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Tiger Oak

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Has anyone heard of any player only team meetings in the last two weeks or anyone stepping up more in a leadership role on the team? My thought is that improved chemistry/focus of this team may help them get over the hump. These guys will be stars at Auburn over the next few years, learning to block and get off blocks is for the coaches to teach. When this team comes together and forms that brotherhood of team is when they will really start to shine. Maybe it will be this week or in the weeks to follow but I think we will all notice the change when it happens. Right now we are seeing glimpses of individual talent which you would expect from a young team. I can't wait to watch this team as they start getting in sync and playing as a unit. War Eagle!!

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Has anyone heard of any player only team meetings in the last two weeks or anyone stepping up more in a leadership role on the team? My thought is that improved chemistry/focus of this team may help them get over the hump. These guys will be stars at Auburn over the next few years, learning to block and get off blocks is for the coaches to teach. When this team comes together and forms that brotherhood of team is when they will really start to shine. Maybe it will be this week or in the weeks to follow but I think we will all notice the change when it happens. Right now we are seeing glimpses of individual talent which you would expect from a young team. I can't wait to watch this team as they start getting in sync and playing as a unit. War Eagle!!


^^^^^AMEN^^^^^^THIS x 1000000000000000000000000)^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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What did he take control of? Did we really look that much better after the half?

From what I recall in the 3rd quarter we put game away... correlation is evident....

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What did he take control of? Did we really look that much better after the half?

From what I recall in the 3rd quarter we put game away... correlation is evident....

AU was a different team in the second half. Did we score 100 points? No. But some steps were taken and they did do a little growing up. Mistakes are made by everyone, even NFL players miss assignments, the key is consistency and that gets better every week. Results come down to execution

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Was listening to the AU/FAU game on the radio saturday and they said Trotter was the one that stood up in the locker room and took control at half time.

If Trotter took control at half time of the Clemson game, he needs to sit down and keep his mouth shut, because it did NOT work!

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Was listening to the AU/FAU game on the radio saturday and they said Trotter was the one that stood up in the locker room and took control at half time.

If Trotter took control at half time of the Clemson game, he needs to sit down and keep his mouth shut, because it did NOT work!

Did anyone mention the clemson game...where in my post did I say clemson???

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Was listening to the AU/FAU game on the radio saturday and they said Trotter was the one that stood up in the locker room and took control at half time.

If Trotter took control at half time of the Clemson game, he needs to sit down and keep his mouth shut, because it did NOT work!

Read before you speak. Your post makes me think you have an ax to grind.  Instead of "ranting", try adding something to a conversation (positive or negative) that isn't an attempt to attack a player. 

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Good thread.  I know we are night and day from last year...and that's not necessarily a bad thing.  I'm experiencing the same thing...literally...with my new group of kids, and truly, there are things to celebrate progress-wise even when not hitting on all cylinders or as fast as I would like.  But aside from that, SC was the one game we were able to get to last year (free tickets, big blessing), and I remember many saying from that point on, "Auburn really broke out in the SC game".  So I would love to see the miracle repeat itself. 

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If Trotter took control at half time of the Clemson game, he needs to sit down and keep his mouth shut, because it did NOT work!

Classy post.

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Was listening to the AU/FAU game on the radio saturday and they said Trotter was the one that stood up in the locker room and took control at half time.

If Trotter took control at half time of the Clemson game, he needs to sit down and keep his mouth shut, because it did NOT work!


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Was listening to the AU/FAU game on the radio saturday and they said Trotter was the one that stood up in the locker room and took control at half time.

If Trotter took control at half time of the Clemson game, he needs to sit down and keep his mouth shut, because it did NOT work!


I hope you didn't injure yourself when you fell off the bandwagon.  :rolleyes:

Let's stand behind our team...people.

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Was listening to the AU/FAU game on the radio saturday and they said Trotter was the one that stood up in the locker room and took control at half time.

If Trotter took control at half time of the Clemson game, he needs to sit down and keep his mouth shut, because it did NOT work!

practice what you preach!!!    :laugh: :laugh:

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