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Bad News for Libs

Jenny AU-92

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bad news, guys. One less campaign issue to try and scare people with. Here's the link...

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But here's my favorite part of the article...

Many economists, however, are predicting that economic growth in the just-completed July-September quarter could come in at an annual rate above 5 percent, with growth in the current quarter expected to top 4 percent. That would represent the strongest back-to-back increases in the gross domestic product in four years.

Four years? Four years? Hmmm, who was President four years ago...???????

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Hey, Jenny, way to go!!! :cheer: That's great news...as long as you remember that one of the components of the GDP is government expenditures. I'll bet the last two quarters the government has been spending a lot of extra money on a war. :o The Commerce Department's Bureau of Economic Analysis had this to say:

The acceleration in real GDP growth in the second quarter primarily reflected an upturn in federal defense spending, an acceleration in PCE, and an upturn in nonresidential fixed investment that were partly offset by an upturn in imports.  Real federal government consumption expenditures and gross investment increased 25.5 percent

in the second quarter, compared with an increase of 0.7 percent in the first.  National defense increased

45.8 percent, in contrast to a decrease of 3.3 percent.  Nondefense decreased 5.4 percent, in contrast to

an increase of 8.4 percent.  Real state and local government consumption expenditures and gross

investment decreased 0.2 percent, in contrast to an increase of 0.2 percent.

:dead: So, I guess as long as we can remain in a perpetual state of war the economy REALLY IS doing pretty good!!! :$: :big::cheer:
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I swear I'm not post padding :D . I made a response, then realized I had misunderstood the thread a little. I wish you could cancel a post. :roll: :roll: .

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Yawn. More of the same-old same-old. Once again Pubs like Jenny crow about how rich corporations are growing, and once again, no new jobs are created.

FYI, this is the same old story that has been happening for two years straight. The economy has been growing nonstop for two years, and NO NEW JOBS have been created during that time.

The employment report released on October 3rd announced that the unemployment rate remains unchanged at 6.1%. Apparently, Republicans like Jenny are thrilled at the notion that big corporations continue to score big profits while creating NO NEW JOBS.

The voters are not going to buy into this cockamamie nonsense. During the Bush administration, America has lost more than 3 million jobs. This is the first administration in 70 years to oversee a net job loss in the American economy. When average people say they are concerned about the economy, they are talking about dismal job market. Obviously, if corporate growth alone was going to make them happy then we wouldn't be seeing such negative poll numbers where it comes to American opinion of Bush's economic policies After all, the growth of rich corporations has been steady rising since late 2001, and you can go look that up if you don't believe me.

Nobody is impressed with new numbers that say corporations are growing and getting richer (well, maybe the millionaires are). On the other hand, the average Joe and Jane will only be impressed when they see NEW JOBS being created. That has not happened. Go ahead and crow about how rich corporations are getting richer. Until the economy starts creating NEW JOBS, nobody is interested. Bush's policies have not reversed the job losses in the American economy. Until we see new jobs created, nobody is going to give this so-called "growth" a second glance. Nobody is happy if big corporations keep getting richer while no new jobs are being created.

Republicans are deluding themselves. This is not good news for them. This is BAD news for the right. Jobs are what count to average people. When the job picture is still bad, all that says to average Americans is that rich folks are getting richer at the expense of regular, everyday people.

If you think that's GOOD news, you better wake up and smell the coffee. This is the VERY REASON why Bush's support has been declining for two years straight.

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New jobs generally lag other economic indicators in recoveries...

didn't IBM announce just yesterday that they are planning on hiring 10,000 people over the near-term...that's a start, CShine!

i think that this cycle, in time, will appear to be relatively normal and somewhat mild in terms of its depth and stay.

now, the politicizing of it certainly won't be that way, however. yet, i think the dems will need to find something else to harp on.

at first it was "the economy", and now it's "no new jobs", and after that, what?

oh...i know....no WMD!

and TigerAl:

sure gov't spending plays a part in it. you'd rather the gov't NOT be spending money? now that would indeed be a surprise position.

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New jobs generally lag other economic indicators in recoveries...

didn't IBM announce just yesterday that they are planning on hiring 10,000 people over the near-term...that's a start, CShine!

i think that this cycle, in time, will appear to be relatively normal and somewhat mild in terms of its depth and stay.

now, the politicizing of it certainly won't be that way, however.  yet, i think the dems will need to find something else to harp on.

at first it was "the economy", and now it's "no new jobs", and after that, what?

oh...i know....no WMD!

and TigerAl:

sure gov't spending plays a part in it.  you'd rather the gov't NOT be spending money?  now that would indeed be a surprise position.

My point was just as I said...Government spending is a component of GDP and this year the government has been spending a larger amount than usual. While government spending in other forms can create jobs and boost the economy, as the report said, this was a 45% increase in military spending in another country. I don't think...let me rephrase...I HOPE we don't want to pin the success of our economy to our war efforts instead of looking for other more sustainable remedies. As far as politicization goes, yes that happens and isn't confined to one party, contrary to popular myth. But fear and uncertainty are at its' heart for too many people. Liberals live in this economy, too. (I know...much to the chagrin of others! :D )

I just thought of a great conspiracy theory: Bush has driven our economy into the ground to force the massive layoffs to create a pool of desperate people who will eventually join the military, either voluntarily or by draft. I'll be back after I alert the LIBERAL MEDIA, I'm sure they'll want to know about this!!! :big:

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Would someone please tell me where this economy would be if 9/11 had not happened? It seems to me that the BILLIONS of $ spent because of 9/11 would have made the economic recovery happen much faster. Am I wrong in thinking this?

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No, the job market is not perfect, and the unemployed are still having troubles, but as Carolina pointed out, and as the experts agree, jobs are the last part of economic recovery. And the job market is DECIDEDLY improving!

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. jobs market is showing signs of improvement and inflation remains low in the economy outside the energy sector, government reports on Thursday said.

The number of Americans filing an initial claim for jobless benefits fell last week to the lowest level since early February, the Labor Department said, a hopeful sign for job seekers.

Underlying inflation, stripping out volatile food and energy costs rose 0.1 percent in September, in line with expectations. Over the last 12 months, the core CPI has risen just 1.2 percent, the smallest increase since February 1966, the department said.

"By and large these numbers so far today show a strong economy," said Pierre Ellis, senior international economist at Decision Economics.

First-time filings for state unemployment aid fell 4,000 last week to 384,000 from the previous week. The number was broadly in line with analysts' expectations that claims would be 388,000.

"The jobless numbers were certainly encouraging. We got a decline and it suggests that the labor market is recovering," said Parul Jain, Nomura Securities International.

It was the second week in a row that claims came in under 400,000. Economists say claims above 400,000 suggest a deteriorating jobs market.

The drop also brought a decline in the closely watched four-week moving average of initial filings, seen as more reliable because it irons out weekly fluctuations.

The department said the average fell 4,250 to 390,750, also the lowest since early February.

While the report suggested layoffs are slowing, it also showed unemployed workers are still having a tough time finding new jobs. For the week ended Oct. 4, the number of Americans claiming benefits after filing an initial claim climbed 58,000 to 3.67 million.

The labor market has lagged other areas of the economy. But recent reports have been encouraging for job seekers. In September, the economy created 57,000 new jobs, the first increase in eight months.

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I try to look at this from a small business standpoint (simple math for the dems). We have 6.1% unempolyment. Hmmm, 100-6.1.......Hmmm ( had to take my shoe off) that leaves 93.9% of the people in America working...Hmmm, thats a pretty damn good number. Any business would love to operate at 93.9%.....Hmmmm.....And we are still WAYYYY ahead of your beloved Frenchis!!!!!

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