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Great Win For The Defense

Old School Tiger

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I for one, have been a supporter for the defense this season. While at times I have had my doubts about Ted Roof the last two games the defense has shown major improvement. What I saw with the defense reminds me of CGC's defenses at Auburn and Texas, very quick a lot of movement and man coverage. One of the biggest improvements

today was the pressure from the ends and tackles against a veteran O line.

My biggest concern is the offense, we are so base that it looks more like a high school offense. It is taking Trotter way to long to make passes, the O line gave him protection but is broadcasting his passes. Dyer rushed 41 times today and took some major hits, it will be hard for him to keep up the pace. Trotter needs to be replaced, I am not sure that they are confidence that Frazier can make the grade passing, but something has to change. With the field position that the defense gave the offense this game should have been a blow out.

Again I am proud of the defense for the game they played, the offense scares the hell out of me.

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Agreed our defense played lights out, i think alot of it has to do with chizik couple times i seen him and roof toe to toe yelling during timeouts. Our offense was pitiful it was the dyer/omac show today props to the oline as well they played well and the WR were average.

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