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Bo Jackson Laying it down. if all hell coming with us it is running from BO.


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While I am waiting for an update:

I am getting this from someone on campus that went to the BO Autograph signing.  He is speaking (I am guessing ) to a crowd.  assuming a mic is being used.

Was said within a minute of my first post.

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I have not had another update yet.

For all I know he is talking directly to my sister.

So far,  the above  posts are the only texts I have recieved about Bo.

we have been texting  all morning,  and now ... NOTHING.  I must assume she is at Tiger Walk,  and can not hear her phone beep.

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When Bo speaks you listen! way to Bo, ( If you want to talk to cam grow a pair and put your name on it) sorry for the repost and copy but this is great!! :wareagle: Bo is my favorite all time player. This man loves Auburn and if he says something listen. I think " BO" knows something....... :tease:

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He is Pro Cam Newton.

Said " If anyone wants to talk about Cam,  Grow a pair and put your name on them"

'Nuff said, imho!  <3 Bo!!!

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ha!, what a quote! I hope that makes "Breaking" on the ESPN ticker the rest of the day.

"If anyone wants to talk about Cam, Grow a pair and put your name on them" Bo Jackson

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ha!, what a quote! I hope that makes "Breaking" on the ESPN ticker the rest of the day.

"If anyone wants to talk about Cam, Grow a pair and put your name on them" Bo Jackson


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Recently got some clearification  onthe quote.   I got to talk rather than text,  and I now suspect what he actually said was,    "... put your Name on IT".    Slamming the unnamed sources.

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