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Michelle Obama,,,,,,,,


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In a three-minute video message to supporters that was released Thursday, the first lady tells supporters that with a tighter election than 2008 likely this fall, "in the end, it could all come down to those last few thousand votes in a single state."

"Every time you take action to move this country forward, we're asking you to inspire one more person to join you as well," she says. "That could be the difference between waking up on Nov. 7 and feeling the promise of four more years or asking yourself, 'Could I have done more?'"

"Help one new voter get registered through GottaVote.org, recruit one more volunteer, or bring a friend to the next phone bank you attend," Mrs. Obama says. "If we all commit to finding at least one way to make an impact, we can ensure that we'll keep moving this country forward for another four years." Michelle Obama

That seems to explain why they’re so desperately fighting voter ID laws nationwide. Make sure they can steal every vote possible.

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It's hard to register a wino in 3 counties if he has to have picture ID. Ask ACORN, or whatever organization they're using now.

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In a three-minute video message to supporters that was released Thursday, the first lady tells supporters that with a tighter election than 2008 likely this fall, "in the end, it could all come down to those last few thousand votes in a single state."

"Every time you take action to move this country forward, we're asking you to inspire one more person to join you as well," she says. "That could be the difference between waking up on Nov. 7 and feeling the promise of four more years or asking yourself, 'Could I have done more?'"

"Help one new voter get registered through GottaVote.org, recruit one more volunteer, or bring a friend to the next phone bank you attend," Mrs. Obama says. "If we all commit to finding at least one way to make an impact, we can ensure that we'll keep moving this country forward for another four years." Michelle Obama

That seems to explain why they’re so desperately fighting voter ID laws nationwide. Make sure they can steal every vote possible.

Getting people to vote is a bad, bad idea.

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We should just do away with this democracy thing.

You're right. On this matter, I totally agree. Our founding fathers never intended for this country to be a democracy. You won't find that word anywhere in the US Constitution. We're a representative republic, not a true 'democracy'.

And how tacky is it , that the First Lady is promoting a website 'Gottavote.org' ?? Seriously ? Gotta?

You can take some out of the ghetto, but you can't take the ghetto out of some.

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We should just do away with this democracy thing.

Especially since this is a representative republic.

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We should just do away with this democracy thing.

You're right. On this matter, I totally agree. Our founding fathers never intended for this country to be a democracy. You won't find that word anywhere in the US Constitution. We're a representative republic, not a true 'democracy'.

And how tacky is it , that the First Lady is promoting a website 'Gottavote.org' ?? Seriously ? Gotta?

You can take some out of the ghetto, but you can't take the ghetto out of some.

Just like you can't take the racism out of Raptor. Or the rage. And hatred.

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Just like you can't take the racism out of Raptor. Or the rage. And hatred.

Where's the racism from me ? There is none. Rage and hatred, at what these marxists are doing to the country ? That's fair. but not 'racism'. I was speaking directly to something SHE said, she supports, with this 'gotta' crap.

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We should just do away with this democracy thing.

You're right. On this matter, I totally agree. Our founding fathers never intended for this country to be a democracy. You won't find that word anywhere in the US Constitution. We're a representative republic, not a true 'democracy'.

And how tacky is it , that the First Lady is promoting a website 'Gottavote.org' ?? Seriously ? Gotta?

You can take some out of the ghetto, but you can't take the ghetto out of some.

What would name the website?

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What would name the website?

I wouldn't have such a website. It's pointless and redundant.

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Why should people have to be coaxed into voting? If they're too apathetic to vote, then they sure as heck aren't going to know any of the candidates or the issues. They have no business voting.

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Good Lord people, how would the democrats survive without mindless, uneducated, lethargic voters who are pushed pulled and dragged out to the polls?

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Getting people to vote is pointless?

This is what separates us. I never said getting people to vote is pointless, yet you twisted my words to mean something completely different than what I said. Do you do this on purpose, or what ?

Everyone is explained , when they're growing up, that we all have the right to vote, at what age we gain that right, and how to go about registering to vote, and participating in elections. Knowing all this is as elemental as knowing one's ABC's. Yet the Left is hell bent on spending more and more tax dollars, getting more and more folks to vote, particularly those who rely heavily on govt assistance. We have the motor-voter bill, which made the most simple thing in the world made easier , and STILL this administration feels it's not easy enough, that we need yet ANOTHER program to get folks out to vote. And yet, these same people are hell bent AGAINST making sure that those who vote are legal citizens, who have the right to vote, or who are even ALIVE in the first place. That's because it doesn't matter to them. They don't care. What they care most about is getting votes. Period. So what if Daffy Duck or Mickey Mouse have registered. So what if dozens of people claim the same 1 room shack as their 'home address', or that dead folks are registered. Doesn't matter to you, does it? And i guess it doesn't matter to you that more folks end up voting in an election than are even registered, does it ?

The Dems want to flood the system of voters, there by making it easier to stuff the ballot boxes and cheat their way into office. And you're seemingly fine w/ that, aren't you ?

( You see, at least i asked a question, instead of implying a complete non sequitur, by taking your point of view and twisting it all to hell )

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Getting people to vote is pointless?

Many may feel that way since the democrats fight so hard to dilute legal votes.

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Good Lord people, how would the democrats survive without mindless, uneducated, lethargic voters who are pushed pulled and dragged out to the polls?

Fox News does pretty good with those people

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Getting people to vote is pointless?

This is what separates us. I never said getting people to vote is pointless, yet you twisted my words to mean something completely different than what I said. Do you do this on purpose, or what ?

Everyone is explained , when they're growing up, that we all have the right to vote, at what age we gain that right, and how to go about registering to vote, and participating in elections. Knowing all this is as elemental as knowing one's ABC's. Yet the Left is hell bent on spending more and more tax dollars, getting more and more folks to vote, particularly those who rely heavily on govt assistance. We have the motor-voter bill, which made the most simple thing in the world made easier , and STILL this administration feels it's not easy enough, that we need yet ANOTHER program to get folks out to vote. And yet, these same people are hell bent AGAINST making sure that those who vote are legal citizens, who have the right to vote, or who are even ALIVE in the first place. That's because it doesn't matter to them. They don't care. What they care most about is getting votes. Period. So what if Daffy Duck or Mickey Mouse have registered. So what if dozens of people claim the same 1 room shack as their 'home address', or that dead folks are registered. Doesn't matter to you, does it? And i guess it doesn't matter to you that more folks end up voting in an election than are even registered, does it ?

The Dems want to flood the system of voters, there by making it easier to stuff the ballot boxes and cheat their way into office. And you're seemingly fine w/ that, aren't you ?

( You see, at least i asked a question, instead of implying a complete non sequitur, by taking your point of view and twisting it all to hell )

Where in First Lady Obama's comments did she ask for illegle people to vote?

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Where in First Lady Obama's comments did she ask for illegle people to vote?

Why are they fighting so hard to prevent picture ID to vote?

Would you like a list of things you do need a picture ID for?

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Where in First Lady Obama's comments did she ask for illegle people to vote?

And the straw men continue to be used in the conversation.


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Just like you can't take the racism out of Raptor. Or the rage. And hatred.

Where's the racism from me ? There is none. Rage and hatred, at what these marxists are doing to the country ? That's fair. but not 'racism'. I was speaking directly to something SHE said, she supports, with this 'gotta' crap.

Raptor-- where are you from?


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Good Lord people, how would the democrats survive without mindless, uneducated, lethargic voters who are pushed pulled and dragged out to the polls?

Fox News does pretty good with those people


Fox caters to self motivated voters, not winos, drug addicts and other lethargic entities that need government programs to "inspire" ( Pay for people to round them up, push them into vans, and pour them into voting booths, lol! ) them to vote. If you can convince yourself otherwise, you are an even bigger buffoon than you normally portray yourself to be on these forums. it is what it is. Rational people see this.

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Just like you can't take the racism out of Raptor. Or the rage. And hatred.

Where's the racism from me ? There is none. Rage and hatred, at what these marxists are doing to the country ? That's fair. but not 'racism'. I was speaking directly to something SHE said, she supports, with this 'gotta' crap.

Raptor-- where are you from?







Raptor, here is the clear evidence you've been asking for regarding your racism. An African-American uses the same word you routinely use and you make a comment about not being able to take the ghetto out of her. Of course, many, if not most, Americans routinely use that same word. Bush used it. You used it. Yet you never critiqued its use until Michelle Obama referenced a website with that word. Hypocrisy. Double standard. Racist. A clear demonstration of all those things.

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Just like you can't take the racism out of Raptor. Or the rage. And hatred.

Where's the racism from me ? There is none. Rage and hatred, at what these marxists are doing to the country ? That's fair. but not 'racism'. I was speaking directly to something SHE said, she supports, with this 'gotta' crap.

Raptor-- where are you from?

Michelle Obama referenced a website with that word

That's why. I'm not promoting a national wide campaign from the White House. She is. IMO, it shows a lack of decorum when the First Lady uses slang like that in a formal, public manner . So what if I use 'gotta, ain't, reckon, etc..' , that's not the point.

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