It's just typical slickly produced political dreck that only tells about half the story. Nice production values though.

1) Isn't that what these things are supposed to be?

2) What "half" would you like to see?

Sure it's normal. Doesn't mean I have to like it. And while I don't expect him to tell the bad parts of his tenure (at least without a large dose of spin to make it look like "their" fault), I'm just giving my honest reaction to it. It's propaganda. It is what it is.

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Well done as expected. When you have 95% of Hollywood supporting and working on a project like this, it has to be good.

Too bad Obama can't run on his ability to serve and lead. Nice work, though. :thumbsup:

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It's just typical slickly produced political dreck that only tells about half the story. Nice production values though.

1) Isn't that what these things are supposed to be?

2) What "half" would you like to see?

Sure it's normal. Doesn't mean I have to like it.

Of course not-- didn't expect you to. Just wanted to understand "blech" a bit more in this context. B)

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Has anyone noticed they don't show him swinging a golf club anymore? Must be embarrassed about the number of rounds played. Or, he claims to be a 17, but from what I saw when he was shown, there ain't no way. He did manage to sneak into an interview that he doesn't cheat when he plays. Obviously felt guilty enough about something to try and convince somebody he doesn't cheat. Didn't know that was an accusation.

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Has anyone noticed they don't show him swinging a golf club anymore? Must be embarrassed about the number of rounds played. Or, he claims to be a 17, but from what I saw when he was shown, there ain't no way. He did manage to sneak into an interview that he doesn't cheat when he plays. Obviously felt guilty enough about something to try and convince somebody he doesn't cheat. Didn't know that was an accusation.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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Didn't show any of those multiple vacations obama has taken to places only the one percent can afford either. Or the extra planes needed to fly Obama separate from his family to those vacations.

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Didn't show any of those multiple vacations obama has taken to places only the one percent can afford either. Or the extra planes needed to fly Obama separate from his family to those vacations.

I remember how torqued you guys got about Bush taking more vacation days than any President in history, especially when he blew this warning off:

The alarming August 6, 2001, memo from the CIA to the President -- "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US" -- has been widely noted in the past few years.

But, also in August, CIA analysts flew to Crawford to personally brief the President -- to intrude on his vacation with face-to-face alerts.

The analytical arm of CIA was in a kind of panic mode at this point. Other intelligence services, including those from the Arab world, were sounding an alarm. The arrows were all in the red. They didn't know the place or time of an attack, but something was coming. The President needed to know.


He's not much of a reader, this President, and never has been, despite White House efforts to trumpet which serious books he is reading at various times. ... But he's a very good listener and an extremely visual listener. He sizes people up swiftly and aptly, watches them carefully, and trusts his eyes.


The trap, of course, is that while these tactile, visceral markers can be crucial -- especially in terms of handling the posturing of top officials -- they sometimes are not. The thing to focus on, at certain moments, is what someone says, not who is saying it, or how they're saying it.

And, at an eyeball-to-eyeball intelligence briefing during this urgent summer, George W. Bush seems to have made the wrong choice.

He looked hard at the panicked CIA briefer.

"All right," he said. "You've covered your ass, now."


Could you be bigger hypocrites? :no:

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25 Secret Service Agents Accompany Malia Obama on Mexican Sping Break

Not as 'scrubbed' as they had hoped, it seems.

Never been to Mexico, myself. Certainly never went on any spring break on the tax payer's dime.


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Has anyone noticed they don't show him swinging a golf club anymore? Must be embarrassed about the number of rounds played. Or, he claims to be a 17, but from what I saw when he was shown, there ain't no way. He did manage to sneak into an interview that he doesn't cheat when he plays. Obviously felt guilty enough about something to try and convince somebody he doesn't cheat. Didn't know that was an accusation.

Wonder what his handicap is


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The link shows 9 images of Bush in golf gear, presumably on a golf course. That's over 8 years of being President ( assuming each and every image was taken while Bush was President )

And Obama ? Has 92 rounds of golf, in his FIRST TERM.


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